
  • The player needs the best weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 for survival and to turn the tide in battles.
  • Using the right weapon for the right situation is crucial to make gameplay easier and more enjoyable.
  • Some of the best weapons, like the Elephant Rifle, offer high power but come with limitations that players must consider.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, the player is largely responsible for their safety and serving justice in the Wild West. To do this, players will need the best weapons to ensure their survival and that they’re the most dangerous man in the room when things inevitably go south. While many weapons are entirely situational, some prove to be the best to have for many situations, and players are either confident experts or total fools not to have these in their arsenal.

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After all, gameplay in Red Dead Redemption 2 is hard or as easy as players make for themselves. Not making the most of the arsenal in the game and sticking to boring and ineffective weapons over and over again will make firefights more challenging than they should be. As a result, it's the player's duty to help Arthur gather a wealth of effective weaponry that they can use to turn the tide of battle and make things easier for themselves during some of the game's more action-packed segments, of which there are many.

Updated on March 18, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the greatest open-world games ever made. Rockstar went all out in the development of this prequel to the original title that focused on the frayed bonds of Dutch's gang and how they eventually get tested to their limits after a string of tragedies affects the group time and time again. Players will fall in love with the amazing character of Arthur Morgan, with his roughshod manner of speaking and intellect making him a fan favorite in every way. As players embark on many adventures in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2, they will eventually come into contact with several enemies that require the toughest firearms and weapons around to be disposed of.

26 Tomahawk

A Strong, Fast Projectile Weapon That Requires The Utmost Precision

The Tomahawk in Red Dead Redemption 2







Using a tomahawk in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be pretty challenging since players need to aim this projectile weapon with pinpoint accuracy for it to be the most effective. This can make it tricky to throw this weapon during an intense firefight where players need to stay in cover for extended periods of time.

However, players who get the hang of this ranged weapon will find it to be pretty fun to use in combat. Watching an enemy drop to the ground after being hit by a tomahawk is always satisfying.

25 Cattleman Revolver

A Weapon Arthur Has From The Very Start Of The Game

Arthur Morgan Firing His Cattleman Revolver





Rate of Fire


The first revolver the player will ever get a hold of is surprisingly one of the best revolvers and a solid gun to keep throughout the game. It has a surprisingly adequate range for a handgun, and the high fire rate means players get a few rounds into their enemies before they can react.

Admittedly, it is quickly outclassed because of its damage, but if players dual-wield two of these revolvers, they can remain a threat long into the endgame. But, even wielding one revolver, players can quickly fan the hammer and have a great fire rate to overcome those weaker bullets.

24 Semi-Automatic Pistol

A Rapid-Fire Weapon That's Balanced With Low Damage Per Shot

Semi-Automatic Pistol in Red Dead Online





Rate of Fire

Very High

This pistol may not be as good as a revolver or shotgun in close-quarters combat, but it’s a great weapon for horseback riding, as players can fire off quite a few shots and quickly reload for another attack. It also has a semi-decent range for a pistol, meaning players can hold their own in mid-range combat.

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Perhaps its only weakness is that it’s very expensive, and it can be very hard to find pistol ammo in the game. Still, if players have a stash of these bullets lying around, they can do a lot of damage and have a lot of fun with this weapon.

23 Otis Miller's Revolver

A Unique Schofield Revolved That Belonged To Otis Miller

Otis Miller's Revolver from Red Dead Redemption 2





Rate of Fire


Otis Miller is a legendary gunslinger in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. It's easy to see why finding one of his elaborate firearms makes it fun for players to channel their vain side and shoot down enemies in style.

The fact that unique weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 can't be upgraded is a huge downside that can irritate fans quite a bit. Still, it's a small price to pay for owning a weapon that looks great and does its job in battle. Players must head to Rattlesnake Hollow in Cholla Springs as a part of a treasure hunt if they wish to find this revolver.

22 Calloway's Revolver

Jim "Boy" Calloway's Schofield Revolver

Calloway's Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2





Rate of Fire


Canis Canem Edit is a Latin phrase that fans of Rockstar's Bully may be familiar with. So, it's nice to see this game get a nod in Red Dead Redemption 2, even if it may be in something as simple as a unique revolver that players can get after shooting down Jim Calloway himself during the final duel of "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman."

It's a simple gun that doesn't have anything unique to boast about from a gameplay perspective, but most fans won't mind. As long as players love the reference and use it as intended in battle without expecting too much of it, Calloway's Revolver will be a decent firearm to get their hands on in the game.

