A recent clip of Red Dead Redemption 2 shows that Sadie Adler has some serious road rage problems. Red Dead Redemption 2 features a huge cast of memorable characters, with some standing out as fan favorites. Protagonist Arthur Morgan has easily become one of the most beloved video game characters of all time since Red Dead Redemption 2's release in 2018, but members of his supporting cast have become plenty popular in their own right.

This article will have MAJOR SPOILERS for Red Dead Redemption 2

One of the most popular characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Sadie Adler. Adler's husband is killed by the O'Driscolls shortly before the events of the game, and players get to witness her evolution from heartbroken widow to a rage-fueled gunslinger out for revenge. Once Adler's crusade against the O'Driscolls is over and the Van der Linde gang effectively breaks up, she puts her skills to good use by becoming a bounty hunter.

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In Red Dead Redemption 2's lengthy Epilogue, players take control of John Marston years after Arthur's story is over. John and Sadie reunite, completing bounty hunting missions together and working together to hunt down the traitorous Micah Bell. While Sadie isn't nearly as angry in the Epilogue as she was when hunting down the O'Driscolls, she definintely still has some unresolved rage issues. This is evidenced by a clip uploaded to Reddit by user LowList3112 shows Sadie respond to getting knocked off her horse by pulling out a gun and shooting an innocent bystander.

In the clip, John and Sadie are talking while riding on horseback. Sadie is riding near a horse-drawn wagon, while another individual on a horse approaches her from the other side. The view is somewhat obscured, but what appears to happen is that the person on the horse accidentally bumps into Sadie, knocking her to the ground. They trot away, and for some reason Sadie decides to kill the person driving the wagon. The wagon's horses panic and flee, as one might expect.

Sadie has plenty of good reasons to be angry throughout most of Red Dead Redemption 2's story, but few could justify this extreme reaction, especially since she seemingly kills an innocent person who isn't even responsible for knocking her over. Of course, it's possible that the person on the wagon had more to do with knocking Sadie off her horse than what the clip shows, but it's difficult to tell for sure without seeing the incident from a different angle.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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