Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game with an incredible script, with the amazing voice acting doing justice to the many amazing bits of dialogue that Rockstar wrote for the title. There are many reasons why this game is considered to be one of the greatest ever, and one aspect that definitely deserves a shoutout is its cast of memorable characters.

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A fan-favorite character in Red Dead Redemption 2 who fans absolutely adore is Sadie Adler; a person who initially seems helpless before pulling her weight and becoming a dependable member of the crew. Many people expected her to develop a close relationship with Arthur, but things took a turn for the worse before that could happen. Even so, the best Sadie Adler quotes are still remembered fondly by Red Dead Redemption 2 fans to this day.

10 "When Are You Gonna Let Me Come Robbing With You, Dutch?"

Red Dead Redemption 2 Sadie Adler

Sadie Adler wasted no time in trying to get into the heat of the action after being wronged by the O'Driscolls. She didn't want to be deadweight and honed her skills to become a fighting member of the Van der Linde gang.

This reached a point where she clearly had the grit and gunmanship to handle robberies but wasn't being given the opportunity. She outright asks Dutch when this would happen, leading to him and Arthur being pretty impressed by her daring nature.

9 "I Ain't No Scullion."

Sadie Adler RDR2

Sadie Adler is a character who would never take an insult lying down. The world had done her wrong too many times for her to take any insult lying down.

No matter who bad mouths her, Sadie makes sure to give them a piece of her mind. Even calling her a scullion is asking for trouble since no one wants to be in Sadie Adler's bad books after all.

8 "I Ain't Afraid Of Dyin'."

sadie adler

After the death of her husband, it was clear that Sadie was pretty shaken. She would never be able to enjoy her innocence ever again and decided to embark on a path that would allow her to take revenge on the world for taking the love of her life away.

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Even after being cautioned about the dangers of entering a firefight, Sadie didn't back down at all. This line proved that she was tired of hiding from the threats plaguing her existence all the time, and wanted to hit back in her own way.

7 "The Dutch Who Put A Blanket Around Me After The O'Driscolls... That Weren't The Same Man At Beaver Hollow."

Red Dead Redemption 2 Sadie Adler in camp with cowboy hat

Throughout the events of Red Dead Redemption 2, it becomes clear that Dutch is slowly losing that iron-clad grip he had over the crew. He was breaking after losing Hosea, making it easy for Micah to poison his mind and turn him against key figures of his own gang.

After Arthur's demise, Marston and Sadie meet up to take revenge against Micah for all the atrocities he committed. Sadie fondly remembers the time when Dutch comforted her after rescuing her from the O'Driscolls, before commenting that the leader of the gang had changed quite a bit since then.

6 "Apart From My Jakey, You’re The Best Man I Know."

Arthur, Sadie Adler & Her Horse Bob From Red Dead Redemption 2

Sadie and Arthur had great chemistry, there's no denying that. It's easy to see why so many people wanted them to end up together, and this probably would've happened had it not been for Micah's treachery and the unfortunate advent of tuberculosis.

Sadie likes Arthur for always taking her seriously and teaching her the tools of the trade. The fact that she considered the protagonist to be the best man she knew after her late husband is massive praise indeed.

5 "You And Me Is All We Need, Arthur!"

Sadie Adler in Red Dead Redemption 2

There are many missions in Red Dead Redemption 2 where Arthur and Sadie make a great duo. Their partnership is brilliant, with one saving the other's hide time and time again.

It's clear that both of them can take on the world if they wish, which is why Sadie says this line. Fans can only imagine how things would've panned out if the Van der Linde gang didn't bite off more than it could chew while also being eaten up from the inside.

4 "I Can Fit Six Old Toads In My P***y."

Sadie Adler sitting down in Red Dead Redemption 2

Many people think that Sadie is way too serious for her own good, but this isn't necessarily the case. In fact, there are times when she does manage to lighten the mood with her antics.

The audacious nature of this line is what makes it so hilarious, showing why people love Sadie Adler so much. Even when things look bleak, she always manages to make people crack a smile, which is such a valuable trait during a time when people don't really have many reasons to be happy in the first place.

3 "What’s The Plan — I Shoot The Cashier While You Clear The Register?"

Sadie Adler in Red Dead Redemption 2

There are times when even the best plans can go awry if certain things don't line up. A great example of this is during a mission that seems like nothing more than a routine job before many problems end up rearing their ugly head.

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The sheer chaos of this mission shows just how unpredictable Red Dead Redemption 2 can be. Thankfully, with Sadie by his side, Arthur was able to get through this botched job with his life intact.

2 "You're About To Have A Problem With Getting Punched In The Face!"

Sadie Adler angry in Red Dead Redemption 2

Once again, Sadie proves that messing with her can prove to be rather ugly. Even a friendly taunt by John does not amuse Sadie in the slightest, who ends up threatening Marston instead.

While Sadie's interactions with Marston are pretty great, it's clear that everyone misses Arthur and their time spent together. Their chemistry was truly impressive, and John simply can't live up to those character interactions.

1 "He Was A Good Man, My Jackie. They Turned Me Into A Monster, Arthur! But The Memories Of Him… They’re Still Pure."

Sadie Adler in Red Dead Online

Sadie lived a relatively comfortable life with her husband, and it's clear that Jake was a stand-up guy who loved his wife to bits. Unfortunately, players never get to meet this character for themselves, since the O'Driscolls sent him to an undeserved early grave.

Sadie ended up becoming a cold-blooded killer in the process, hunting down and killing the entire gang to exact her revenge. The atrocities and sins she's committed may be massive, but Sadie is happy to have memories of her husband around a time when both of them were genuinely good people.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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