21 Flaco’s Revolver

A Unique Cattleman Revolver Previously Owned By Flaco Hernandez

Flaco’s Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2





Rate of Fire


The nice thing about this weapon is that it’s obtained from a side quest, and upgrading requires simply using it. This gives it an advantage over other weapons that would require significant cash upfront to obtain, and then more cash to modify and upgrade.

Red Dead Online: Best Revolvers, Ranked

Players who want to be fearsome gunslingers in Red Dead Online can't go wrong with this selection of mighty revolvers.

This revolver also has great accuracy for a gun of its caliber, meaning players can get the drop on revolver-wielding enemies a lot sooner and pick them off while they struggle to hit them. Dual-wielding this weapon with another revolver makes the player one of the best gunslingers in the West.

20 Midnight’s Pistol

A Unique Mauser Pistol Previously Owned By Billy Midnight

Midnight’s Pistol in Red Dead Redemption 2





Rate of Fire

Very High

This gun belongs to one of the most infamous gunslingers in the West. While he may or may not deserve the title, given the mysterious circumstances around his opponent's death, his gun is one of the best handguns a gunslinger could own.

This gold-plated beauty has some solid stats, with a great fire rate and reload speed even when dual-wielded with something else. It really shines if the player dedicates some time to upgrading it, as it has great accuracy.

19 Schofield Revolver

A Great Well-Rounded Handgun That Is Pretty Effective When Dual-Wielded

Dutch's Schofield Revolvers in Red Dead Online





Rate of Fire


Players who want to be powerful dual-wielding gunslingers should definitely try out the Schofield Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2. The gun features both excellent damage and high accuracy.

That being said, the Schofield Revolver does suffer from a low rate of fire, so players should be wary of this before going all out with this weapon against many thugs. Aside from this small weakness, the Schofield Revolver is a brilliant weapon.

18 Elephant Rifle

A Deadly Weapon That Punishes Players For Missing A Shot

Elephant Rifle in Red Dead Online


Very High



Rate of Fire

Very Slow

The Elephant Rifle is a double-edged sword. On one hand, the sheer amount of damage this rifle can unleash in a single shot is nothing short of breathtaking and makes it clear why so many players have tried this rifle out at least once. However, the tradeoff for all this power is the restriction of a single bullet that needs to be loaded in after every shot, coupled with a low range that can prove to be deadly for Arthur if he misses his shot and is left vulnerable.

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As a result, it can be hard to recommend the Elephant Rifle for players who want a reliable weapon that doesn't leave them hung out to dry after a single miss. Still, players who want to flex their shooting skills and take out an enemy in the most disrespectful manner possible will love how easy it is to humiliate enemies with the Elephant Rifle.

17 Double-Barreled Shotgun

A Deadly Weapon That Punishes Players For Missing A Shot

Red Dead Online Double-Barreled Shotgun With Customizations





Rate of Fire


The shotguns in Red Dead Redemption 2 are all pretty satisfying to use, but some are definitely better than others. The double-barreled shotgun is certainly one of the most powerful weapons in the game that can knock enemies off their feet in no time flat.

However, the encounters where this weapon is useful are quite situational because of its limited ammunition capacity and slow fire rate. Missing a show is also heavily punished, meaning that only accurate players who are prudent about getting to cover at critical moments can make the most of this weapon.

16 Bow

A Silent Weapon Perfect For Hunting Down Animals

Eagle Flies Wielding A Bow & Arrow From Red Dead Redemption 2





Rate of Fire


Players who want to opt for a stealthier approach should try using the bow in battle. Sneaking around and bagging headshots makes for a great time indeed.

Unfortunately, using this weapon in a shootout is pretty problematic, mainly due to its low rate of fire. Players should just switch over to a gun if their cover's been blown... unless they're feeling more daring than usual, that is.

15 Bolt Action Rifle

A Hard-Hitting Rifle With A Low Rate Of Fire

Red Dead Redemption 2 a character holding the bolt action rifle with stats





Rate of Fire


Versatile weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 are important so that players don't have to worry too much about the weapon they bring out in a firefight. After all, it's always possible to panic and take out a shotgun instead of a long-range weapon while trying to pick off enemies from a distance. As a result, any player who can whip out a rifle in combat without worrying about these additional parameters will be at an advantage.

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This is why the Bolt Action Rifle ends up being so useful in combat since it can be pretty good at medium to long ranges. Given that most of the combat encounters in Red Dead Redemption 2 occur at significant ranges, players will have their bases covered and then some! It's always satisfying to nail a hit with this weapon, although reloading can be a bit of a pain.

