Arthur Morgan's hat in Red Dead Redemption 2 is by far the most important part of his wardrobe, holding more significance than many players would likely expect. Of course, a cowboy's hat is the most iconic aspect of their outfit, so it's only natural for a cowboy protagonist's hat to hold some special meaning. For Arthur, his hat in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a constant, something that holds value whether he is rich or poor.

One thing that sets Arthur's hat apart from Red Dead Redemption 2's other clothing options is that it is his only piece of clothing that will always be available to the player. While the player can equip various outfits on Arthur's horse, his hat will always be available to be re-equipped in a pinch. Considering that the hat is always there and looks good in its own right, many players will likely wear it through most of the game.

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Arthur's Hat Is A Relic from His Past in Red Dead Redemption 2

Lyle Morgan's mugshot from Red Dead Redemption 2

The default hat hails before the Van der Lindes were a part of Arthur's life. Arthur's tragic life in RDR2 started before he was even a teenager; he lost both of his parents early in life and was surviving on the streets until Dutch and Hosea found him, essentially adopting him into the earliest version of the Van der Linde gang. Even before Arthur's proper criminal career started at that moment, he already had his signature hat.

Arthur's hat originally belonged to his father, Lyle Morgan, who couldn't match up to Dutch as Arthur's father figure in RDR2. While Arthur is a rather honorable sort of outlaw, his father was far from that ideal. Arthur recalls being beaten by his father as a child, in stark contrast to Dutch's more levelheaded demeanor. Arthur's bitter words in his journal only confirms that his hat may be the only worthwhile thing he ever got from his father.

Considering Arthur's antipathy towards his father, the fact that he always kept his hat in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a little surprising. However, even though it came from a man that he despised, this hat is also Arthur's oldest possession. For a boy who grew up with almost nothing, it makes sense that he would hold tightly to what little he owned. It's likely that Arthur accomplished more while wearing that hat than his no-good father ever did, essentially erasing the old man's legacy with his own.

Arthur's Hat In Red Dead Redemption 2 Was His Last Gift To John

arthur morgan john marston goodbye red dead redemption 2

For most of Red Dead Redemption 2's runtime, Arthur's hat is faithfully by his side just as much as Red Dead Redemption 2's best horses. If the player never changes it, then it can see him through from the game's opening in Colter all the way to the final confrontation at the climax. In fact, the hat itself ends up playing a role in one of the game's most powerful scenes. In the last few moments that Arthur Morgan and John Marston share together, the old outlaw finds a highly appropriate way to pass the torch.

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In the main story's final hour, Arthur and John are escaping from Pinkertons as well as the traitorous Micah. With time running out due to Arthur's tuberculosis in Red Dead Redemption 2, he encourages John to escape back to his family and run away while he holds off their pursuers. In the process, he takes off his hat and places it on John's head. John doesn't want to leave Arthur behind, but the grizzled old outlaw remains resolute, convincing John to save himself.

Arthur granting John his hat was more than just a parting gift to an old friend. In a way, Arthur was passing the role that he played onto John. After Arthur's death in Red Dead Redemption 2's ending, John would take up the role as protagonist, both in Red Dead Redemption 2's epilogue and the first game's main story. Tragically, John would also meet a similar fate to Arthur, going out in a blaze of glory in order to save those that he cares about.

Arthur Also Passed Down His Lifestyle To John After Red Dead Redemption 2

Arthur Morgan - Red Dead Redemption II

At the start of Red Dead Redemption 2, there were a lot of things that Arthur and John had to argue over. Most notably, Arthur was infuriated that John disappeared for an entire year despite having a wife and son to look after. John's portrayal in Red Dead Redemption 2 came off as fairly impulsive during the events of the game, particularly in comparison to the older, calmer Arthur, who wanted John to appreciate family after losing his own.

After receiving Arthur's hat though, John undergoes something of a change in character, becoming more focused on protecting his family. Even when forced to hunt down the remaining Van Der Lindes in John's story after Red Dead Redemption 2, his concerns are with his family's wellbeing first and foremost. It seems that getting Arthur's hat managed to make John mature quite a bit, just like the old gunslinger who wore it before him.

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In a sense, Arthur's hat almost seems like an emblem of a noble outlaw. Both Arthur and John lived outside the law, yet can consistently prove themselves to possess empathy and maturity that would not be expected of gunslingers and thieves like themselves. Despite Arthur's impressive kill count in RDR2, he and John alike were willing to put themselves in danger in order to protect their loved ones. Although its original owner Lyle may have been scum, Arthur's hat seems quite comfortable on the head of a principled outlaw.

Arthur's hat has a lot of symbolic relevance in Red Dead Redemption 2, even if it isn't specifically pointed out. It helps to symbolize the end of Arthur's story, as well as denote the major turn in John's character that bridges his portrayals between the first and second games. The fact that this symbol comes in the form of the most famous symbol of a cowboy only strengthens its role as Arthur Morgan's last legacy in RDR2's world. Although Red Dead Redemption 2's story doesn't hinge on Arthur's hat, its meaning is difficult to ignore.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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