In Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2, several people are never seen but nevertheless have a big influence. This includes characters like Heidi McCourt and Arthur's son, Isaac. Many gamers also have questions about Annabelle, a woman who is mentioned a few times but is never seen. Though it appears that she was part of the Van der Linde gang at some point, she is dead by the time the game begins.

Her death triggers a feud, and its effects are felt throughout Red Dead Redemption 2. Rather than learn from past mistakes, both Colm O'Driscoll and Dutch instead pursue revenge, though it only results in more violence. Unfortunately, Annabelle's death is far from the only preventable one, and many more Van der Linde gang members perish.

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Annabelle in Red Dead Redemption 2


At the center of Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Van der Linde gang. It is led by Dutch Van der Linde, who has many liberal, anarchist beliefs but is also very greed-driven. The gang is composed of a host of memorable characters including Karen the alcoholic, Uncle the sloth, and Strauss the moneylender, to name a few. The gang has a long history, and not all who have been members are shown in Red Dead Redemption 2, including Annabelle.

There is not much revealed about Annabelle, so it takes keen attention to detail to piece together the slivers of information provided. She is occasionally mentioned by Arthur Morgan, Hosea Matthews, and Dutch, and it is implied that she may have once been a member of the gang. It is also implied that she was close to Dutch, which made her a prime target when one of his many enemies sought revenge. After Dutch killed the brother of Colm O'Driscoll, Colm killed Annabelle in retribution.

The Consequences of Annabelle's Death

Red Dead Redemption 2 The O'Driscolls Meeting

Though Annabelle is never seen, her death triggers a heated feud between the O'Driscoll gang and the Van der Linde gang. The two groups are run quite differently, with Colm O'Driscoll treating his men as dispensable while Dutch values every member of his gang. This feud directly impacts gameplay, and when players are out exploring the wilderness, any run-ins with the O'Driscolls are likely to turn into shootouts.

Annabelle's death heavily impacts Dutch, and he adopts the philosophy that "revenge is a fool's game." However, this is something he fails to live by, as he constantly pursues revenge throughout Red Dead Redemption 2. He violently murders Angelo Bronte, attacks Cornwall's oil refinery, and tries to rob a train carrying army payroll. He also gets revenge on Colm O'Driscoll by thwarting the O'Driscroll boys' attempt to save their leader when he is hanged by the government. All these activities only increase the amount of negative attention on the gang, making their lives that much harder.

The Life and Death of Outlaws

Red Dead Redemption 2 screenshot Dutch gang

Annabelle's story is tragic, though it highlights many of the themes of Red Dead Redemption 2. Her death sets off a series of revenge killings that bring no satisfaction, and only perpetuate cycles of violence. She is also a grim reminder that while Dutch may romanticize the outlaw's life, the reality of it is a grizzly and often short one. This is highlighted by Jamie, who is Mary Linton's little brother. Jamie is glad that Mary's romance with Arthur didn't work out, as she might have met the same fate as Annabelle.

Annabelle's death is one of many that are encountered in Red Dead Redemption 2. Thanks to the franchise's gripping story, gamers have been eager for more, though it seems Rockstar is far more concerned with GTA 6 at the moment. As a result, the rumored Red Dead Redemption remake and Red Dead Redemption 2 next-gen upgrade seem increasingly unlikely.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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