14 Evans Repeater

A Weapon Arthur Has From The Very Start Of The Game

Evans Repeater in Red Dead Redemption 2





Rate of Fire


Repeaters are some of the best weapons in RDR2 that players can use. After all, fully automatic weapons were yet to become a reality during the age of the Wild West, which means that fans of modern shooters might get frustrated at the clunky nature of the weaponry in the game. Thankfully, this issue is mostly resolved with the many repeaters that players can use in the game to great effect.

The Evans Repeater is one such weapon that is pretty effective and can potentially carry players to the very end of the game if they master this firearm. However, that would be a boring way to approach the game's combat, and most players would prefer to switch up their loadout a few hours after getting accustomed to this weapon and how it works.

13 LeMat Revolver

A Weapon With Extremely High Damage But A Low Rate Of Fire

LeMat Revolver rdr2





Rate of Fire


Most people would assume that a sidearm like a revolver would pale in comparison to the many rifles that players can obtain and use in the game. While this statement is true to an extent, most players who believe it to be gospel will be singing a completely different tune once they see the bombastic LeMat Revolver in action.

One well-aimed shot from this weapon will be more than enough to prove why this weapon is so monstrously powerful. That being said, the rate of fire is abysmal and the reload speed is egregious, meaning that players who don't make their shots count will potentially sign Arthur off to an early grave because of their carelessness.

12 Springfield Rifle

Perfect For Both Medium And Long-Range Combat

Springfield Rifle in Red Dead Redemption 2


Very High



Rate of Fire


The Springfield Rifle is a great weapon of choice for players to start the game with. The power of this weapon is high but requires precision and cover since the fire rate is low, teaching players the nuances of a firefight in the game.

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Over time, players are bound to move on to bigger and better weapons, but players won't go wrong with relying on the Springfield Rifle. It's just a shame that the Rolling Block Rifle is pretty similar in many ways and outclasses this weapon in terms of effectiveness.

11 Repeating Shotgun

A Harbringer Of Doom In Close-Quarters Combat

Red Dead Redemption 2 Repeating Shotgun in the gunsmith desk





Rate of Fire


Players can't really go wrong with this Red Dead Redemption 2 weapon in close combat encounters, especially due to the decent fire rate of the Repeating Shotgun. This gun can wipe out enemies as long as players accurately shoot their target.

Of course, players should be wary about the reloading time of this weapon and run to cover whenever this happens. As long as players are tactical about running and gunning with this weapon, they'll have a great time indeed!

10 Dynamite

A Reliable Explosive Projectile

Dynamite in Red Dead Redemption 2


Very High





Explosive weapons in any Rockstar title are really fun to mess around with. Despite the technologically backward setting of Red Dead Redemption 2, even this title pulls out weapons that can be quite a blast... literally!

Using dynamite is a great way to take out a group of enemies with ease. It's also pretty satisfying to nail a good throw that makes combat more manageable and entertaining at the same time.

9 Volcanic Pistol

A Guaranteed One-Shot Skill In The Hands Of An Expert Marksman

Volcanic Pistol in Red Dead Online





Rate of Fire


The Volcanic Pistol is easily the best handgun in the game. The sheer damage and stopping power of this weapon rivals some of the most powerful rifles in the game as well!

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However, the weapon's reloading speed and rate of fire are major concerns. Players should be accurate with this weapon instead of firing wildly unless they want to stare at a game over screen sooner rather than later.

8 Rolling Block Rifle

A Scoped Rifle That Essentially Acts As The Game's Sniper Rifle

Rolling Block Rifle Red Dead Online


Very High


Very High

Rate of Fire


The Rolling Block Rifle packs some serious punch right out of the gate, and once fully upgraded, it becomes a thing of legend with its raw firepower, range, and accuracy. Sure, the reload is bad, and the fire rate is even worse, but after players put a few rounds in their enemy, they can take however long they need to reload.

Once fitted with a long scope and a good barrel, the Carcano Rifle becomes one of the best—if not the best—sniper rifles in the game. Players will be switching to something else at close range, but at a distance, they definitely have the advantage.

7 Semi-Auto Shotgun

Perfect For A Firefight With Multiple People At Close Range

Red Dead Online Semi Auto Shotgun





Rate of Fire


If players don’t have the time for those fancy gun draws at ten paces at dawn, then having a shotgun to pump some rounds into their foe’s belly is the way to go, and the Semi-Auto Shotgun is the one they want.

This thing is deadly in close quarters, and it makes for a great hunting weapon with its high accuracy, impressive fire rate, and cone-shaped blast. This will clear a room, drop enemies on horseback, or take down a deer with little effort.