A gamer online has shown off a strange Red Dead Redemption 2 glitch, which puts a gun into Arthur's card lineup during a poker match. Weird Red Dead Redemption 2 glitches are commonplace in the game, but this is one that most will have never seen before.

Over the years, gamers have found a huge amount of glitches in Red Dead Redemption 2. Ultimately, it's inevitable in a game of that scale for some to slip through the cracks. Luckily, the ones that still exist in the game seem to be humorous visual bugs that only add to the experience. One recently-discovered Red Dead Redemption 2 glitch turns rain into blood, turning the Wild West into a more hostile environment than it already is.

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Redditor Unable_Glove_9796 posted the bizarre glitch, which places Arthur's sidearm on the table as the game goes on. It certainly does seem to be a veiled threat to the other players, and given Arthur's $300 in the Poker match to everyone else's $50, it seems to be working a dream. While Red Dead Redemption 2 allows a few ways for each Poker match to finish, this approach could certainly end more dramatically than the rest.

Gamers in the thread were quick to make jokes about the situation, with one player claiming that the "dude next to Arthur must be sweating bullets right now." Another user even shared a great idea for gambling in the game, in which the player would be able to bet their pistol as a wager instead of cash. Given the incredible attention to detail in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's almost surprising that this isn't already a feature in the game. At times, it can seem as though Rockstar thought of every possible situation players could find themselves in, and going broke during a Poker match and wagering a weapon isn't exactly far-fetched.

While players still have a lot to discover and do in Red Dead Redemption 2, there is more good news for fans of the franchise seemingly on the horizon. More evidence of a Red Dead Redemption remaster has appeared online recently, a move that could finally see the original game officially come to PC for the first time. While nothing is confirmed, rumors have swirled about the game's existence for years, and it wouldn't be a massive surprise. If Rockstar could manage to put Red Dead Redemption into the game engine of its sequel, then hype would almost certainly reach critical mass.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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