Developed by Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption 2 serves as Red Dead Redemption's prequel, chronicling the disintegration of the Van der Linde gang as America is consumed by industrialization and the establishment of organized policing. Arthur, who is part of Dutch Van der Linde's gang, can see that his lawless way of life will not be viable for much longer, but he is torn between loyalty to his fracturing gang, and the desire to turn a new leaf. While on the surface it may seem like a cowboy game obsessed with aesthetics more than anything else, Red Dead Redemption 2 reveals itself to be an emotionally driven game offering complex character studies.

Despite having been released in 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2 is still a technical marvel that modern open-world games are inspired by. The game packs an astonishing amount of detail, and to this day, gamers are still finding plenty of details, Easter eggs, and secrets hidden within Red Dead Redemption 2's expansive map. Even after playing the game for hours, it is possible to discover minor combat details that demonstrate just how much care Rockstar took when designing it.

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Red Dead Redemption 2's Horse Combat

red dead redemption 2 arthur morgan horse

As one might expect from a cowboy, Arthur Morgan spends plenty of time on a horse. He can bond with a few horses, and when he owns too many, he can store some of them away in a stable. There are several breeds to discover, and they all come with their own strengths and weaknesses, making horse-taming an in-depth game mechanic that can reap players plenty of rewards once they understand how to make the most of their stallions.

Sometimes, it will be necessary to gallop into battle, and there are a few tips to ensure that Arthur is still a sharpshooter when he is horseback riding. Firstly, it is possible to, from a height, mount a horse in Red Dead Redemption 2, by simply jumping and ensuring the horse is under Arthur's feet. If his jump is aimed correctly, he will automatically mount his horse and be ready to take off, which is useful when he needs to make a quick getaway. Additionally, when Arthur needs to flee from his horse and disappear on foot, it is possible to pick which side Arthur will dismount on by simply flicking the analog stick in that direction.

When enemies get a little too close to Arthur while he is riding, it is possible to kick them using the melee button (Circle on PlayStation, B on Xbox). Sometimes, encounters with strangers will end with them stealing Arthur's horse, but that does not mean players have to go looking for a new horse. If Arthur's bond with his horse is strong enough, he can simply whistle, and the horse will buck the stranger off!

Red Dead Redemption 2's Gun Combat

Red Dead Redemption 2 John Marston shooting gun with full moon in background

Guns are a big part of Red Dead Redemption 2's gameplay, and players will work their way through thousands of bullets throughout the game. Thanks to the ability to customize weapons, it is very easy for players to form bonds with their weapons and to end up having a favorite firearm to pull out when trouble arises. While Red Dead Redemption 2's gunplay is mostly simple, there are a few details that players may have missed.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 strives for realism, and if guns are not cleaned regularly, they will fail to function properly. Perhaps even more impressively, guns that are not cleaned in a long time will begin to emit black smoke when Arthur fires shots. Players will also notice that Arthur has a habit of automatically holstering his weapons when they are not in use, which can be annoying at times when players want them out. However, this is another case of realism, as cowboys would regularly keep their guns holstered to prevent them from getting worn by the elements. If Arthur has a revolver holstered, he can do a cool trick with it by double-tapping L1 on PlayStation or LB on Xbox. The realism of Red Dead Redemption 2's gunplay also extends to its depiction of gore, and players will find that it is possible to shoot the hands and legs off of enemies or even decapitate them.

Melee Combat in Red Dead Redemption 2

bill in bar fight

Sometimes, situations will arise where Arthur does not have his gun on him, or where firing shots would not be wise. In these scenarios, he will have to rely on his fists but, fortunately, there is plenty he can do with them. Getting into fistfights is mostly a matter of blocking and then striking quickly. Attempting to punch too many times without blocking usually results in Arthur's opponent sneaking in a few good punches. Arthur has an advantage once his foes are off their feet, which is why it is a good idea to run and tackle enemies. Once Arthur is on top of a foe, he then has the option to strangle him or pummel his face.

When the going gets tough, players can also make use of throwables such as explosives and Molotov cocktails that create huge flames. While this method may be good at eliminating lots of enemies, it does come with the downside of incinerating all targets, leaving them with nothing lootable. For players who wish for their massacres to yield them profit, scorching their foes might not be the best choice.

The attention to detail present in Red Dead Redemption 2 is staggering, and years later players are still finding odd little inclusions that most players will likely never see, yet the developers decided to include. Recently, a player noticed that if Arthur is shot while downing a tonic, the glass bottle will shatter. While gamers are eager for a new Red Dead Redemption game, the meticulousness of Rockstar's work guarantees that gamers will probably have to wait a long time for the next entry in the series.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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