Red Dead Redemption 2 may not be regarded by many fans as a horror game, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have some horror elements. After all, the Red Dead Redemption series has always been known by fans to incorporate supernatural and paranormal elements, and Red Dead Redemption 2 is no exception. These horror elements speckled throughout the game keep players on their toes and add some tension to outlaws' adventures even in the middle of the wilderness or swamps.

Red Dead Redemption 2: The Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked

Players won't last long in Red Dead Redemption 2's wild frontier without some adequate firepower. Here are the game's most powerful weapons.

In Arthur Morgan's travels across the Old West, he comes across some pretty unsettling places, unexplainable events, and creepy people. Some are downright threatening, while others are a mix of creepy and sad. From murderers to paranormal creatures, here are some of the most terrifying encounters outlaws can come across in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Updated on May 24, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the richest and most engaging video game landscapes players can explore. The sheer amount of detail and love poured into each and every corner of the game world is something that will blow the minds of most players, with players finding one distraction or the other as they make their way through the many varied landscapes in this game. From random gang encounters to unique events that can crop up from nowhere, there are many instances where players are encouraged to stop and smell the roses in the game. However, not everything is jovial and funny in Red Dead Redemption 2, with some encounters being of the more unnerving variety that will send shivers down a player's spine.

15 The Murfree Brood's Atrocities

A Violent Gang That Loves Ambushing Arthur

Red Dead Redemption 2 Murfree Brood Boat
  • Encountered in: Beaver Hollow & Roanoke Ridge

The Murfree Brood is a gang of psychopaths who perform untold heinous atrocities on their victims. Players unfortunate enough to see the way they mutilate the bodies of their victims in the games will do well to steer clear of these horrifying enemies in the game. However, this is easier said than done, especially if Arthur has antagonized the gang before.

This group loves to ambush in creative ways, ranging from explosive wagons to gatling guns. They always seem to appear when the player is having a rough go of it, making it important for players to refill all their cores before going to town and using the wealth of firepower they have to obliterate any enemies standing in their way.

14 The Random Grizzly Attack At Vetter's Echo

Comes Out Of Nowhere To Surprise Arthur And The Player

grizzly Bear Red Dead Online Cropped
  • Encountered in: Big Valley

The variety of wildlife that players can track and hunt down in the game is pretty engaging, and players will love tracking these enemies and showing them whose boss. However, there are times when some fierce predators can turn the tables on Arthur, forcing him on the back foot as he scrambles to get his bearings together and take out whatever predator has grabbed a whiff of his scent.

One of the scariest encounters with an animal happens at Vetter's Echo, where players happen upon a cabin that is seemingly abandoned. However, things take a turn for the worse when they hear a roar and turn around to see a rampaging grizzly bear coming their way. It's easily one of the scariest sights in the game that comes out of nowhere, and players can only hope that all the shots they fire in Dead Eye are enough to take down this monstrous predator.

13 The Donkey Lady

The Body Of A Lady With The Head Of A Donkey Tied Up To A Mill

Donkey Lady in Red Dead Redemption
  • Encountered in: Cholla Springs

If players head to the region of New Austin during the epilogue, they'll find a wealth of unique secrets in a location that had been locked out for the longest time. It's easy to see why players would go out of their way to stray from the beaten path and explore to their heart's content, but most people may not be ready for a gruesome sight that can be found at a mill in Cholla Springs.

Red Dead Redemption 2: 7 Things We Want From A Next-Gen Patch

Red Dead Redemption 2 could benefit a lot from the following features in a next-gen patch.

Players who stumble upon this area will be horrified to see the body of an old woman with the head of a donkey who's been tied to the mill. It's an unnerving sight that is a reference to a very popular glitch from the first Red Dead Redemption game, where the game could erroneously spawn a weird hybrid creature with the body of a woman and the head of a donkey that players could ride.

12 The Vampire Of Saint Denis

A Bloodthirsty Creature Of The Night

Vampire from Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Encountered in: Saint Denis at night

Rockstar never shies away from adding supernatural instances in their games for fans to enjoy, and this vampire sighting is no exception. Players will find hints of a vampire roaming the streets of Saint Denis, but not a lot of them will actually encounter this beast unless they happen upon the right place at the right (or wrong, depending on the player's view) time.

