Without a doubt, the entire Red Dead Redemption franchise is filled with memorable moments, whether that’s Dutch’s last words, John Marston’s death, the Guarma Chapter of Red Dead 2, Arthur Morgan’s death, or far more. Overall, it’s really hard to pick a favorite, even if it were divided between the first game and Red Dead Redemption 2.

Still, near the end of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan gives John Marston his hate, an iconic moment between the two protagonists. Arthur swears to get John to safety, if it’s the last thing he does, and tells him at this moment “Go, now. I’ll hold them off. It would mean a lot to me, please. There ain’t no more time for Talk. Go.” Before they split up, John says, “You’re my brother.” Arthur’s response is a solemn, “I know. I know.”

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Red Dead Redemption 2: A Hat For Every Cowboy

red dead 2 hat

The hat comes to symbolize a lot, really packing a lot into this particular scene. First comes the practicality of why a cowboy wears a hat; it’s not really a fashion statement. Cowboy hats, not just in Red Dead Redemption 2, provide shade, protection from the elements, and warmth, while indicating their general life plans. It’s also an important tool for survival as it can be used to fan a fire, scooped up to drink water, or waved to get attention. In short, as Arthur Morgan is asking John to go, survive, and be with his family, he is giving him a literal tool for survival.

It’s also given in a “hand me down” way, passing from one brother to another, really emphasizing their relationship in this moment. It’s not likely that Arthur Morgan would give his hat to just about anyone, and he probably wouldn’t even for John if it weren’t for these circumstances. Morgan has accepted his death, no matter which direction it comes from, and this is a final act—a giving of life in one way. All in all, it becomes a moment of sacrifice where one man devoted to committing one last final act of good in the world passes to his brother the tools he needs to live and go to his family.

It’s hardened by the fact that Arthur Morgan’s family is the Dutch Van Der Linde gang, and it’s fallen apart as it has. Deepened even further is the fact that Arthur Morgan lost his son and his son’s mother before the game ever began, really pushing another element of family into this. No matter how you look at it, there is a multitude of layers here relating to Red Dead Redemption 2’s themes.

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Why Doesn’t John Wear Arthur Morgan’s Hat in RDR1?

red dead 1 hat

All of this sentimentality pushes the question why John doesn’t wear Arthur’s hat in the first game. They tend to look similar, but are quite different. Arthur's is made of pure leather, while Rockstar once confirmed John wears a Light Center Crease, Modified-Cattleman hat.

There are a couple of reasons John doesn't wear Arthur's, but at the end of the day, what could have turned out to be a sweet sentimentality never came to fruition. The first answer is that, at the time of Red Dead Redemption 1’s release, Arthur Morgan didn’t exist. He was created after the fact, so there wasn’t an idea to have this connection.

This, in turn, asks why they just didn’t give Arthur Morgan John’s hat to begin with in Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a storytelling device, this could have easily worked. Perhaps John had a raggedy hat or just didn’t wear one in RDR2, really allowing for a slow burn to a sentimental setup. Some have reasoned that this didn’t happen because the hat would be a dead giveaway of Arthur Morgan’s death (though, of course, quite a few years pass to and a hat can only hold up for so long). To play devil’s advocate, though, anyone who played RDR1 could have well reasoned Arthur Morgan would die, and those who didn’t wouldn’t make the connection. At the end of the day, it’s just a missed opportunity.

It had been previously mentioned that a Red Dead 1 Remaster could be in the works, thanks to the number of remasters in the works under the Take-Two umbrella (Rockstar Games’ parent company). Some alleged it would be contingent on the GTA Trilogy remaster, so its future is uncertain if this is true. But, if Red Dead 1 ever does get a remaster treatment (though there is also the case for a full Red Dead Redemption 1 Remake, even if that is far less likely), then hopefully Rockstar will add Arthur Morgan’s hat in tribute.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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