Red Dead Redemption 2 focuses on various individuals of the Dutch Van Der Linde Gang, though for obvious reasons, Arthur Morgan and John Marston get the most attention. Yet, when it comes to raw character growth and development, it's clear that Sadie Adler stands above her contemporaries.

It's worth mentioning that she was never technically identified as a member of the gang, as she never had any wanted posters and was able to resume work under the law in the latter sections of Red Dead Redemption 2. However, that doesn't make her any less of an outlaw than Arthur or John.

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She Escapes the Past, Kind Of

red dead online sadie adler update

Ultimately, the past defines both John and Arthur throughout their perspective character developments. John's death in Red Dead Redemption 1 is a direct result of being a part of the Dutch Van Der Linde Gang and the events that playout in Red Dead 2. Arthur, at the same time, is so blindly loyal to Dutch and the gang that he doesn't begin to question Dutch's "plans" until it is too late.

On the other hand, Sadie manages to get out alive (as far as we know) and let go of the tragic death of her husband at the beginning of Red Dead Redemption 2. That's not to say she didn't get the vengeance she swore, as she most certainly did, but the past did not come to define her character's narrative end. In this regard, Sadie's life can be described as being ahead of her, as opposed to the past catching up to both Arthur and John.

No Redemption Arc

Sadie Adler Red Dead Redemption 2

This may seem contradictory, given that redemption is in the title of RDR, but the very fact that Sadie Adler does not have a redemption arc bolsters her above both John and Arthur. Ultimately, their story arcs end with each of them being a changed man, if shortly, before atoning, yet Sadie clearly cares not about atoning. She is cruel, crude, rough, and tough, taking on anything and everyone in the way fans would expect a dramatic outlaw too, and she never apologizes for it. Whereas the Wild West and the changing world seemingly define Arthur and John, Sadie more or less defines the Wild West in Red Dead Redemption 2.

While Everyone's on Vacation at Guarma...

rdr2 sadie

At one point in the story, various members of the Dutch Van Der Linde Gang end up on Guarma, leaving the women and children of the gang alone. It's during this time that Sadie really shows what she's made of, working with Charles to make sure everyone is taking caren of. She evacuates Shady Belle, moving everyone to Lakay, and even steals the bodies of Hosea Matthews and Lenny Summers to properly bury them.

She also secures a way for everyone to reunite, also helping with the Pinkerton assault that happens shortly after. Then, when Dutch refuses to help John, she steps up to help Abigail and Arthur Morgan see him to safety. Truly, during this gameplay segment and despite the fact that most of this happened in passing, it was Sadie's time to shine in Red Dead Redemption 2.

The End of the O'Driscolls

rdr2 sadie adler and her hat

The Dutch Van Der Linde Gang and the O'Driscolls have been sworn enemies for the longest time, so much so in fact that Dutch ensures that Colm O'Driscoll doesn't escape his hanging (again) during the events of RDR2. Strangely, though, Dutch doesn't really move to end the gang once and for all, truly only having an issue with Colm. It is Sadie that convinces Arthur to help her exact her revenge, finishing off the crew and "the fat man" who killed her husband. For players, Arthur, and Dutch, this was perhaps just an aside in the story of Red Dead 2, but it's one that shows how strong of a character Sadie Adler actually is.

Sadie the Bounty Hunter

rdr2 sadie gun

After the Dutch Van Der Linde gang disbands, it's simple enough for many to tuck their tails between their legs and change. Yet that's not at all what Sadie does. While she becomes a bounty hunter, working for the law instead of against it, she doesn't only remain true to herself but also becomes a reputable and successful hunter. Her willingness to adapt yet remain faithful is a true testament of the strength and will of her character in one of the best video game sequels of the decade, Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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