In Red Dead Redemption II, players are able to play as Arthur Morgan as he commits crimes with the gang. As the game progresses, Arthur starts to change the way he acts and behaves. Arthur slowly starts to become a better person -- whether the player wants to or not.

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As Dutch starts to change, the gang starts to fall apart, and Arthur discovers his sickness, the player has the option to do good deeds. The deeds can range from helping members of the gang to helping random travelers that Arthur runs into. By the end, Arthur will do a few things to redeem himself.

10 Rescues Jimmy Brooks

Arthur Morgan as he talks to Jimmy Brooks

When the player first makes it to Valentine, they will run across a man named Jimmy Brooks. Jimmy will (stupidly) recognize Arthur and threaten to report him, causing Arthur to give chase. At the end of the chase, Jimmy's horse throws him off and he dangles off a cliff.

The player can choose to either rescue him or cause him to fall. Rescuing the man will cause Arthur to threaten him, making it so the authorities don't find the gang. It is an optional choice, but it's one of the first good ones the player can make.

9 Rescues Mary's Brother From Chelonians

Mary's brother with the Chelonians on top of the mountain

While in Valentine, Arthur can run into his ex-fiancée Mary Lipton. She will ask him to rescue her brother from a cult, causing the player to go find the brother. The player will have to chase the brother down as well, ending in a standoff.

Arthur shoots the gun out of the brother's hand, returning him to Mary at the train station. Mary will thank Arthur for the help before getting on the train and leaving. Maybe Arthur did it because he is still in love with Mary, maybe he did it to help out.

8 Assisting Escaped Prisoners

The prisoners White and Black talking to the player

Arthur can run across two prisoners who need help escaping from the law. Talking to them reveals they got arrested after a farmer had a heart attack, but the judge was bribed. The player can help the prisoners escape by taking down wanted posters.

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The next time they can be found, players must give the prisoners medicine after they ate mushrooms. They ended up escaping, living out in the wild at a stilt shack. Players can find them later, knowing they helped the two escape.

7 Can Rescue Hostages

The cutscene after rescuing the hostages from the Fence

When the player gets to Saint Denis, they can find a monk outside of the market. He will ask the player for money, but then ask them to rescue a few hostages from a Fence. The player can either accept the task or decline it.

Accepting the task is the better option, as the player will find the hostages chained up in a secret basement. Returning them to the monk will make him happy, with him offering the player any money they have. The player can decline, instead telling them to give it to the poor.

6 Can Donate To A Nun

Arthur as he talks to a nun in front of a church

Along with the monk, the player can run into a nun in Saint Denis. She can be found and tasks the player with helping out others. One of these tasks has the player donate to the poor -- either giving food or money. It's a simple enough task, but it is a good thing the player can do.

5 Questions Dutch On His Methods

Arthur as he talks to Dutch

As the game progresses, Dutch starts to act weirder and weirder. Unlike a few of the other characters in the gang, Arthur will ask Dutch about his methods and why he is becoming sloppy. The first real time this is noticed is in Guarma, when Dutch kills an old lady who was guiding them.

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Arthur was one of the first people in the gang and one of the closest to Dutch, making it a bit of surprise he is one to confront Dutch. This leads to a split between the two, not being as close as they once were.

4 Assists Charlotte Balfour

Arthur and Charlotte as they talk during a cutscene

Players can come across a stranger who needs some help. The stranger is a woman named Charlotte, who came to the wilderness with her now-deceased husband. Arthur finds her on her own and teaches her how to hunt and live on her own. This pays off, as she learns to live off the wilderness.

She also treats Arthur as a friend, letting him use her hut to rest. Later in the epilogue, she is shown to still be alive and on her own. This means Arthur's lessons really did pay off.

3 Helps The Downes Rebuild Their Life

Archie and Edith Downes as they board a ship

It is Arthur's fault the Downes fell on hard times, as he caused the husband to die. Arthur tries to rectify this later in the game, as he finds the Downes in Annesburg. Archie is working in the mines and Edith is working as a prostitute.

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Arthur helps the family by convincing Edith to stop being a prostitute and giving her money to leave that life behind. During the epilogue, the Downes can be seen doing better than they were before. While it might not have been Arthur directly, he at least tried to help them out.

2 Can Absolve Debt And Give Money

The two debtors that Arthur does not collect from

During Strauss' last money-collecting mission, Arthur will have a change of heart. One of the debtors is a soldier who deserted the army with his wife and unborn child. Arthur sees how bad they are doing and can decide to absolve the debt. The soldier and his wife will ride off.

The other debtor is the widow of a miner who died. Her husband borrowed the money but died in an accident. The debt is absolved, with Arthur having the choice to give the family money to help them out. After returning to camp, Arthur will expel Strauss from the camp.

1 Helps John Marston Escape

Arthur giving his hat to John Marston

During Arthur's last moments, he decides to help John and his family escape from the gang. Arthur helps rescue Abigail and defends John from the gang and Pinkerton agents. When Arthur and John are surrounded, Arthur tells John to get out of there and shoots at the enemies.

This causes Arthur to die, with John and his family getting away safely. In his last moments, Arthur helped the family escape the life of crime.

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