Red Dead Redemption 2's character dialogue is one of the game's greatest strengths. Great dialogue makes players feel for Arthur Morgan and the characters at camp while adding depth and realness to side characters and NPCs. Despite the game's enormous cast of over 700 voice actors and over 1,200 actors total, few voice lines blend into the background; nearly every line evokes an emotion or rouses curiosity in the average player.

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Still, some voice lines do stand out more than others. Most of Red Dead Redemption's most iconic voice lines belong to the main characters of the game. Each Red Dead Redemption 2 main character's first and last lines say a lot (literally!) about who the members of the Van der Linde gang are, and how they develop throughout the game's 50-hour story.

9 Dutch Van Der Linde

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dutch van der Linde holding paper in snow
  • First: "Arthur is out looking. I sent him up ahead."
  • Last: "I ain't got too much to say no more."

Dutch van der Linde's first line is short but reveals a lot about his personality and status. By explaining that he sent Arthur ahead to scout, he shows that he is a leader with the jurisdiction to give orders to those in the Van der Linde gang. This line of dialogue also implies a deep trust in Arthur, as Dutch tasks him with the critical task of finding shelter for everyone in the gang.

Dutch's last line reflects how much his character changes over the course of Red Dead Redemption 2. Because players grow to know Dutch as an outspoken man who always has something to say - whether it's an Evelyn Miller quote or a speech about loyalty - it's chilling to hear him say he doesn't have anything at all to say in the end.

8 John Marston

Red Dead Redemption 2 John Marston shooting gun with full moon in background
  • First: "Never thought I'd say this...but good to see you, Arthur Morgan."
  • Last: "It's over, Abigail; it's all over."

John's first lines establish the brotherly relationship between Arthur and John; they are close but have their qualms about one another. Arthur remains bitter about John's choice to leave the gang on his own for a year, but Arthur is willing to save him in a time of crisis, and John is thankful in his own way.

John's last line is tragic considering the events of Red Dead Redemption. Arthur's story may have been over at the end of Red DeadRedemption 2, and John went on to redeem himself in some ways - but John went on to face whole new problems with the Pinkertons in Red Dead Redemption.

7 Hosea Matthews

Red Dead Redemption 2 Hosea Matthews with Arthur Morgan in background
  • First: "If we don't stop soon, we'll all be dying."
  • Last: "Any problems... we'll see you in camp."

Hosea Matthews' first line establishes him as someone who cares about the welfare of the whole gang. He's one of the first characters in the game to speak, and he insists that they find safety from the snowstorm near Colter. Like Dutch, he is one of the fatherly leaders of the Van der Linde gang.

During his lifetime, Hosea was one of the driving forces of the gang's success, and many imagine that his death was one of the occurrences that led to Dutch van der Linde's worsening mental state. Even with his last line, Hosea sounds somewhat concerned but remains a beacon of hope, saying he'll see the others back in camp. Fans know that he, unfortunately, doesn't make it there.

6 Lenny Summers

Red Dead Redemption 2 Lenny Summers standing and looking at camera
  • First: "Hey, somebody's coming! Look's like it's Dutch!"
  • Last: "We can get across here!"

Lenny's first line is simple and short but already introduces him as somewhat of a leader in waiting for the Van der Linde gang. He calls out information to the rest of the gang, keeping them somewhat organized in times of peril. This is especially true in Dutch's absence, since Lenny shares some traits with him, like his book smarts.

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Lenny's last line, despite it coming just moments before his death, is also a hopeful and determined one. Lenny might be young, but throughout the game, he is one of the few characters in the gang who tend to take the lead. Some fans speculate that he would have been next to lead the gang after Dutch, given Lenny's similarities to Dutch.

5 Sadie Adler

Red Dead Redemption 2 Sadie Adler in camp with cowboy hat
  • First: "Get away from me!"
  • Last: "I got a wedding I want to go to."

When players first meet Sadie Adler, who becomes a member of the Van der Linde gang, she has good reason to be afraid. Members of the O'Driscoll gang just killed her husband and robbed her ranch, and Micah instigates a fight with her, causing a fire. She's willing to stand up for herself even against Micah Bell, so players see Sadie's strong but defensive side when they meet her at her ranch.

Sadie's final lines, on the other hand, reflect a different and more relaxed side of Sadie. She still holds her own, asserting her wants to her friends - but is no longer in fear. She's comfortable with herself and her identity even in the absence of her husband, finding a life for herself outside the one she had before.

4 Micah Bell

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah Bell pointing a gun
  • First: "Gentlemen."
  • Last: "Ya shot me... Ya shot me pretty good."

Despite the brevity of Micah Bell's first line, it immediately becomes clear what kind of character he is when he speaks; he rides in separate from the rest of the group, greeting them almost as strangers. He's one of the game's most notorious villains, and he doesn't care to make other members of the gang feel welcome. In fact, he is one of the main driving forces of the Van der Linde gang's downfall.

Micah's last line is even more powerful. Micah's death is quick and unceremonious, yet satisfying; after witnessing his role in the downfall of the Van der Linde gang, it's cathartic for players to see him die at the hands of John Marston with so little to say for himself.

3 Charles Smith

Red Dead Redemption 2 Charles Smith looking to the side
  • First: "Hey! You need horses?"
  • Last: "I will be fine. I’ll follow you up. I just can't move fast."

Charles is always willing to jump in and get involved, just as his first line reflects when he lends his horse, Taima, to Arthur. He's injured at this point but still offers to do even more to help out the gang in Colter after helping Arthur. He is helpful, resourceful, and hands-on, and it shows from the very beginning.

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Charles Smith's last line, too, suggests his dedication to protecting those around him, especially Arthur. He is true to his morals to the end and never leaves a friend behind, even when times get tough.

2 Molly O'Shea

Red Dead Redemption 2 Molly O'Shea leaning against tree
  • First: "How is Dutch?"
  • Last: "Oh, not so big now, are we, your majesty?"

Dutch van der Linde's paramour, Molly O'Shea, becomes visibly increasingly frustrated with Dutch throughout the game. She's desperate to spend time with him, often asking him why he's making poor decisions regarding the gang while neglecting their relationship. She speaks her first line in a cutscene during the Horseshoe Overlook chapter, already worrying about Dutch's wellbeing well before many other gang members noticed his impending downfall.

They share one cute moment when they dance in Horseshoe Overlook, but overall, their relationship is unhealthy and unstable. In the end, Molly lies to Dutch, claiming she's the rat; her final words are mocking him before Susan Grimshaw shoots her dead.

1 Arthur Morgan

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur Morgan walking into fire in Braithwaite Manor
  • First: "I found a place where we can get some shelter. Let Davey rest while he… you know."
  • Last: "John made it. He's the only one. Rest of us… No. But I tried; in the end, I did."

From the very beginning, Arthur Morgan shows that he is a capable man and that he is integral to the success of the gang. He is the one who finds shelter at Colter, managing to find a place to lay Davey to rest while protecting the rest of the gang from the snowstorm.

Arthur's final line is perhaps the most memorable in the game. It sums up the story from Arthur's perspective; John made it because he went on to do good things and live with his family (or so Arthur thought), but few of the other members of the gang lived. Most of those that did live continued on their precarious life paths.

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