As with many other open world games, Red Dead Redemption 2 contains its fair share of bugs and glitches. From horses appearing out of the ground to drawers glitching players underneath the map, Red Dead Redemption 2's glitches vary in severity, irritation, and hilarity.

Perhaps the strangest types of glitches are the ones concerning NPCs and the interactions with them. For example, something about a quest with Hosea and hunting rabbits sent a Red Dead Redemption 2 player flying after shooting a rabbit. Perhaps the game was dishing out some karmic justice on the player.

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On a related note, another player encountered a glitch when dealing with an encampment of Red Dead Redemption 2 Lemoyne raiders. In a clip posted to Reddit, the player is shown simply walking up to an encampment of the raiders and killing them one after another. Normally this wouldn't be a strange occurrence, except that during the altercation, none of the raiders fought back. Further, one of the raiders came out of his friend's corpse.

Reddit user pimperhennes was the one who captured the strange encounter with the typically hostile gang. For those unaware of their background, the Lemoyne raiders are a group of outlaws who believe in Confederate ideals, and thus hate and attack Northerners among other evil deeds. Red Dead Redemption 2's Lemoyne raiders are very dangerous, but as shown in the clip, this particular group seems to have gone pacifist.

However, even stranger than their inability to fight back was what happened after pimperhennes killed the first member of the group; as soon as the raider died, another raider seemed to spring out of his corpse and stand up perfectly on a chair. Now towering over pimperhennes, the newly created raider proudly proclaims "you ain't scarin' nobody," before promptly dying to a quick stab from pimperhennes. Strangely, only 1 person on the entire thread below the clip even noticed the sudden appearance of the new raider; instead, most of the thread was focused more on the pacifist nature of the raiders.

Frankly, it was a nice change of pace to see the typically aggressive raiders turn over a new leaf; perhaps, instead of robbing, murdering, and racketeering, the group could focus their attention on hunting and fishing in Red Dead Redemption2's Lemoyne swamp. Not only would it keep them out of jail, but it would also save pimperhennes and other players from the terror of seeing them spawn out of each other's corpses.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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