Players need to find and inspect five mysterious writings scattered across the game before being led to the back alley of the Cathedral. If players go to this area at midnight, they'll stumble upon a vampire drinking the blood of its victim, who attacks the player if they antagonize him. A single hit from this creature's dagger is enough to kill them, so it's important to gun down this creature as soon as possible if one values their life.

11 Finding The Many UFOs In The Game

Rockstar Loves To Add These Aliens In Their Games

A UFO in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Encountered in: Various locations

Rockstar has added references to aliens time and time again in their games. So, it's only a given that such sightings can be found in Red Dead Redemption 2 as well, which can either fascinate or horrify the player based on how they interpret these events. Two of these sightings are possible in the game.

The first occurs inside a shack that houses the remnants of a cult that worships these aliens. If players come here at 2 AM, the cabin will be shrouded in a green light as a UFO appears directly above them. Another such instance can be experienced in Mount Shann around the same time, although this one is seen far off in the distance.

10 Eugene Hutton & Ethel Boshared

The Whispers Of A Dead Couple

eugene hutton's wife's voice heard in the forest
  • Encountered in: Brandywine Drop

Brandywine Drop features a very dangerous patch of forest that The Murfree Gang likes to patrol, alongside a bunch of very scary cougars. But the scariest of all encounters in this forest is the voice of a ghost that appears beside the player.

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The voice is that of a woman, and she is speaking to a man named Eugene Hutton. It's revealed that the woman is his wife Ethel, who is calling him a fool for getting the pair of them lost in the woods. The voice is freaky and will give the player goosebumps as they continue to make their way through the forest.

9 Message In The Cave

A Cheat Code Written In Blood

RDR2 Mount Hagen
  • Encountered in: A mineshaft in Mount Hagen

On the cliff of Mount Hagen, the player encounters a mineshaft which leads to narrow tunnels that take the player to a cave.

The words ''A Fool On Command'' are written in red on the walls. The strange message creeps Arthur out and makes him wonder what it means. Some players may be surprised to know that "A Fool on Command" is actually a cheat code for the game. Entering the code will make Arthur instantly drunk.

8 Edmund Lowry Jr., The Serial Killer

A Deranged Madman Who Leaves A Trail Of Bodies In His Wake

Serial Killer RDR2
  • Encountered in: Lucky's Cabin in The Heartlands

While Red Dead Redemption 2's western world is home to countless thieves, gang members, and other outlaws, most of them have a reason for what they're doing and don't kill for fun. That's why meeting the serial killer is horrifying; he's violent seemingly for the sake of it, and he leaves evidence of his work throughout the world.

Arthur Morgan (or John Marston, in the epilogue) can uncover the mystery of the serial killer by finding his multiple crime scenes. Beneath a bridge in Valentine is the first of them: a corpse missing its head, with the head sitting nearby. The killer scribbled "Look upon my works" on the rocks, adding to the unsettling vibe of the scene. The other two crime scenes are similar. The player picks up a piece of a map at each one, leading them to the serial killer's hideout. There, the killer attempts to kill Arthur or John, and the player must knock him out in a fight before taking him to the sheriff.

7 The Hanging Man

A Haunting Sight Made Even Scarier By The Note Players Can Find Near The Corpse

RDR2 Hanging Man
  • Encountered in: The woods in Roanoke Ridge

Hangings are not uncommon in a game taking place in the Old West. However, there's a particular hanging that gives fans the creeps. If the player passes through the woods in Roanoke Ridge, The Murfree gang is usually loitering around, ready to cause some trouble.

When players see the hanged man, the assumption is that it was the ruthless gang that killed him, but that's not the case. There's a note beneath the man that confirms it was a suicide. It's a creepy moment as it's revealed that he did it to get away from the torture he experienced.

6 The Night Folk

Savages That Live In The Swamp

Red Dead Redemption 2 Night Folk With Victim
  • Encountered in: Bayou Nwa and Bluewater Marsh

The Night Folk are a highly aggressive, violent group that resides in the Bayou Nwa and Bluewater Marsh. Little is known about them since they never speak and almost only come out at night to rob or attack those who come across their territory. Members of the Night Folk wear tattered, dirty clothes, almost appearing like zombies.

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A video game's ending can make or break the whole experience, which is why a great ending is important for any game.

Encountering the Night Folk is terrifying since they can appear out of almost nowhere in the swamps, emerging from the darkness with their strong melee weapons. To make them even more threatening, the Night Folk are some of the only enemies in the game that can kill the player in one hit. They are also one of the few enemies in the game that explicitly tries to kill the player's horse.

