Red Dead Redemption 2 has gamers exploring pre-industrial America as outlaw cowboys, and while there are plenty of pleasant moments spent enjoying the tranquility of nature, there are also tons of bullets and blood. The game's protagonist is Arthur Morgan, and through the decisions that players make, they decide whether he is an honorable man or simply a two-timing thief. It takes a series of tragic life events to make a man like Arthur, and this is revealed when one looks at his family.

As gamers learn in Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur has very little connection to any biological family, though he forms a new family within the Van der Linde gang. He also has a son, but the boy meets an unfortunate early demise. It is difficult to not wonder how Arthur's life might have turned out had he not had a dysfunctional upbringing, or if his new family wasn't a gang of thieves.

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Arthur Morgan's Origins in Red Dead Redemption 2

Image from Red Dead Redemption 2 showing a close-up of Arthur Morgan's face.

When players are introduced to Arthur Morgan, he is Dutch's right-hand man and a senior member of the Van der Linde gang. He seldom speaks about his origins, although it is possible to piece together a picture of his early life. His parents are Beatrice Morgan and Lyle Morgan. Not much is known about Beatrice because she dies while Arthur is still very young. Gamers see a picture of her near his bedside in his tent. Lyle was a criminal who got locked up for larceny. Not much is known about the events surrounding his death, but he too dies when Arthur is still quite young. Arthur seldom speaks kindly of his father, though he wears his hat, suggesting that he does have a soft spot for him.

Arthur spends his childhood as a street urchin before he is picked up by Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews who become father figures in his life. Their influence on him is a bittersweet one. They help him grow into a man, and they give him a sense of family and guidance. They also teach Arthur to reject many of the norms of society, which is not such a bad thing when his society is racially segregated and doesn't allow women to vote. However, they also teach him how to be a criminal, and they rope him into their immoral gang.

Arthur Morgan's Love Life

Mary Linton

Arthur's outlaw lifestyle makes it difficult for him to settle down and start a family, but he falls in love with a couple of women before. Perhaps most notably, he falls in love with Eliza, a waitress he meets. They have a son named Isaac, and while Arthur isn't around to be a father to the child, he does try to support them however he can. Eliza isn't an outlaw, though she knows how Arthur makes his money and accepts his help. Arthur's family is struck by a case of poetic justice when Eliza and Isaac are murdered by some thugs for a measly ten dollars. Arthur rarely talks about Eliza and Isaac, suggesting that their deaths are still a sore spot for him.

Arthur also falls in love with Mary Linton, and they eventually get engaged. The relationship doesn't work out, mostly because her family disapproves of Arthur's outlaw lifestyle. Mary's younger brother, Jamie, still likes Arthur regardless of his criminal escapades with the Van der Linde gang. Mary eventually marries a man named Barry Linton, but he dies leaving her a poor widow. Though Mary and Arthur cross paths again later in life, they never rekindle their romance again.

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Arthur Morgan's New Family

arthur morgan john marston goodbye red dead redemption 2

Though Arthur loses most, if not all, of his biological family during childhood, he does not live life as a loner. Instead, he forms bonds with fellow outlaws who become his new family. This is seen in his relationship with John Marston, who is also part of the Van der Linde gang. Arthur was born in 1863, and John was born in 1873, so they grow up together as brothers in the gang. John eventually falls in love with a woman named Abigail, and they have a son named Jack Marston. Arthur is quite avuncular toward Jack, and he occasionally takes him out on fishing trips. John leaves the Van der Linde gang for a year, which leaves Arthur feeling betrayed. A rift develops between them, though they eventually patch things over.

Arthur also forms complex relationships with other Van der Linde members who become his family. Lenny is one of the youngest members of the gang, and Arthur sees a lot of potential in him. He becomes a mentor to Lenny, although they occasionally get into trouble together. Arthur is heartbroken when Lenny is killed, though death is always an option when you live as an outlaw. He also forms a close relationship with Tilly Jackson, and when the gang disintegrates, she is one of the few who remains at his side. Similarly, he bonds with Sadie Adler who joins the gang as a scared woman but eventually becomes a ruthless shooter capable of raising hell. Sadie also sticks by Arthur's side instead of remaining loyal to Dutch.

The Red Dead franchise is full of complex characters with rich histories, but it is getting harder than ever for gamers to get the full experience. While Red Dead Redemption 2 is easily accessible, the same is not true for Red Dead Redemption, a situation that has been made worse by the fact that the game has been pulled from Sony's streaming services. A remake would remedy the issue, especially if managed to squeeze a few more details about Arthur Morgan who is conspicuously never mentioned.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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