
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 prioritizes realism and immersion, with mods enhancing gameplay mechanics like survival, combat, and exploration.
  • Some mods like Ped Damage Overhaul and Fight Club make gameplay more challenging, while others add new features like bank robberies and playable animals.
  • These mods offer a diverse range of options for players to customize their experience and further immerse themselves in the world of the Wild West.

Broadly speaking, players know what they're getting into with Red Dead Redemption 2. It's a Wild West tale examining the dangerous and complicated lives of the Dutch van der Linde gang. Much like the original title, a great deal of realism regarding gameplay is given a major priority in the sequel. While most people love how immersive the game feels, some argue that too much realism came at the detriment of the gameplay, which felt tedious at times.

10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a pretty straightforward game. But players always make these mistakes when they play.

Nevertheless, mods have a natural tendency to change how a game is played. Some make a game even more realistic, while others are simply ridiculous. Exploring the rabbit hole that characterizes the Red Dead Redemption 2 modding community can take some time, so players can rest assured that this collection of RDR 2 mods is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to altered gameplay.

Updated on April 15, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best video games ever made. Not only did Rockstar wow players with its amazing open world, but its storytelling was also notably improved, permitting players to enjoy one of the finest narratives ever told in a video game. Fans can only hope that Grand Theft Auto 6 continues this tradition of epic storytelling and lets players experience a narrative that is on the same level as Arthur Morgan's journey of redemption. Although Red Dead Redemption 2 is still a fine game, players who check it out on PC will be glad to know that there are several mods available that improve the game considerably. The best of the bunch are downright unmissable for those who want the in-game systems to shine even brighter.

23 Humidity And Temperature Overhaul

Downloads: 42,041

Humidity And Temperature Overhaul mod for Red Dead Redemption 2

The survival mechanics in Red Dead Redemption 2 were a novel concept, but even the most ardent defenders of the game can't argue against the fact that the system isn't used to its full potential. There aren't enough hot or cool areas to really compel players to try and experiment with their outfits, which is a huge waste of a mechanic that could've reached the same heights as Breath of the Wild when it came to forcing players to figure out innovative solutions to combat extreme temperatures.

With this mod, players not only have to change their outfits more frequently, but they also have to switch up their layers from time to time based on the intensity of the temperature in any given area. It's a great way to add more importance to this mechanic and make the gameplay as dynamic as possible.

22 Camp Anywhere

Downloads: 29,925

Camp Anywhere mod for Red Dead Redemption 2

Camping is a pretty novel mechanic in Red Dead Redemption 2, but there's no denying that the act of setting up camp is as restrictive as it comes. Players can't camp wherever they want, which is understandable given the errors this can cause, but there are other restrictions that make less sense.

With this mod, not only can players camp anywhere they wish, but they can also generate certain aspects of the camp without going for the full shebang every single time. As long as players don't intentionally try to break the game with this mod, they'll be more than impressed by its amazing capabilities.

21 Ped Damage Overhaul

Downloads: 424,982

Ped Damage Overhaul mod for Red Dead Redemption 2

Combat in Red Dead Redemption 2 is certainly one of the game's highlights, with the many cinematic firefights in this title being as engaging as they come. Gamers who want to make this aspect of the game even more hardcore and realistic can download a mod that makes every firefight a tactical affair where a single mistake can lead to the player's demise.

Red Dead Redemption: Best Female Characters, Ranked

The Wild West of the Red Dead Redemption series features some incredible female characters deserving of respect and even fear.

Ped Damage Overhaul reduces anyone's tendency to be bullet sponges, ensuring that enemies can be downed in a few shots instead of tanking numerous hits without facing so much as an inconvenience. This also makes Arthur pretty fragile, and a single well-placed headshot is all it takes for the player to be taken out in a tense firefight, encouraging a careful approach to any combat scenario.

20 MiniNPCs

Downloads: 1,711

Mini NPC mod for Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur is already a rather large and intimidating fellow. He can hold his own in a fight, whether it's with guns or his fists. However, for those who want to see Arthur truly dominate a fight, they may want to consider the MiniNPCs mod.

There are a few customization options in this mod, one of which makes NPCs ridiculously puny. Arthur, who remains the same size, now appears massive. If players ever wanted to feel like the Jolly Green Giant in a game, this mod should be at the top of their download list.

19 Telekinesis

Downloads: 5,637

Arthur Using Telekinesis In Red Dead Redemption 2

Gamers don't always have to settle for realism. For those who get tired of dispatching enemies the normal way, there's no shortage of wacky death-dealing mods available to download for Red Dead Redemption 2. One of the more interesting choices is assuredly the Telekinesis mod.

Arthur doesn't need traditional firearms with this mod. Instead, he utilizes the power of his mind. Objects and NPCs can be grasped and flung across the map with humorous effect. With this mod, enemies won't know what hit them.

