Red Dead Redemption 2 contains a great deal of content, and among these activities are legendary animals. These animals are scattered across the map and have specific areas that they spawn in. Killing these animals rewards their pelt and an item used in crafting trinkets and talismans that can help Arthur Morgan's stats.

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The pelts can be sold to the Trapper to make outfits while the fence will take items to make into trinkets and talismans. Some of these legendary animals are locked behind story completion, challenges, and access to the epilogue. In the list of legendary animals there are two bisons, one of them being the legendary White Bison.

10 Warm Clothing

Arthur Morgan riding his horse while wearing the Winter Gunslinger outfit

An important aspect of Red Dead Redemption 2 is wearing the correct clothing. Some areas of the map require Arthur to remain either cool or warm. Being too hot or cold will cause Arthur's core drain rate to increase. Players pursuing the White Bison should prepare for a cold setting.

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Arthur starts the game with several outfits and clothing items at camp. Players can choose one of these warmer outfits or create their own outfit from the clothing provided. Whether they picked a pre-made outfit or made one themselves, players can store saved outfits on their horse.

9 Lake Isabella

The legendary animals have specific spawn areas. The White Bison lives in the Grizzlies West region of Ambarino. Players will find this area somewhat recognizable as it is on the way to Colter, the gang's first camp in the game. Upon reaching the lake a message will appear, notifying the player that they have reached a legendary animal's territory. Snow storms are possible in the area, so players should be ready and keep a keen eye. A White Bison in a snowstorm can be incredibly hard to see and track.

8 Eagle Eye

Arthur Morgan using eagle eye to follow a legendary animal

A common game mechanic in video games nowadays, the eagle eye feature can help do many things. One of these being hunting. Legendary animals leave a golden trail wherever they go. Clues that lead to their location are also highlighted in gold and have a airborne trail to catch the eye. Using eagle eye will help players find the initial trail of the White Bison. Finding three clues to its location will spawn in the White Bison. If the bison runs or is too hard to discern amid the snow, eagle eye will reveal a trail directly to its location.

7 Dead Eye

Arthur Morgan using dead eye

Dead eye is new and improved for Rockstar's latest western. Throughout the game, Arthur's dead eye will improve with certain story missions. The further in the story, the better the dead eye. A new feature of dead eye is the dead eye core. A stat that can be increased through gameplay, items, and character stats. No matter what dead eye level Arthur is at, it is a useful strategy against any legendary animal. Multiple hits to the White Bison's head, neck, or body will put it down quickly. Time also slows during dead eye, allowing for a calm selection of weak points.

6 Stealth

Arthur Morgan and Javier Escuela stealthily crossing a river

A useful skill for hunting in general, stealth is doubly so for legendary animals. It takes some time to find the White Bison, but doing so is easy. Approaching the White Bison stealthily will allow players to get in more accurate and precise shots before the bison runs. Utilizing stealth will also prevent the White Bison from running early and having a possible quick retreat. Legendary animals are capable of killing Arthur or simply running away to a point where the game notifies players that the legendary animal is no longer available.

5 Fortified Cores

The Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye cores in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 has three cores that players need to manage. The White Bison is located in the cold north at Lake Isabella. Weather in the game can have a large impact on Arthur's cores. If the bison manages to run, a fortified stamina core will allow players to keep up with the legendary animal. Fortifying the dead eye core will allow players to have a longer dead eye activation and get more shots off at the bison. Taking a potent miracle cure will fortify all the cores. Special bitters is great for only fortifying the dead eye if the potent miracle cure is too pricey.

4 Horse Cargo

Arthur Morgan carrying a deer carcass to his horse

Horses aren't just for getting around. While hunting, Arthur can place pelts and a single large carcass on his horse. Two small carcasses can be placed on the sides of the horse.

RELATED: Every Horse In Red Dead Redemption 2 Ranked From Worst To Best

The legendary White Bison is worth far more than the average animal and its delivery to the trapper provides ingredients to an outfit. Before going after the White Bison, players should remove any large carcasses or pelts from their horse to assure the collection of the legendary pelt.

3 Powerful Weapons

The pump action shotgun in Red Dead Redemption 2

Legendary animal pelts don't have a quality rating like most animals. Hunting the White Bison with a long scoped rifle or bow may give it enough time to run away as the weapon reloads.

RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2: The 10 Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked

Shotguns loaded with either slug rounds or regular shells are the best strategy. Two shotguns, one loaded with slugs and the other with shells, is a sound strategy. If the bison is close the shells are great for a wide target. If the bison puts distance between itself and the player, then slugs are great for increased accuracy and range.

2 Cover Scent Lotion

Arthur Morgan hunting deer with a bow

There are many precautions when it comes to hunting. One of them is the cover scent lotion. Like it's name suggests, cover scent lotion is a consumable that can be used to eliminate Arthur's scent. Usually when hunting the wind direction determines whether or not an animal can smell Arthur.

1 Fast Travel

Arthur Morgan at his fast travel post

After the White Bison is dead players should head to Colter. The old mining camp is the closest fast travel station. From there fast traveling to either Emerald Station or Saint Denis is recommended. The trapper has stores in Saint Denis and near Emerald Station. If players die with a legendary pelt the pelt will disappear. Players can still go to the trapper and use the pelt for crafting, but will not be able to sell the pelt for a profit.

NEXT: The 10 Most Difficult Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Animals To Hunt