Although video games are fictional for the most part, they do involve elements drawn from real-life to give them a realistic edge that players love to experience. This can be seen through lifelike visuals, authentic sound files, and historically accurate environments. Another way video games can carry a sense of realism is how well characters are represented in terms of behavior and voice.

In recent years, Rockstar Games has succeeded in creating virtual worlds that offer visually rich environments and true to life characters. This is most apparent in Red Dead Redemption 2, where players can roam with a gang of outlaws comprised of more than twenty individuals. Although mannerisms, style, and even type of walk play important roles in the makeup of a protagonist or NPC, nothing gives them more of a personal touch than their own unique voice and way of speaking. This task lands on the actors who project parts of themselves into the characters.

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Arthur Morgan

Red Dead Redemption Arthur Morgan Roger Clark

The beloved protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan, is most likely remembered by players as a lovable giant. Underneath the dirt and tussled hair, Arthur was a gentle soul who enjoyed sketching and writing. His distinctive deep-toned voice belongs to actor Roger Clark, who was born in New Jersey and studied Theatre, Media, and Drama in the United Kingdom. On the surface, Clark and Morgan have rather different shaped facial features, however they do share a similar weather-beaten style. This is more apparent in the photographs where Clark is wearing his cowboy hat or sporting a fully-grown beard. The pair are similar in terms of age, with Morgan being 36 in RDR2 and Clark having turned forty the year of RDR2’s release.

John Marston

Red Dead Redemption John Marston

The protagonist from the original Red Dead Redemption, who goes onto become a pivotal character of the sequel, is John Marston. Characterised by his scarred face and inability to swim, this less favorable personality is voiced by American actor Robert Wiethoff. Marston’s hair is noticeably darker than Wiethoff’s, who has a fair complexion. There is also a sizeable age gap between the two, with Marston being twenty-six in the sequel and Wiethoff having just turned forty-two when RDR2 was released. Like Marston, Wiethoff has prioritised his family above most other things, giving them the shared trait of being family orientated.

Dutch van der Linde

Benjamin Byron Davis Red Dead Redemption 2 Dutch Van der linde

Notorious gang leader Dutch van der Linde is brought to life by Benjamin Byron Davis, an American actor, director, and writer. Like van der Linde, Davis is a natural leader, exhibited through his role as an acting coach. His versatile approach to performing comes out in Dutch’s voice, giving him a compelling tone able to woo his followers under command. Physically, the two appear rather different. Without the beard, however, Davis could pass for an older grey-haired version of van der Linde. There is only a two-year age gap between actor and character during the time of RDR2, with van der Linde being the younger of the pair.

Susan Grimshaw

Kaili Vernoff susan grimshaw red dead redemption 2

Susan Grimshaw, the scary mother-figure to the Van der Linde gang, has her voice generated by American actress Kaili Vernoff. Unlike Grimshaw, Vernoff was in her mid-forties when RDR2 was released, differing from Grimshaw who is fifty-four years of age. Both women share a dark complexion, with Vernoff bearing more of an auburn tinge. Unlike Grimshaw’s irritable persona, Vernoff comes across as an energetic and positive individual, with the most obvious shared characteristic being a sense of pragmatism. Vernoff admires Grimshaw, labelling her as a “badass” and an invaluable member of the gang.

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Tilly Jackson

Tilly Jackson On Wagon in Red Dead Redemption 2

One of the quieter members of the group, taken in by Dutch as a youngster, is Tilly Jackson. A woman with a troubled past, Tilly appears naïve but has a secret resilience in her, which explains her ability to survive as an outlaw in the West. Voice actress Meeya Davis somewhat resembles her character, sharing similar colored hair and eyes with Jackson. Davis admits to having a lack of knowledge on Jackson’s character during filming, which seemed to be the case for fellow cast mates. The main difference between Davis and her character is age; whereas Tilly is presumed to be in her early twenties in RDR2, Davis was thirty-one when the game was released.

Abigail Roberts

red dead redemption 2 abigail marston facts 9

Another face from previous titles is Abigail Marston, or in the case of RDR2, Abigail Roberts. Future wife of John Marston and mother to Jack Marston, Abigail is played by American actress Cali Elizabeth Moore. Distinguishable by her fair complexion, Moore looks very different to Abigail, who is dark-haired and sharp-featured. Their personas also contrast with one another, with Abigail being very matter of fact and Moore coming across as a bubbly, less serious personality. Moore is also several years older than Abigail during the time of the game’s development, with Abigail being in her early twenties, appearing as an older woman in the epilogue released a decade before.

Micah Bell

micah bell

One of the most infamous members of the Van der Linde gang, with a problematic personality and hunger for chaos, is Micah Bell. Hated by many and liked by a few, Bell lives his life with a lack of morals and basic human decency. The credit for his voice goes to Peter Blomquist, an American actor and writer who strongly resembles his virtual counterpart. Both identities share a ginger moustache and crop of tussled hair, with Micah’s being considerably longer. Personality wise, the two differ greatly, as Micah is portrayed in a villainous light and becomes one of the game’s antagonists.

For the most part, the actors and actresses who portray their outlaw doubles share basic characteristics such as hair, skin, and eye color with them. This is to help capture the expressions in a more realistic manner, giving a naturalistic feel to interactions and communication within the game. Although some only share skin-deep similarities with their characters, others have noticeable traits in common, which may help when trying to envision themselves surviving in a legendary outlaw gang such as Dutch van der Linde’s.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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