Across its storied history, Rockstar Games has developed a notorious reputation for filling the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2 with all manner of Easter eggs. From pop culture homages to statements on modern society, no subject is seemingly above being converted into a satirical referential nod. Filling the dense open-world sandboxes that the studio is known for with Easter eggs has the added effect of keeping fans engaged with a game for decades. A phenomenon that was recently observed in Red Dead Redemption 2, in which fans have discovered a potential Grand Theft Auto 6 tease within it all along.

When it comes to Red Dead Redemption 2 in general, a lot of the Easter eggs that populate the open-world game tend to skew towards the creepy and downright scary side. Perhaps constrained by the historical setting and unable to throw in as many political jabs as a result, Rockstar Games has leaned heavily into the horror motif throughout the franchise. Messing with the player and making them fear what could be lurking in the shadows of the wild western wilderness, a space that encourages them to explore it, has the added benefit of making the open-world all the more memorable.

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Agnes Dowd's Tragedy in Red Dead Redemption 2

Red-Dead-Agnes-Dowd-Ghost (1)

Unexpected ghostly apparitions have become something of a recurring theme when it comes to Rockstar Games and Easter Eggs. Red Dead Redemption 2 itself is packed with a handful of well known hauntings like the infamous Lemoyne Ghost Train. None of these encounters can compare in terms of outright creepiness with the ghost that stalks the Bluewater Marsh region of the map. If players happen to be exploring the already atmospheric swamp between the hours of 9pm and 3am, more commonly on a foggy night, there's an outside chance they'll be visited by the pale greenish spirit of Agnes Dowd.

What makes this ghost's appearance all the more impactful is the fact that her story within Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with tragedy. Listening to the murmurings of the restless spirit reveals that the pregnant Agnes sadly took her own life following the murder of her lover, at the hands of her own farther. Fans have reported that there are at least 16 unique encounters with Agnes programmed into the game, with the last of these eventually resulting in the spirit inviting players to the location where she ultimately hanged herself. For those looking for a conclusion to this side activity, a gravestone dedicated to the woman can also be found behind Shady Belle.

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The Vampire in Red Dead Redemption 2's Saint Denis

Red Dead Redemption 2 Vampire

Despite loosely grounding a lot of its titles in reality, Rockstar Games likes to capitalize on the player's expectations with creepy supernatural-themed encounters that they aren't prepared for. Across the Red Dead franchise's history, creatures from folklore have routinely crawled out of the shadows to attack the player. The beloved Undead Nightmare DLC and the zombies found within it being perhaps the most famous example of this. Red Dead Redemption 2 has its own murderous reanimated corpse problem as well though, with the densely populated city of St. Denis being the unassuming home to a bloody thirsty vampire.

To encounter the creature, players need to do a little bit of detective work beforehand, through the discovery of five cryptic messages that have been left across the city. Piecing together these locations reveals a crude approximation of a demonic pentagram, that eventually leads to a face-to-face confrontation with the vampire itself. Caught in the act of feeding, the monstrous pale skinned creature bares a striking resemblance to the classic Nosferatu interpretation of vampire folklore, rather than the romanticized depictions seen in the likes of Twilight.

What makes the encounter all the more creepy is the fact that he can kill the player in just one hit, a feat that only three other enemy types throughout the whole of Red Dead Redemption 2 are capable of doing. To make matters even worse, the vampire is also capable of taking a lot of damage, and will disappear forever should the player succumb to his attacks. In the therefore unlikely event that the creature is killed, he can be looted in a similar manner to an animal and leaves behind a fitting pair of bat wings.

Red Dead Redemption 2's UFOs

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur UFO

Throughout Rockstar Games' development history, the studio has become known in part for its fondness for extra-terrestrials and science fiction pop-culture. Because of this, whenever a new game comes out, a proportion of the internet dedicates a great deal of time attempting to uncover signs of life from amongst the stars. The creepy alien-themed Easter eggs these fans found in Red Dead Redemption 2 however, managed to push this entire trend to a whole new physical level.

Hidden amongst the trees of the game's Emerald Ranch region, players can stumble across an unassuming log cabin to the north of the Heartland Overflow reservoir. Within the wooden structure lies the remains of a cultish ritual that likely went sideways some time ago. Returning to the cabin at 2am on the night of a half moon, after picking up the note left behind by the group's leader, is when things start to get truly spooky. That's because from out of the gloomy night's sky, a green spherical flying saucer will appear above the player's head, presumably attempting to check-in on the group that once worshiped its alien passengers.

If that wasn't enough, fans have also discovered that a second UFO can be spotted around a completely different area of the map, if players venture up to the peak of Mount Shann at 1am in the morning. This time, the craft in question is red in color and slightly different in terms of overall shape as well, which has led some to speculate that some form of alien gang war could be happening above the skies of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2's Strange Man

Red Dead Redemption Strange Man

While a lot of the creepy Easter eggs that can be found within Red Dead Redemption 2 are references to creatures found within various mythologies, some simultaneously function as call backs to characters from the studio's past games as well. Take The Strange Man for example, who famously taunted John Marston throughout the original Red Dead Redemption with his frequent tests of morality. Assuming the shape of an un-killable well dressed middle-aged man, some have speculated that he might be God, Satan, or the Grim Reaper. Even though his presence isn't physically felt within the prequel, that doesn't stop the mysterious individual from haunting the player indirectly.

Within the Bayall Edge area of the game's map, players can find an eerie cabin that at first glance appears to have been abandoned by its creators. Doing a little exploration reveals that the location is not only the lair of the Strange Man, but that he actively returns to use the space over the course of the game. If players visit the spot as Arthur Morgan they'll uncover little beyond an unfinished painting, and clues to a tragic side story that's unfolded in the town of Armadillo. However coming back later as John Marston is when things start to become especially terrifying, as the canvas begins to get spookily worked on over the course of several days until it's finally finished.

Upon completion, the painting is revealed to be non-other than The Strange Man, a revelation that deeply unsettles John for reasons that are unclear to him at that point. If that wasn't haunting enough within itself, if players look at the mirror found inside the cabin at the right angle they'll spot the individual observing John from behind them. No matter how quickly the character spins around, The Strange Man will be long gone, laying the foundation that there's something supernatural about him.

Red Dead Redemption 2's Woman in White

Red Dead Redemption 2 Night Folk With Victim

Considering the palpable spooky atmosphere that can be felt there, it's little surprise that the swamps and bayous of Red Dead Redemption 2 are a constant source of creepiness. One Easter egg that can be witnessed within this region stands out from the rest in particular, and can be triggered once players come across a crying woman out in the open. Dressed all in white, some fans have attributed her appearance in itself to be a reference to La Llorona; an infamous ghostly figure from Latin American folklore who's said to haunt the unsuspecting whilst she searches for her drowned children.

Like the folkloric creature, helping the woman in Red Dead Redemption 2 proves to be a mistake, as doing so prompts her to lash out at the player with a knife. If that wasn't a shock by itself her cries also summon members of the Night Folk gang, who like the previously mentioned vampire, are capable of killing the player in a single hit. This ability has earned the group, and the aforementioned Easter egg, something of a reputation within the Red Dead community. Bearing both a voodoo-esque and zombie-like appearance, every subsequent encounter with the group proves to be just as much of a desperate terrifying fight for survival.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is now available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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