18 No Honor System

Downloads: 8,923

Arthur Morgan with his back to a grave in Red Dead Redemption 2

The Honor system in Red Dead Redemption 2 may get the job done in the majority of instances, but there are times when players might feel like this system restricts them a bit too much for their own good. Some people go so far as to call this system dated, which is a pretty sound argument given how the concept of morality being black and white isn't as prevalent in video games as it once was.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Every Companion Item Request (& Where To Find Them)

Locating requested items for your fellow gang members in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be tricky, so here is a guide to every task they set you.

With this mod, the protagonist doesn't gain or lose honor based on their actions, which allows players to go completely berserk. They can kill and rob as much as they want without having to worry about their morals being judged by the game. That said, players should use cheats to set their honor at an acceptable level before downloading this mod if they don't want Arthur's character to remain static throughout the game.

17 Riot Mode

Downloads: 7,874

Arthur & Two Police Officers In Red Dead Redemption 2

Although the setting of Red Dead Redemption 2 is quite dangerous, there does exist some semblance of order. People can't just do anything they want. There are consequences to one's actions in that law enforcement officers will pursue the player when the rules are broken.

However, with the Riot Mode mod activated, everyone in the game world is transformed into a raving lunatic. NPCs will constantly attack each other as well as the player. It can almost be treated as a sort of survival mode, allowing fans to see how long they last while everyone is out to kill them.

16 Ride With Gang

Downloads: 22,847

Arthur & The Van Der Linde Gang From Red Dead Redemption 2

Being part of an outlaw gang is a pretty interesting concept. Red Dead Redemption 2 does a very good job of making players feel as if they are part of a functioning organization. Much of this is achieved through story content, however. While free-roaming, Arthur must often travel alone.

The Ride With Gang mod fixes that problem. Now, instead of being a solo act while exploring, Arthur can rely on the support of his fellow gang members. They effectively act as followers, assisting the player as allies in a fight. It's a nice touch that changes how one approaches free roaming.

15 Complete Horse Overhaul

Downloads: 27,038

Arthur Morgan on a horse in Red Dead Redemption 2

Horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 are important since players need the trust of their loyal steed to traverse the open world without too many problems. After all, the map of this game is gigantic, and trying to explore the world on foot will prove to be one of the most painful things that players can ever attempt.

The 18 Rarest Encounters In Red Dead Redemption 2

Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 is such a huge game, certain things will naturally be missed. What are the rarest encounters in the Western?

However, some players may get bored of the vanilla horses in the game, and this mod can prove to be a lifesaver in this regard. With it, players can check out entirely new horse breeds with reworked stats and looks. It increases the variety of the many steeds players can tame in Red Dead Redemption 2, and horse enthusiasts are sure to love it.

14 Fight Club

Downloads: 26,044

Arthur Morgan getting punched in Red Dead Redemption 2

Everybody knows the first rule of Fight Club. What players of Red Dead Redemption 2 may not know, however, is that a Fight Club mod exists. Similar to other games, such as The Witcher 3, this mod adds a brawling mini-game.

Players can duke it out with any NPC in the game by spawning them instantly. Fights can be fought in rounds, with each successive one getting harder. Fight Club can take place anywhere, wherever the player chooses.

13 Bandit Hideouts

Downloads: 72,572

Bandit Hideouts mod for Red Dead Redemption 2

Players who want to make the open-world exploration of Red Dead Redemption 2 more action-packed and engaging than ever before should check out the Bandit Hideouts mod, which does a great job of introducing camps with bandits who are relentless in their pursuit of the player. They'll even go so far as to chase Arthur on horseback if he tries to escape.

On top of this addition, the mod adds bandit encounters all over the map, forcing the player to adapt to the situation whenever they get dragged into combat. To make things easier for themselves, players can hire gunmen at saloons to ensure their safety when traversing the open world while also being able to tackle a bandit hideout with a group of pistol-wielding cowboys if they wish.

12 Injuries Overhaul

Downloads: 51,454

Injuries Overhaul Mod From Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 already incorporates a satisfying level of realism and immersion. The great thing about mods is that those features can often be expanded even further, offering a more hardcore experience for gamers who want to embrace a challenge.

Red Dead Redemption 2: 20 Powerful Quotes By Arthur Morgan

As the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur has made some powerful statements that resonate with players.

The Injuries Overhaul mod makes combat much deadlier than it is in the base game. The mod adds four injury types (hand, head, legs, and wounds) that can have a drastic impact on how players approach a fight. Hand injuries, for example, affect Arthur's ability to aim. It's a cool mod that adds an extra layer of complexity to gunfights.

