Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 is arguably one of the most well-received video games that the industry has ever seen, and it is no secret as to why. Aside from its graphical quality and unprecedented scale and detail, the many characters that tell the story of the title are some of the most layered and memorable in gaming.

While adding extra depth to pre-existing characters from the first game, Red Dead Redemption 2 introduced a slew of original characters that have established themselves with the same level of positive fan reception. When considering all of these characters, there are several that are more than deserving of their own potential Red Dead spinoff titles, to help tell fascinating and untold elements of their stories and eventual fates.

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Dutch van der Linde

dutchs face in red dead 2

Dutch van der Linde is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable characters within the Red Dead Redemption franchise, playing a significant part across both Redemption games in supporting and antagonistic roles. Fans are deeply familiar with Dutch given the large role that he plays across these titles, only making it more feasible to give this character a spinoff.

A calculating and grandiose figure, Dutch was the leader of the eponymous Van der Linde gang which was the primary group of focus during the events of Red Dead Redemption 2. As can be expected from this role of power and authority, Dutch is renowned for his high levels of charisma and social intellect, leveraging these abilities to build connections within the outlaw underworld of the Old West.

One of the primary reasons why fans of the franchise have become so fascinated with Dutch is due to his layered and conflicted inner nature. It was Dutch who took fan-favorite characters such as John Marston and Arthur Morgan under his wing, acting as a paternal role model for the two franchise protagonists as well as many others within the gang. However, as the pressure on Dutch grew as his gang crumbled around him, the character underwent a dramatic shift in core ethos and personality, becoming a much more, jaded, cold, and uncaring figure.

Dutch is last seen in Red Dead Redemption as a broken and mentally unstable man, still utilizing his sociability to form gangs from hopeless youths before meeting his demise. A spinoff for Dutch would probably take place before the events of Red Dead Redemption 2, showcasing Dutch and his criminal partner Hosea Matthews as much younger men finding their feet in the world of outlaws. While this would be interesting in and of itself, it is a factor of Red Dead Redemption's story that fans have been very vocal about wanting to see, meaning this particular spinoff could be very successful.

Charles Smith

red dead redemption 2 charles smith

One character introduced in Red Dead Redemption 2 was Charles Smith, who quickly won over the hearts of many within the game's fan base. Charles is a Native American and one of the most valued members of the Van der Linde gang; his hunting and tracking abilities combine with his combat prowess to make him a crucial asset to the group.

Many were drawn to Charles during their playthroughs of Red Dead 2 due to his calm and cool demeanor, often taking the logical and morally fair stance as was showcased in his allegiance to both Arthur and John over the course of the game's events. Perhaps most interestingly, Charles is one of the few new characters to survive the story of Red Dead Redemption 2, and this of course provides a perfect opportunity for potential spinoff narratives.

A spinoff starring Charles Smith would do well to focus on what the character did following the events of RDR2 and even perhaps during the time of the first Red Dead Redemption. Seeing how Charles would potentially adapt to the changing ways of the Old West and the urbanization of the frontier could make for a heartfelt and fascinating tale, worthy of a spinoff title.

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Sadie Adler

Red Dead Redemption 2 Sadie Adler in camp with cowboy hat

Sadie Adler was also first introduced in Red Dead Redemption 2, and she got the same level of positive fan reception as the aforementioned Charles. Sadie is reluctantly roped into the Van der Linde gang following the death of her husband, and quickly proves herself as more than capable of thriving within the life of an outlaw.

Sadie forms a particularly close relationship with RDR2 protagonist Arthur Morgan, with her firm but fair nature providing a voice of reason and true friendship that helps guide Arthur through the tumultuous path of the game's story. During the prologue of RDR2, it is revealed that Sadie became a competent and successful bounty hunter following the disbanding of the Van der Linde gang, and this could be a very interesting basis for a spinoff title starring the character.

Once Sadie parts ways with John, it is unknown what happens to her, although she does mention a desire to move to South America shortly before leaving. With this in mind, a Sadie Adler spinoff could see the character in a South American setting shortly after the events of RDR2, perhaps continuing her bounty hunter lifestyle. While so many characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 are memorable, the fan reception and the desire to see more regarding Dutch, Charles, and Sadie is simply too great to not consider these figures worthy of spinoff titles above everyone else.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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