
  • Red Dead Redemption 3 could be another prequel, this time exploring the story of Dutch and Hosea.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 's dialogue often references events from the past, creating a sense of mystery that a prequel could explore further.
  • A prequel about the rise of the Van der Linde Gang and the character of Dutch Van der Linde would provide a new perspective and explain unanswered questions from the sequel.

Red Dead Redemption 2 was a prequel to the original. While it followed a new character, Arthur Morgan, it also expanded the story of the first, making sense of why John Marston was so dedicated to keeping on the straight and narrow and protecting his new life. While the most obvious path for Red Dead Redemption 3 to follow would be the story of John's son, there are a number of other directions the series could take. The most unexpected however would be another prequel, following another member of the Van der Linde Gang: their controversial leader. Red Dead Redemption 2 getting a prequel could work to make its events all the more tragic.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game defined by its cast of characters. When the player first steps into the shoes of Arthur Morgan, the gang is already in decline. The game follows the demise of this found family as feelings for one another sour and bonds between members strengthen and break. Arthur has been with the gang longer than most of the other members, and sees its leaders Dutch and Hosea as father figures. It is this relationship with them that makes Arthur's sacrifice for John so powerful. A prequel about Dutch and Hosea could make this moment and others even more meaningful.

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Red Dead Redemption 2's Whispers of the Past

red-dead-redemption-2 gang on horses

When Arthur walks around the camp of the Van der Linde Gang, he hears and participates in all sorts of conversations. This dialogue frequently reflects on the past, often times on events that took place before the game. The gang is on the run after a failed ferry robbery. This robbery resulted in the tragic death of Jenny Kirk and Davey Callander. When first arriving in Lemoyne, Arthur can go fishing with Dutch and Hosea where they will talk about the past as well. These discussions are littered throughout the game and situations are remembered different by different characters, meaning a prequel would still have some mystery to work with.

The other strong reason for a prequel is that it could function as an inversion of the first two games themes. While Red Dead Redemption and its sequel are about two outlaws making peace with their actions and trying to do some good, a prequel following Dutch and Hosea could do the opposite. An entry in Arthur's journal says that he sees Dutch and Hosea as father figures. While Red Dead Redemption 2 follows the final days of the Van der Linde Gang, a third entry could cover its founding and how Dutch and Hosea became so important to Arthur and the gang. Seeing a young, hopeful Dutch that people still believe in could provide great context for the character.

Dutch Van der Linde is Ripe For Exploring


Dutch Van der Linde served as an antagonist for the first two games, albeit with great nuance in the second one. In spite of this, he is a character that many cast members in the game once respected and even loved. We often hear characters longing for the old days of the Van der Linde Gang. Seeing Dutch in his prime would serve to make his downfall another one of the franchise's many tragedies, all while providing fans with more time with beloved characters. Hosea, Dutch and Arthur all have strong charisma, and seeing these characters together through the rise of the gang would be fun.

On top of a strong foundation with one of gaming's most immersive backstories, a prequel about the Van der Linde gang before the events of RDR2 already has a strong ending: the ferry robbery gone wrong. This long discussed event would serve as the perfect finale for the game, and would answer many questions from the sequel. Red Dead Redemption 3 being a prequel centered around the rise of Dutch Van der Linde would give the series new territory to explore while explaining events players have been left wondering about.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

MORE: Red Dead Redemption 2: The Death of Gertrude Braithwaite Explained