
  • Red Dead Redemption fans should expect a third entry in the franchise any time soon.
  • The gap between GTA 5 and GTA 6 hints at a lengthy development cycle for a potential Red Dead Redemption 3.
  • Red Dead Redemption 3 may need to go even bigger to match player expectations and live up to a potential long development timeline.

Red Dead Redemption 3 is just a dream at the moment, but a third mainline game in the Western franchise isn't far out of the realm of possibility. Until there is official confirmation of Red Dead Redemption 3, there is only speculation at this point, but the potential game already has something big in common with another Rockstar title: Grand Theft Auto 6.

GTA 6 has been a long-awaited follow-up to GTA 5, and the time between games has been substantial. GTA 5 was released back in 2013, and by the time GTA 6 launches next year, it will be 12 long years between installments. Although it's great that there is finally a release window for GTA 6, more than a decade is a long time to wait for a new game, and that will likely be the case with Red Dead Redemption 3 as well.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Escapes the Police by Using a Ridiculous Strategy

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player shares how they managed to escape from police attention in a way that's completely unexpected.

GTA 6 Can Give Insight Into a Potential Red Dead Redemption 3 Development Cycle

It's Still Several Years Away

Unfortunately, it seems like Red Dead Redemption 3 will require a lot of patience. Red Dead Redemption 2 is now coming up on its sixth anniversary, and there is still no confirmation of a third chapter in sight. There's no telling what Red Dead Redemption 3 might hold, but it's almost certain that it is still several years away.

Red Dead Redemption 3 Will Likely Be a Long Wait

Not only is there going to be a long span of time between GTA 5 and GTA 6, but it took many years after the former's release for the follow-up to even be confirmed. GTA 6 was finally confirmed in early 2022, a whopping nine years after GTA 5 made its way to gamers. If Rockstar continues this trend, Red Dead Redemption 3 may not even be confirmed by the developer for another three years at that rate.

Red Dead Redemption 2 was a huge game, not just in terms of its success but because of its sheer size. From the map to the incredible detail given to every facet of its world, a third title will need to go even bigger in order to keep up with expectations. GTA 6 is clearly raising the bar with graphics and map size, and that is a big reason why development has taken so long, so it only makes sense for Red Dead Redemption 3 to do the same.

The Future of the Red Dead Redemption Franchise

A Big Mystery

Currently, the future of the Red Dead Redemption franchise is a complete mystery. Red Dead Redemption 2 presented a thoughtful and beautifully crafted Western adventure that naturally left many players wanting more. With the state of the series being kept in the dark at the moment, Red Dead Redemption 3 seems further away than ever. There were several years after GTA 5 when many players felt the same about GTA 6, but it finally came to fruition. Rockstar has built a reputation for crafting vast and immersive worlds, and as game development quickly evolves with each passing day, longer production times are necessary.

How Can Red Dead Redemption 3 Improve on its Predecessor?

Red Dead Redemption 2 was the Game of the Year in 2018 in the eyes of many fans, only being topped by another strong contender in God of War. The game still boasts a healthy number of active players and continues to dazzle with its incredible narrative and exceptional attention to detail. With how flawlessly RDR2 was executed, how can the next installment hope to match, or even improve, on what fans know and love about the franchise?

There will hopefully be a Red Dead Redemption 3 somewhere in the future, but, unfortunately, it won't be for a long time. If the time between GTA 5 and GTA 6's release date is any indication, a third Red Dead Redemption may not launch until 2030. Of course, there is the possibility that Rockstar has been secretly working on Red Dead Redemption 3 for a while, but as of now, there is no solid evidence that this is the case. It's also unlikely that Rockstar would want to release another game too close to GTA 6's launch, which means only time will tell if Red Dead Redemption 3 becomes a reality.