5 Ghost Of Agnes Dowd

Continues The Trend Of Rockstar Adding Supernatural Encounters In Their Games

Red Dead Redemption 2 Agnes Dowd
  • Encountered in: Bluewater Marsh between 9 PM and 3 AM

For the unsuspecting outlaw, coming across Agnes Dowd's spectral, inhuman form in the swamp can be truly shocking. This ghost resides in Bluewater Marsh, only appearing late at night between the hours of 9 PM and 3 AM. When Arthur or John sees her, she recounts the story of her life, talking about her relationship with a man whom her parents rejected. Agnes has 16 unique encounters, each describing a different piece of her life story and her death.

That said, she never talks directly to the player during these encounters until after the sixteenth. She won't even let the player come nearby, disappearing if they do. After sixteen encounters, though, the ghost leads Arthur to a tree, explaining that it was where she finally hung herself. Agnes Dowd's story is not only creepy but tragic, too.

4 The Creep Named Sonny

A Man Who Forces Something Despicable Upon Arthur

Sonny From Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Encountered in: A cabin northwest of Saint Denis

During a visit to Saint Denis, the player can cross the water and discover a small cabin where a man, sitting on the porch, tells them of his loneliness, and then proceeds to invite the player inside the cabin. Curiosity kills the cat, and acceptance of the invite leads the man to knock the player out.

This is followed by some peculiar noises and the man making creepy comments while he does something horrible to Arthur. The next thing he knows, Arthur is in the swamp, on the edge of death. It's certainly one of the most unsettling moments in Red Dead Redemption 2.

3 The Strange Man

A Legendary Figure From The First Red Dead Redemption Game

Painting of the strange man in Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Encountered in: Bayall Edge in Bayou Nwa

The Strange Man first appeared in Red Dead Redemption and has been an iconic feature of the franchise since. In the first game, he visits John Marston, sending him on missions that test his morality. John attempts to shoot him, but the bullet goes right through him. This makes John, and the player, wonder if he's a ghost or perhaps some sort of otherworldly being.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Each Main Character's First & Last Lines

The first and last lines of these Red Dead Redemption 2 main characters are key to the story of the game and Arthur's journey.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, players can visit The Strange Man's cabin, which is home to several strange and unexplainable things. The mystery and lack of information surrounding The Strange Man are what make him so creepy; his cabin is no less vague. Inside his cabin are a number of strange scrawlings, all describing a cholera outbreak. Paintings inside his cabin, too, strangely change based on the player's honor.

2 Brutal Skinner Attack

A Victim Of A Sadistic Gang That Knows No Limits

man with skin ripped off
  • Encountered in: Tall Trees

The Skinners gang is one of the creepiest things to experience in Red Dead Redemption 2. The player can be walking through the woods, and suddenly hear the sound of wailing.

If the player follows the sound, they come across a camp that is full of ripped-apart bodies. The wailing sound came from the last survivor of the brutal attack, who is then discovered to have their face scraped off, and on the edge of death. An attempt to comfort the man ends in his inevitable death, full of terror in his eyes.

1 Aberdeen Pig Farm

A Couple That Robs And Kills Their Victims

Red dead redemption 2 Tammy and Bray Aberdeen pig farm
  • Encountered in: A cabin located between Lemoyne and New Hanover

The Aberdeen Pig Farm seems at first to be a relatively unassuming location in Red Dead Redemption 2, nestled neatly in between Lemoyne and New Hanover. The small farm is home to Tammy and Bray Aberdeen, who are sister and brother. Upon exploring the farm itself, though, players will note some strange things: despite this supposedly being a pig farm, there is not a single pig in the area! There is also a large pit just feet from the main building. These things are unexplained, it gives the pig farm unsettling energy.

While the location is creepy, the encounter players have if they choose to go inside is arguably even creepier. After Tammy and Bray Aberdeen invite Arthur inside, they offer him drinks. If he accepts, he keeps drinking until he passes out, and then wakes up in the pit with no money - the player has been robbed! Arthur soon finds out the pit where he woke up is in fact a mass grave, the place where the farm's inhabitants throw their murdered victims. To make this story even more blood-curdling, Tammy and Bray Aberdeen's characters are based on real people.

red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
Action , Adventure