
  • Tommy bears a permanent dent in his skull after a brutal fight with Arthur in RDR2, impacting his behavior later in the game.
  • Players appreciate small details like Arthur silently crying, showcasing the game's intricate character development.
  • A hidden smuggler's tunnel beneath Saint Denis adds to RDR2's rich environmental storytelling, demonstrating ongoing intrigue.

A keen-eyed Red Dead Redemption 2 player has uncovered an astonishing detail about Tommy following his brutal fight with Arthur Morgan. Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, is one of the most immersive open-world games, drawing players into its richly depicted Wild West setting. One of the game's notable features is the depth of its NPCs, who react and evolve based on the player's actions. This attention to detail has led to numerous discoveries by players, even years after the game’s release in 2018.

An early mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 named “Americans at Rest” includes a memorable bar fight between protagonist Arthur Morgan and a massive man named Tommy in Valentine’s saloon. The brawl spills out into the muddy street, where Arthur ultimately gains the upper hand and severely beats Tommy. This encounter is not just a standalone event but has lasting consequences that manifest later in the game, demonstrating Rockstar’s commitment to creating a dynamic and reactive world.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Gets Their Favorite Horse in Real Life

A Red Dead Redemption 2 fan adopts a real-life horse that mirrors their favorite horse breed in the game and posts it online to showcase.

Recently, a Reddit user going by the handle Skogstrol424, pointed out that Tommy's character bears a permanent dent in his skull following the fight with Arthur. During a later mission, “A Quiet Time,” players can observe Tommy in the saloon again, but this time he can only respond with grunts and moans, indicating severe brain damage. This subtle yet impactful detail, corroborated by NPC dialogues commenting on Tommy’s changed behavior, has impressed many in the Red Dead Redemption community, highlighting Rockstar's dedication to realism and continuity.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Points Out Tommy's Head Injury

A remarkable detail about Red Dead Redemption 2's protagonist, Arthur Morgan, has also come to light recently, showcasing the game's intricate attention to character development. A fan discovered that Arthur can silently cry in RDR2 in response to emotional moments, such as being injured or losing a bonded horse. This subtle feature highlights Arthur's complexity and adds layers to his character, reinforcing Rockstar's reputation for creating immersive and detailed gaming experiences.

Another recent discovery by a Red Dead Redemption 2 player has unveiled a hidden tunnel beneath the town, showcasing the game's rich environmental storytelling. The tunnel, found under the Cornwall Freight Yard in Saint Denis, leads to the docks and appears to be a smuggler's passage. This revelation highlights the game's intricate design and the ongoing intrigue it inspires years after its release. This secret passage also plays a role in the Le Tresor Des Morts treasure hunt.

The discovery of Tommy’s condition has sparked discussions among players about the game’s carefully created design. Comments on the Reddit post, which has reached over 4.5K upvotes, show that players appreciate the depth and complexity added by such small details in Red Dead Redemption 2. This level of continuity reinforces the game’s immersive experience, making the world of RDR2 feel truly alive.

red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

RDR2 is a Western-themed action/adventure game by Rockstar. It's a prequel to Red Dead Redemption and stars Arthur Morgan, an outlaw who adventures across the land avoiding and fighting other outlaws, the government, and anyone else looking to cause trouble.

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games
How Long To Beat
50 Hours