
  • Players of Red Dead Redemption 2 are sharing their exciting in-game experiences, like a lucky moment where a player maneuvered an enemy into a bullet's path, taking them down instantly.
  • Despite recent criticism of Rockstar Games and the Nintendo Switch and PS4 ports of Red Dead Redemption, fans are still playing and enjoying the most recent game.
  • This amazing kill moment was captured on video by the player, showcasing the relevancy of Red Dead Redemption 2 and its ability to offer thrilling gameplay even compared to newer titles.

A lucky player of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption 2 shares the moment they pushed an enemy into a bullet's path, instantly taking them down during the fight. Shootouts in the action RPG are always a regular occurrence in a lot of locations in Red Dead Redemption 2, and with many of them involving at least a dozen enemies to fight off, players will probably take any help in battle that they can get.

A lot of the franchise's fans seem to have mixed feelings about the recent release of Red Dead Redemption for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. Players have been review-bombing both ports, most likely because of their disappointment in Rockstar Games. Gamers were probably expecting that the company would have at least remastered the title, especially since they were releasing it to modern consoles. However, despite all of these issues, many players still continue to play through Red Dead Redemption 2, and are sharing their Wild West adventures with other interested fans.

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Through an incredible stroke of luck, Redditor mayoryoel showcased how they maneuvered Red Dead Redemption 2's protagonist Arthur Morgan into pushing an enemy into the flight path of a bullet. The clip they shared started normally at first, with Arthur shooting through what seems like a bunch of enemy militias in a fortress found on the game's island of Guarma. While Arthur was reloading, one enemy rushed him and the player shoved him away at the right time, exactly when a bullet flew into the frame and into the enemy's head. The moment happened fast, but mayoryoel was able to show off the incident on their game's kill cam.

According to the Redditor, after hundreds of hours playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and actually hitting 100% completion on it, this lucky moment happened while they were replaying through the game. This would likely explain why the incident took place during one of the earlier chapters of the story. Fellow fans were amazed at the timing of the kill, and some shared that they had the exact same thing happen to them before. Fortunately, mayoryoel was able to capture everything on video so that other fans can share in their excitement over the epic moment.

There are still many who love playing through Red Dead Redemption 2, despite the action RPG's age. Moments like the one mayoryoel recently experienced shows just how relevant the title still is today, and that it can offer as much as other modern titles currently available in the market.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Red Dead Redemption 2's Emerald Ranch Mystery Explained