
  • Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 can silently cry in emotional moments, showcasing his complexity and depth as a character.
  • Rockstar's attention to detail in the game continues to impress players, with subtle features like Arthur's crying adding layers to the experience.
  • Despite being nearly six years old, Red Dead Redemption 2 still surprises players with new discoveries, keeping the game immersive and engaging.

A fan of Red Dead Redemption 2 has noticed a particularly amazing detail when it comes to the game's protagonist, Arthur Morgan. Red Dead Redemption 2 is well known for its attention to detail, and this specific feature pointed out by a fan is a great example.

Rockstar has grown a reputation for building impressive worlds, and one of the best showcases of the studio's care for detail is found in Red Dead Redemption 2. Despite the game being nearly six years old, Red Dead Redemption 2 still continues to be one of the most immersive experiences in gaming for many fans. One of its best aspects is the well-crafted characters that the game contains, especially when it comes to protagonist Arthur Morgan. Since the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, many players have grown to view Arthur as one of the best characters to be featured in recent games, and a subtle detail about him adds even more layers to the protagonist.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Finds Shocking Detail About In-Game Cult

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player online discovers a disturbing detail about the Chelonian cult in-game that most players may not notice.

A Red Dead Redemption 2 fan has pointed out that Arthur can silently cry to himself depending on the circumstances he's put in. Whether it's from being injured or losing a horse he's been closely bonded with, Arthur will actually shed some tears if the situation calls for it. Arthur Morgan is a complex character, and although he doesn't always do the right thing, he ultimately has a big heart.

Fan Notices Interesting Arthur Morgan Detail

The detail is so subtle, it could be easy for players to miss it, but that also makes the detail really special once it's spotted. Although the game was released back in 2018, there are still plenty of details being noticed by Red Dead Redemption 2 players years later. Rockstar's western adventure puts a lot of focus on realism, so it would only be natural for Arthur to cry over the loss of a great horse or sustaining a painful injury. The immense amount of detail Rockstar put into Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to surprise players, and Arthur's instinct to cry based on the situation is a great showcase of the care that was given to the game's development.

As the game grows older, Red Dead Redemption 2's ability to still surprise players is truly impressive. Although the future of the Red Dead Redemption franchise is currently a mystery, it's great that Rockstar has crafted a game that continues to surprise so many players, and the developer's beautifully built world will hopefully continue with a new chapter in the series.

red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games
Action , Adventure