Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most intricately detailed games ever made. The game is almost 4 years old and has players spending hundreds of hours exploring its vast open-world. Despite this, there are still Easter eggs and obscure details being discovered in Red Dead Redemption 2 that have never been noticed before.

These small details help to make Red Dead Redemption 2 so compelling and realistic. In the modern age of gaming when every AAA title is pushing for photorealistic graphics and living breathing game worlds, Red Dead Redemption 2 still manages to feel like a jump forward, even when compared to games released today.

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Another of the game's many hidden details has been discovered by a player and shared on Reddit after bringing a stolen train to Emerald Ranch. This is a location in the Heartlands area near Valentine, and is also where players can find a fence character named Seamus, first introduced to the player during a story mission where they are tasked with stealing a stagecoach. From then on, the player can sell stolen stagecoaches to Seamus, along with other stolen items which regular merchants in RDR2 won't buy. But Seamus will not buy everything the player is willing to steal, as was recently found out by Reddit user Whiskey3Tango.

The Reddit user shared the response they received from the fence when they had stolen a train and stopped it outside Emerald Ranch. The tracks run near the barn where players would usually park their ill-gotten wagons for Seamus, and where the fence would usually have a line of dialogue about the item being brought in. Trains are something Seamus is unwilling to buy, however, with him commenting, "That’s of no value to me! Bring me something I can actually sell."

It is unclear whether the dialogue is specifically for the stolen train or whether the game had just recognized the player was in a vehicle that couldn’t be sold at a fence. There are other vehicles fences aren't willing to pay for, such as police wagons and prison wagons, so it may just be an oversight by Rockstar that a stolen train can be brought within a close enough range to Seamus to prompt a response. This also isn't the first mystery found in Red Dead Redemption 2’s Emerald Ranch location.

The Reddit user discovered this detail after putting 320 hours of playtime into Red Dead Redemption 2. Whether the dialogue is an intentional Easter egg or not, this detail is still a testament to how many hidden secrets there are to find in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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