A Red Dead Redemption 2 player has committed what they feel is the most sadistic act possible in-game. Red Dead Redemption 2 gives players the freedom to act however they want in Rockstar's depiction of the American West, but some use this to commit acts of evil.

When Red Dead Redemption 2 was first released, players were blown away by what the game allowed them to do. The same could be said for the original title, though the 2018 sequel took this to a whole new level. Over the years, this freedom has manifested itself in the form of many interesting experiments by the game's community. Some are completely innocent, like the players who were seeing how chunky they could make Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2. The game has shown itself to be the ultimate Wild West sandbox, and it will remain exactly that unless some strong competition can come along over the next few years.

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The Reddit post by user NPCpranks_ shows the player trapping a group of NPCs in a large carriage before shooting it into the sea, drowning the group. It’s certainly an act that would come at a huge cost to honor in Red Dead Redemption 2. Others in the thread shared their own sadistic acts in the game, and they didn’t hold back. One player even declared themselves the “Saint Denis slasher." Some claimed that the worst thing they'd done in the game was stolen a horse, a far cry from some of the acts being discussed by the gamers.

Gamers are always getting up to mischief in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, but sometimes the game can bite back. One Red Dead Online player even received an instant dose of karma after they committed a cruel act to an animal, showcasing why it doesn't always pay to be evil, even in the Wild West. As the closest thing to a cowboy simulator that gamers have, it's certainly interesting to see how players act whenever they're placed in that role, especially when other real players are involved in Red Dead Online.

It's lucky that the game offers players such freedom, as for players looking for the premiere cowboy experience, it's likely Red Dead Redemption 2 will be the main destination for some time. While Red Dead Redemption 3 will probably happen one day, Rockstar's focus on GTA 6 means that it will be some years before gamers get their hands on a sequel. Ultimately, it's been a decade since the last GTA game, so it's fair to assume the studio is putting all its resources there. Still, for fans of the Red Dead Redemption games, the wait will be painful.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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