The Horsemen Challenges in Red Dead Redemption 2 are relatively straightforward tasks that most players should be able to complete. However, there are a few tricky challenges that will test the fortitude of gamers. Principally, the long-distance riding challenges are time-consuming and annoying to complete.

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People will need to set aside extra time and try to be patient when attempting the timed trials. This guide will cover all ten of the horsemen challenges and give a few tips and tricks to make completing them easier. Players that follow each section in this guide will be one step closer to unlocking the elusive Legend of the East Outfit.

Run Over Five Rabbits From Horseback


The first challenge is extremely simple. Players need to trample five rabbits while riding their horses. Rabbits are located near Twin Stack Pass and the Heartlands.

Jump Over Three Obstacles In 15 Seconds

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Riding A Horse On A Ridge

Challenge two is also extremely easy. Players just need to find a few fences and jump over them. Three quick jumps later and challenge three is done and dusted. At a certain speed, horses will jump on their own; alternatively, players can press X on the Xbox One or Square on the PS4 to initiate a jump.

Ride From Valentine To Rhodes In Less Than Five Minutes

arthur equipping item on horse

Players will need a fast horse for all of the timed challenges. The Rose Gray Arabian or the Black Arabian horses are good options while completing these missions. Both horses have the necessary speed and stamina to get the job done. Gamers will want to have plenty of stamina tonics to keep their horses running as fast as possible. Before setting off, it is always a good idea to save and feed the horse.

Challenge four is relatively straightforward, as long as players prepare properly. People that follow the roads and use stamina regen tonics will arrive with at least a minute to spare.

While Mounted, Drag A Victim For 3,300 Feet Using Your Lasso

1 reinforced lasso Red Dead Online

Gamers can just lasso the nearest NPC in Rhodes and drag them until the notification appears. Players should complete challenge five in just a couple of minutes. Equip the lasso from the weapon wheel, pick someone as a target, and then throw the rope around them while riding a horse. Make sure to keep LT/L2 pressed to keep dragging the victim.

Trample Five Animals While On Horseback

Red Dead Online Race Horse

Gamers will notice that challenge six is even easier than the first challenge. Rabbits are the easiest targets, and players can find them everywhere on the map.

Ride From Strawberry To Saint Denis In Less Than Nine Minutes Without Touching Any Water

Red Dead 2 Train Tracks

Players will need to prepare their tonics, feed their horses, and follow the train tracks to Saint Denis. The train tracks will act as bridges over any body of water along the way. If gamers stay on the tracks, it will take them between six to seven minutes to complete the challenge.

Kill Seven Enemies From Horseback Without Dismounting

Red Dead Online players on horseback wielding a shotgun

Once in Saint Denis, players should ride around town and kill seven townspeople while on horseback. With level four deadeye, this task should be a breeze.

Kill Nine Predators From Horseback

Alligator in Lemoyne Red Dead Online

The easiest predators to kill in the game are alligators. The AI for the creatures is incredibly slow, and gamers can sit back with a sniper and takedown nine of them. Players can head south of Saint Denis and finish this challenge in a few minutes.

Ride From Van Horn To Blackwater In less Than 17 Minutes Without Touching Any Water

red dead redemption remaster

It is possible to complete challenge nine using one of two methods. Gamers can take the mindless route by crossing the Kamassa River to the north, following the train tracks west all the way through Wallace Station. The other option is to traverse the southern part of the map by crossing the Kamassa near Van Horn and riding to Baird's Crossing. Those that take the north route will travel through Big Valley or Strawberry to reach the north end of the Owanjila Dam. Gamers using the southern route can cross Hawke Eye Creek in Strawberry.

Regardless of which route someone takes, they will need to use the bridge that crosses the Owanjila Dam and the Upper Montana River to reach Blackwater. From there, players can ride along the Upper Montana River until they reach the roads in the Great Plains that lead to Blackwater.

Break Every Wild Horse Breed

red dead redemption online multiple horses

The final challenge is time-intensive. Gamers will need to break nine common and rare horse breeds in the game. In any open field on the map, there is usually a pack of wild horses grazing. Players can use their binoculars to scout the breed of each horse to determine whether it is one that needs to be broken.

Once players have identified a pack of horses, they can break each of the breeds in that pack. To expedite the process, people can kill themselves with dynamite and respawn, resulting in new horse breeds occupying the nearby fields. Players can repeat the respawn process until they have found nine different breeds.

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