Many gamers will agree that Red Dead Redemption 2 has to be one of the most content-heavy games to be released in recent times, as the title features a vast open world filled with hundreds of quests, wildlife, and collectibles. On top of this, players are free to cause all kinds of mayhem across the said extensive map, whether it be bloody bounty hunting, guns-blazing robberies, or reigning straight-up carnage on rival outlaws. However, as this upcoming gamer will prove with their creative Red Dead Redemption 2 fan tribute, the little relaxing activities like fishing are what make the game special.

For the uninitiated, while many gamers pick the Western game up for its lead-slinging action scenes and shootouts, there is still a large portion of the community that agrees that some of the quiet moments like hunting and fishing in Red Dead Redemption 2 are just as fun. However, while fishing as a gameplay feature exists in many adventure games, it is usually thrown in for busy work and gathering collectibles or achievements. Fortunately, fishing in Red Dead Redemption 2 offers a more complex and intricate experience, which is further enhanced by how protagonist Arthur Morgan interacts with the fish he catches.

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Just one of the many details found in Red Dead Redemption 2, players will find that Arthur Morgan will occasionally comment on the type of fish he catches. Sometimes he will describe how large it is, how it looks and feels, or how rare it is within the aquatic kingdom. However, one of the more humorous observations that continue to this day to be meme'd and referenced within the community has to be the comment, "You sir, are a fish!"

Here to hilariously hammer down how legendary this line is within the ever-sprawling Red Dead Redemption 2 fan base, one gamer was gifted a custom mug by their girlfriend that proclaims the iconic quote in huge lettering. Brilliantly hand-crafted through the consumer-to-consumer site Etsy, the ceramic mug comes in a dazzling dark-brown paint job, with the statement fixed inside a scribble square frame. As for the finishing touches, the artist signed the excerpt off with Arthur Morgan's name, along with a complimentary fish model besides the quote to add to the maritime theme.

After the user NoAim_NoProblem shared an image of their custom mug with Reddit, fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 quickly commented, praising the piece. With the post now staggeringly sitting at over 6,000 upvotes, it's very clear that this art homage to the game has to be one of the most popular fan tributes to Red Dead Redemption 2 in recent times.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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