Arthur Morgan is the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2 and is revered among fans. As with most outlaws, though, he makes plenty of questionable decisions. Granted, some of these are dictated by players, but others are choices that the narrative forces upon them. By the end, gamers wish it hadn't.

Red Dead Redemption 2: 17 Things Arthur Morgan Can Do That John Marston Can't

Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 is an upgrade over John Marston from the original. Here are a few things Morgan can do that Marston can't.

RDR2 has several instances where Arthur makes poor choices. Not only do these decisions feel wrong at the moment, but they often leave lasting impacts and hinder him later on. Given the seemingly endless cascade of misery that Morgan endures, players naturally want to go back and caution him against these choices. Alas, that's not an option.

5 Debt Collecting

Dirty Business Yields Dirty Results

Arthur Morgan and debt collecting in Red Dead Redemption 2

Every once in a while, Leopold Strauss calls on Arthur to be a debt collector. This isn't something the protagonist takes pleasure in. Strauss deliberately lends money to desperate people, essentially exploiting their misfortune and naïveté. He then sends his muscle to shake them down. Arthur doesn't believe in taking from those who can barely support themselves, but he still performs his duties for the good of the gang. He soon regrets making that compromise.

The loan shark business brings him nothing but trouble. He runs across no shortage of destitute souls and feels despicable for shaking them down. It's not just the moral depravity that takes a toll, though.

These errands also affect his health. One of the targets is a father too sick to work. In fact, he has tuberculosis and infects Arthur during the collection. This illness ultimately brings the outlaw down. What kills him inside is that it's not even for a worthy cause.

4 Breaking Micah Out

Rescuing An Obvious Traitor Doesn't End Well

Arthur Morgan and Micah Bell in Red Dead Redemption 2

Anyone could see this coming. Micah Bell is a cancerous cist on the face of the gang. He contributes little of value, but he loves to stir up trouble. As such, he's responsible for several run-ins with the law and fights between allies. It's no surprise that he gets himself arrested in Strawberry. Dutch tasks Arthur with getting him out. Against his better judgment, he does just that.

5 Best Games For An Evil Morality Path

With many games containing huge negative consequences for players' evil actions, there are a few games that offer more freedom in this region.

This act has unfortunate ramifications, both immediate and long-term. Micah starts a shootout right after getting free. The ensuing battle kills a bunch of lawmen and wounds several townsfolk. Afterward, he continues whispering in Dutch's ear, sowing discord among the gang, and roping them into misguided schemes. Worst of all, he turns into an informant for the Pinkertons. These sins plant the seeds that destroy the entire group. It all could have been avoided if Arthur had simply left him in jail. Granted, that would mean defying Dutch, which brings up another issue.

3 Going Along With Dutch

Being The Boss' Yes-Man Only Hastened Dutch's Downfall

Dutch and Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur has immense faith in Dutch as both a leader and a paternal figure. As such, he's concerned on multiple levels when the boss takes drastic measures. As the RDR2 progresses, Van der Linde grows more merciless: killing those who cross him, prioritizing vendettas over the greater good, and even sacrificing those closest to him. Arthur goes along out of loyalty, but he could steer Dutch away from such actions. He's in the best position to do so if he'd only show a little backbone.

He does eventually take a firmer stand, but it's too late. By that point, Dutch has fallen out of love with his surrogate son and is unsure who to trust. Rather than respect Arthur's position, the boss abandons him along with anyone else who falls behind. Thus, Morgan's family crumbles before his eyes.

2 Refusing A Romance

Arthur Should Give Love One More Chance—Literally

Arthur and Mary in Red Dead Redemption 2

A particularly personal side story involves Mary Linton, Arthur's former flame who now needs his help. Aiding her reveals that they still love each other. She even offers to pick up where they left off, but Arthur turns her down. He doesn't believe he's suited to a quiet, peaceful life. In addition, he's loyal to the gang and wants to protect it. Sadly, this comes at the cost of his own preservation.

7 Most Stressful Open-World Games

These immersive open-world games can be downright stressful at times for the players.

The fundamental issue is that Arthur doesn't give himself enough credit. He thinks he's unworthy of praise or happiness because of the life he's lived. However, he usually has the best intentions and constantly strives to assist his friends. This outlook makes him more deserving of a happy ending than most Red Dead characters. Besides, who's to say he couldn't live that life? Even if his romance doesn't work out, it still gets him out of the criminal world and gives him a fighting chance. Remaining on the outlaw path is a death sentence.

1 Indulging Eagle Flies

Escalating A War Results In Deaths All Around

Arthur and Eagle Flies in Red Dead Redemption 2

Morgan reluctantly helps numerous colorful characters, but the most disastrous consequences stem from his exploits with Eagle Flies. The son of Rains Fall, the Wapiti chief, this young buck is fed up with the government's broken promises and treaty violations. As a result, he takes matters into his own hands. He raids several facilities and steals important documents. Arthur accompanies him on these expeditions, either ignorant or unconcerned with the pushback.

Only after striking up a friendship with Rains Fall does he consider the impact of these offensives. They earn fierce retaliation from the U.S. Army. Not only does this lead to the death of Eagle Flies, but the tribe must eventually relocate to Canada. Rains Fall's pacifistic approach might have been more constructive. History shows that nonviolent protests are best at changing minds. At the very least, the natives wouldn't have given the Army an excuse to kill them.

red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
Action , Adventure