For how much popularity and success Red Dead Redemption 2 has received over the years, it's not without its fair share of shortcomings. Whenever a studio produces a game that is as ambitious and grand as Red Dead Redemption 2, there's bound to be a multitude of technical issues that manage to slip through the cracks. However, many of these technical hiccups can be quite hilarious.

Despite the game releasing over three years ago, players have still managed to encounter a wide variety of glitches and bugs within Red Dead Redemption 2. Many of these are quite similar to one another, with the bridge glitch that causes characters like Arthur Morgan to go flying being one of the more common occurrences. However, this most recent glitch involves John Marston falling through the ground.

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Over on Reddit, a user named hwj_00ng encountered an extremely bizarre glitch where, after taking a few steps forward, John Marston clips through the ground and causes the player to fail the mission. The reason the game gives the player for failing the mission is the player abandoned John, but that's likely due to John's character model falling through the ground and getting further and further away from the player.

It's clear that Rockstar Games has spent a lot of time patching Red Dead Redemption 2 since its launch back in 2018, but given the sheer size and scale of Red Dead Redemption 2's missions and open-world content, it's incredibly difficult to account for every glitch still present within the game. That said, posting gameplay footage or even memes of glitches and bugs online does draw attention to them and allows Rockstar to notice and address problems like this one.

It's amazing just how much popularity Red Dead Redemption 2 has managed to retain since it first released. The launch of the PS5 and the Xbox Series X has also caused many fans to ask for a next-gen patch for Red Dead Redemption 2. Whether Red Dead Redemption 2 will be receiving any sort of patch remains to be seen, but given the release of the Grand Theft Auto 5 next-gen patch, there is a possibility that Red Dead Redemption 2 will receive the same treatment down the line.

In any case, it will be interesting to see what the future holds for Red Dead Redemption going forward. Right now, the bulk of new Red Dead Redemption content has come in the form of Red Dead Online, which fans have enjoyed for quite some time now. However, it's unlikely that a new mainline installment will release anytime soon.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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