Red Dead Redemption 2 originally launched on October 26, 2018, and came backed with mysteries found throughout the game. Over time, quite a few of these have been solved, but in true Rockstar Games fashion, there's still plenty of odds and ends players have yet to piece together in the western-adventure game. This is nothing new for the developer as the Grand Theft Auto 5 Chiliad Alien mystery took years to be solved (or at least mostly)

Occassionally, there's an update to some of these mysteries, such as the case of princess Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister being somewhat confirmed to exist in game files, yet some of these can go for quite some time without being addressed. As such, here are 10 mysteries in Red Dead Redemption 2 that go unsolved in 2020 (and fingers crossed that's all of them).

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Red Dead Redemption's Strange Man

Strange Man Red Dead Redemption

Likely to always remain a mystery, players can find the Strange Man in both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. In the original, he forces John to complete tasks before an intense third encounter, where the man stands on the spot where John and Abigail Marston are buried. In the second, he's far more mysterious, only appearing in images and paintings, but there's a cabin reportedly owned by him.

The leading thought is that he is meant to represent God, the devil, or death itself somehow in Red Dead Redemption 2, which seems to be the idea behind his role in the original game. However, without any confirmation, it seems likely he will always remain a mystery in the franchise.

The Compasses, Mystery or Random in-game items?

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Many believe this to be a genuine Red Dead Redemption 2 mystery, whereas others believe it to be something random and unrelated. Across the game world, there are a few compasses that do not point north, leading many to believe that they are intended to lead players somewhere, either from one compass to the next or to where they intersect. However, because they are basically the same item in the addictive Red Dead Redemption 2, many think they do not connect. There's been no confirmation, either way, of whether or not these compasses mean anything.

Francis Sinclair Mural

francis sinclair mural

After completing a mission that basically confirms Francis Sinclair is a time traveler, there is a mural left behind that depicts his travels. Time travel itself aside, the mural seems to depict a number of intriguing details of Red Dead Redemption 2. There are some items depicted like the oxen that can be found in the game, while others seemingly depict cities from Grand Theft Auto. Perhaps the most intriguing detail of this mural is the meteorite in Egypt, which could perhaps be a clue as to the third meteorite, a mystery described below, but of course, there's no traveling to Egypt in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2's Meteorite #3

Red Dead Arthur on horseback with gun

There is an in-game meteorite players can find, and each item reduces the effect of hot environments by 10%. There's three of them, but players have only ever been able to find two: one north of Roanoke Valley, one north earth of the Fossilized man. In the past few months, Red Dead Redemption 2 players have been led to think that the third is tied to a random conversation near Valentine of someone's daughter fishing a strange rock from a lake, yet the daughter has not been found, the conversation is hard to catch, and fishing for it doesn't seem to be the answer.

If and when this meteorite is found, it's possible that it could hold answers to other mysteries, but for now, Red Dead Redemption 2 players are left in the dark on this one.

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Missing Princess: Isabeau Kathrina Zinsmeister

Princess Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister

As aforementioned, there was a break in this case at the end of 2019, yet once again, this has seemingly stalemated. What Red Dead Redemption 2 players know about princess Isabeau Kathrina Zinsmeister is that she disappeared 15 years prior to the events of the game. She was 5 years old then, so 20 years old now. She's blonde, has a birthmark on her left cheek, and a birthmark on her right hand.

There is an obsessed camper who has been searching for 7 years, there is a mention of her in the Van Horn Saloon where it's revealed a group of men are searching for her, and there's luggage with her initials on them at the Trading Post. When Red Dead Redemption 2 came to PC, players managed to look through game files and spawn her character model. In other words, she's a legit character that, at one point, could have been in the game.

Whether she genuinely is or not remains to be seen, but there's at least something connected to her. All signs point to the Van Horn Trading Post, yet still no Red Dead Redemption 2 player has managed to actually find her legitimately.

RDR2's Legendary Channel Catfish

rdr2 catfish

There's plenty of fish in the RDR2 sea, but there's nothing quite like the description of the legendary channel catfish. Said to be 180 pounds, it is by and large the biggest catfish in the game...if players could ever find it. It's brought up and mentioned by Jeremy Gill, but players have searched and search never finding it in-game. But much like Princess IKZ's character model, the in-game model for this fish was found by PC players. It appears mutilated and unfinished, meaning this mystery is one that may never be solved, but at the same time, that's not definitive proof that it isn't in the game.

Mount Shann Stone Circle

red dead redemption 2 alien dlc is fake

It's not a true Rockstar Games creation without an alien mystery, and while this one may seem solved, there's still a lot of unknowns when it comes to this Mount Shann mystery in Red Dead Redemption 2. First off, is seeing the alien space craft the end goal or just part of it?

After all, there's a lot of mysterious elements at play here that don't make a lot of sense. There are paintings that are seemingly related, markers of DNA found around the area, how is it connected to its Kuhkowaba worshipers and the idea of time travel, how are the cities depicted on the panoramic map connected to this, what do the lines on the rock carving mean, and how does the note mentioning Mount Shann and its Sundial connect?

It's possible that this is all put here to keep many asking questions in connection to the UFO, but at the same time, that's a lot of work to go into something that doesn't actually exist in Red Dead Redemption 2. As such, it stands to reason that there is more at work here, but players, John Marston, and Arthur Morgan have yet to figure it out to its full extent.

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Where is Gavin in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Gavin Time Traveller

Perhaps one of the most well-known mysteries in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Gavin. Players will find a man named Nigel looking for his friend Gavin, but unlike Princess Isabeau Kathrina Zinsmeister, there have never been any hints as to Gavin's existence. Furthermore, when players undergo the time jump, they can find Nigel who is even more disturbed after so long without his friend. The simple answer here is that he's not in the game, but there's more to this than meets the eye.

First, in support of the lack of Gavin's existence in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's worth mentioning that the character is named Gavin after a voice actor who shares the same name never appeared for Rockstar. If true, that means Gavin is mostly a joke and an Easter egg at that. However, just like with Princess Isabeau and the legendary channel catfish, RDR2 PC players quickly looked into the matter.

...and they found Gavin in the game files. Upon loading his character model, however, players will find that Gavin IS Nigel. There are two explanations here. The most likely scenario is that Nigel was named Gavin in the game files but isn't actually supposed to be Gavin, simply being named for his entire purpose in the game. The less likely but potentially more interesting scenario is that Nigel is Gavin but has some sort of personality disorder. Ultimately, while the case here is mostly shut, it's not likely Rockstar Games will ever give official word on the Gavin mystery.

Giants, Zombies, Vampires, Oh My!

Saint Denis Cropped (1)

This mystery is more of a why instead of a what or where. Throughout the game, Red Dead Redemption 2 players can come across any number of supernatural entities. Players can find a bigfoot/giant, the remains of a bigfoot/giant, come across Night Folk, find the Death Mask from Undead Nightmare, and even come across a vampire in Saint Denis. While most of these are one-offs that are solved, one has to wonder why these were included and if there's anymore to these supernatural incursions.

Is Guarma a Tease for Grand Theft Auto 6?


Ever since Red Dead Redemption 2 released, many have theorized that Guarma was a test for a Grand Theft Auto 6 location (suggesting it would have a lot of jungles). The basis for this idea is that North Yankton in Grand Theft Auto 5 featured a snowy environment, which had a solid presence in Red Dead Redemption 2, and it wouldn't make a lot of sense to create such an intricate environment for a single, short use. As far as this mystery goes and perhaps the others as well, players will simply need to wait for Rockstar's next move.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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