11 Immersive Scenarios

Downloads: 63,360

Immersive Scenarios mod for Red Dead Redemption 2

Many people feel like Red Dead Redemption 2 leans a little too much into realism for its own good. However, some may argue that the game isn't realistic enough, especially when they see NPCs engaging in cool interactions that Arthur isn't able to replicate. With this mod, this issue is a thing of the past.

The Immersive Scenarios mod allows players to trigger instances where Arthur can engage in complicated interactions when a prompt appears, making it a nifty way for players to immerse themselves in the game. The wealth of animations is immense, even if initiating some of these scenarios can feel a little strange.

10 Instant Travel

Downloads: 61,196

Traveling By Horse In Red Dead Redemption 2

Fast traveling isn't as straightforward in Red Dead Redemption 2 as it is in other open-world sandboxes. Players have to make upgrades to their camp before the ability to fast travel is unlocked. In the meantime, fans will inevitably do a great deal of traveling the old-fashioned way by horse or foot.

However, for players who don't mind breaking some of the immersion, the Instant Travel mod can make arriving at one's destination a speedier process. Fans can instantly travel anywhere with their horse, cutting out quite a bit of the game's filler.

9 Banking: The Old American Art

Downloads: 65,308

John Standing Outside A Bank From Red Dead Redemption 2

Perhaps players don't want to stop at just robbing banks? They do perform a useful function, after all. Another somewhat surprising omission in the vanilla game is the inability to store one's money in a bank. Dying in Red Dead Redemption 2 results in one's wallet taking a hit.

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Graphics can make a good game look great. Regardless of the actual gameplay, here are the games with the most undeniably impressive graphics

That potential loss of money can be avoided with the Banking: The Old American Art mod. It adds yet another feature to banks by making it possible to deposit money into vaults. Fans can sleep more soundly knowing their money is safe from unexpected setbacks. Players should just make sure to refrain from robbing that bank.

8 Gunsmith Business

Downloads: 73,997

Rhodes Gunsmith From Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur Morgan is a man of many talents, but owning a successful business isn't something he can boast about. Granted, players can rob plenty of businesses, but that's about it. Unsurprisingly, the ability to own a shop is made possible through the use of mods.

One of the more interesting (albeit unfinished) examples of this feature is the Gunsmith Business mod. As its name suggests, this mod allows Arthur to purchase one of the gun shops in the game world and manage it like his own business. Players can set their prices, acquire inventory, establish a reputation, and much more.

7 RDR – Contracts

Downloads: 119,941

Arthur Morgan aiming his gun at an NPC in Red Dead Redemption 2

Massive, open-world titles are very rarely lacking in things to do. A completionist run of Red Dead Redemption 2 can take hundreds of hours easily. Yet, with a game as good as this, players are often left wanting more. Luckily, mods typically come to the rescue in that department.

The RDR-Contracts mod adds a slew of new activities in a lore-friendly manner. It adds over twenty-two auto-generated assassination missions to the game. Each one is unique and offers multiple variations in how to complete them. For those thirsting for more bounty-hunting action, this mod is a great addition to the game.

6 Basic Needs

Downloads: 146,563

Arthur Morgan From Red Dead Redemption 2

Fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 are well aware of the various core meters. They affect certain gameplay elements, such as Deadeye mode, Stamina, and even weight. Keeping these meters full through activities such as eating is important for ensuring Arthur stays in top shape.

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Valentine might not be the biggest town in Red Dead Redemption 2, but it's full of secrets and surprises.

The Basic Needs mod adds even more realism to the proceedings. With this mod, Arthur must now manage hunger, thirst, and even urination. Neglecting these basic human needs results in stiff penalties to Arthur's regular cores and eventually death. If players don't think the game is enough of a simulation, then this mod is perfect for them.

5 Duels

Downloads: 187,620

Arthur Morgan Dueling In Red Dead Redemption 2

Dueling is one of the most iconic acts of any Western film or TV show. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur can set out on a series of side missions that involve dueling famous gunslingers. It's a pretty neat feature, one that intensifies the drama a great deal.

The simply named Duels mod expands the scope of this feature quite a bit. With this mod, fans can challenge any NPC to a duel, which opens up plenty of additional roleplaying opportunities for them to experience. After all, players should know whether Arthur is the fastest draw in the West.

4 Open All Interiors

Downloads: 210,782

An open door to a mansion in Red Dead Redemption 2

The brilliance of Red Dead Redemption 2's exploration can't be overstated. Discovering new visual landmarks, legendary animals, and hidden interactions never ceases to be engaging. However, some fans complain that the game doesn't have too many interior locations to explore. With this mod, players who want to explore the indoor areas of Red Dead Redemption 2 will be able to enjoy just that.

The sheer amount of detail that Rockstar has crammed into this open world should be celebrated, and this mod helps players appreciate the endeavors of this dedicated developer even more. Every corner of Red Dead Redemption 2 is loaded with so many things to do that fans can't help but get lost in this amazing world.