A player has revealed footage of a Red Dead Redemption 2 NPC pulling off an incredible magic trick to save their own life. NPCs in Red Dead Redemption 2 have a reputation for getting into all sorts of mayhem, but this recent clip takes it to a new level.

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 received praise upon release for its incredible realism, with many feeling the developer had set a new gold standard for the open-world genre. However, this clip certainly subverts the idea that the game is totally realistic, with NPCs now seemingly performing out-of-this-world feats in order to avoid death. The Wild West can certainly be a dangerous place, especially in Red Dead Redemption 2, and this NPC represents one of life's survivors. Rockstar's games are known for their comedic streak, and this falls right under that.

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The clip was posted by Redditor Background_Fun1336. In the video, they've hogtied the NPC to a table, and are aimed in, preparing to execute them. As they fire the killing blow, the NPC disappears into thin air, performing a seemingly impossible magic trick. The player understandably then looks around in pure disbelief. There are plenty of Red Dead Redemption 2 glitches, and this is very likely one of them. However, there's no doubt that this is one of the more unique ones, and this NPC's comedic timing can't at all be questioned.

If there's one thing this video definitely displays, it's that Red Dead Redemption 2 still has plenty more to discover about the game. In a game of this scale, there are guaranteed to be plenty of hilarious glitches that will have slipped by the developer's attention over the years. In this particular instance, it's very easy to forget just how dark the scenario is, with John Marston about to execute a bounty hunter in cold blood, though the disappearing act definitely helps to lighten the mood.

Right now, Rockstar's attention seems to be fully on GTA 6, with a full reveal of the game expected at some point in the near future. This, combined with the lack of post-launch content for Red Dead Redemption 2, means that it could be some time before a sequel to the Western title is released. Luckily, Red Dead Redemption 2 is so filled to the brim with detail that the game will still have plenty to offer the gaming community for many years to come.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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