
  • A fan recently spotted Red Dead Redemption 2 actor, Benjamin Byron Davis, in a minor role in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
  • Davis voiced a random NPC pedestrian and contributed voice lines for a radio commercial in San Andreas.
  • This discovery highlights the often overlooked contributions that actors make to video games, as they will often play roles both big and small across different games.

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player might have spotted the work of Dutch van der Linde's actor Benjamin Byron Davis in another, older Rockstar game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. This particular actor, who played a major role in Rockstar Games' most recent release, was heard in a less meaningful role in San Andreas.

Actors can often be seen playing various roles across multiple games, so it isn't all that unusual for actors that get top billing in some games to be heard playing minor roles in others. This just seems to be the latest example of that trend, as a prominent member of Red Dead Redemption 2's cast was found literally walking on the street in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Small Details That Enhance The Open-World Game's Realism

These small details, which some players may not even notice, greatly enhance Red Dead Redemptions 2's realism to a large extent when taken together.

Reddit user Funny_Mongoose_9680 encountered the voice of fan-favorite Red Dead Redemption 2 character Dutch van der Linde while playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The user noticed Dutch's voice seemingly coming from the mouth of a random NPC pedestrian. Funny_Mongoose_9680 then asked members on the Red Dead Redemption subreddit to confirm if this NPC's voice really belonged to Benjamin Byron Davis, the voice actor who played Dutch in the Red Dead Redemption series.

Other users on the subreddit responded quickly, confirming via Davis' IMDB page that the actor was indeed part of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas voice cast. However, rather than voicing one of San Andreas' named characters, Davis played a much more mundane role. According to IMDB, Benjamin Byron Davis contributed voice lines for one of the game's radio commercials, as well as for pedestrian NPCs. While this isn't a direct confirmation that that specific NPC's lines came from Davis, the circumstantial evidence is strong that Funny_Mongoose_9680 did indeed hear his voice.

Actors will often record voice lines under the "additional voices" role, covering details like crowd noise and unnamed NPCs, akin to background actors (a.k.a. extras) in film and television. Fun discoveries like this underscore the many contributions actors make to games. Until this post, many did not know that Davis, who played Dutch in all his tragic complexity in Red Dead Redemption 2, also added flavor to San Andreas' crowds.


red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games