Red Dead Redemption 2 largely centers around the characters of the Van Der Linde gang, and explains their story leading up to the events of the first game. As the missions progress, players will become intimately acquainted with all members of the gang, who share a camp and can be interacted with in a variety of ways. The excellent writing and characterization of each gang member makes them all unique and memorable.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Secrets Players Missed In Valentine

In Red Dead Redemption 2, Valentine is the first town players come across, and exploring it a bit could reveal unexpected results!

Unfortunately, things don't work out for everyone, and by the time the story is fully completed across both games, the vast majority of the Van Der Linde gang end up dead. Whether in dramatic, bullet-strewn last stands or peacefully on mountainsides looking at the sunrise, each member meets their end in a different way, further reflecting the violence and cheapness of life during the old west time period.

19 Kieran Duffy

A Disproportionately Gruesome Fate For The Harmless Horse Whisperer

Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Kieran

From the first minute, Arthur and the gang meet Kieran Duffy, he is already in a pretty unfortunate position. As a low-level hired gun for the O'Driscoll Boys, he is quickly captured by the Van Der Linde gang and tied to a post, interrogated, and threatened with castration.

Over time, Kieran proves himself to be trustworthy, and even teaches players the art of fishing. Sadly for Kieran, his small amount of luck finally runs dry in Chapter Four, when he is beheaded and has his eyes gouged out by the O'Driscolls before being sent back as a message.

18 Sean McGuire

An Unceremonious End For A Good Irish Ally

Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Sean

Like most of the Van Der Linde gang, Sean McGuire is a slightly immoral, slightly untrustworthy and entirely mad gunslinger with kleptomaniacal tendencies. In many ways, Sean is almost like a younger brother figure to Arthur, who even says as much at the end of the mission "The Fine Joys of Tobacco".

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Open world games are some of the most popular because of how many hours you can spend on them! These are the most immersive.

What makes Sean's death so bad is how unexpected and un-heroic it is. Out of nowhere, while walking through Rhodes, Sean is sniped through the head by a rooftop shooter and falls dead, mid-conversation.

17 Lenny Summers

An Underwhelming Finish For A Bright And Promising Character

16 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Lenny

Lenny is another character who meets his demise quite unexpectedly, and many players will hold a fondness for him after the drunken escapades of the mission "A Quiet Time". A bright and curious chap, Lenny spends most of his time reading, and further digging into his backstory will reveal that he had quite a harsh upbringing.

Lenny's death is certainly underwhelming, and lacks the drama that perhaps he deserved. After robbing the bank in Saint Denis, Lenny is killed while fleeing over the rooftops by pursuing Pinkertons. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop it from happening.

15 Hosea Matthews

The Old Veteran's Ambition Leads To His Own Undoing

14 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Hosea Matthews

Old Hosea Matthews is something of a father figure to most members in the gang. Often advising and planning big scores, Hosea is known for his wit and charm, as well as his love for the theatrical and the dramatic.

7 Open-World Games Offering Realistic Daily Routine Simulations

The following open-world games offer highly immersive experiences, including the implementation of daily routines for NPCs.

Ultimately, there is an element of poetic justice to Hosea's death, since he originally planned the Saint Denis bank robbery to begin with. When it all goes wrong, Hosea is captured and executed by the vile Agent Milton, in plain view of his "family", the gang.

13 Bill Williamson

Bill's Valiant Escape Efforts Are Cut Short At The Final Hurdle

12 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Bill Williamson

While Bill Williamson is one of the more pitiful members of the Van Der Linde gang. Though he is often workshy around camp and more commonly found in a drunken stupor, his unwavering loyalty to the gang is certainly admirable.

Bill miraculously manages to survive the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 and escapes to Mexico with Javier. His ultimate fate is sealed in the first game, when John Marston is tasked with tracking him down and finishing him off. So close, yet so far.

11 Uncle

The Old Comedian Is Loyal To The Very End

10 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Uncle 2

Uncle is another character who, quite miraculously, survives far longer than he should. The lumbago-ridden lazy bones is best known for his sense of humour, and for contributing as little as possible in the way of work to the gang.

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Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto, and LA Noire - Rockstar Games has an impressive resume, but which titles are the best?

Things change, however, in the events of the original Red Dead Redemption. Having lived a long and unstrenuous life, Uncle makes an epic stand in an attempt to hold off Pinkertons who are invading Beecher's Hope. Fighting side by side with Jack and John Marston, Uncle is shot in the heart and finally falls to rest against the wood of the ranch he helped to build.

9 Javier Escuella

The Mexican's Wish Of Dying On Home Turf Is Eventually Fulfilled

8 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Javier Escuella 2

Javier Escuella is a cunning and loyal member of the Van Der Linde gang. Javier is certainly smarter than Bill and Uncle, so his survival of the events in Red Dead Redemption 2 comes as less of a surprise.

Although he is ultimately executed in the sand at the hands of John Marston, Javier did manage to fulfill his wish of returning to his home country of Mexico and dying there. While perhaps not as peaceful as he might have envisioned, Javier's death is certainly better than many others in the gang.

7 Dutch Van Der Linde

Giving No One Else The Satisfaction, Dutch Takes His Own Life

6 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Dutch-1

While Dutch's death does come until the very end of Red Dead Redemption, following the events of Red Dead Redemption 2, there is again an element of poetic justice to it. Having spent his entire life on the run, he finally runs out of track when confronted on a cliff-edge by John Marston.

Red Dead Redemption 3's Protagonist Should Be 'Dutch,' Even if They're Not Dutch

Dutch Van Der Linde could still be Red Dead Redemption 3's protagonist, but even if he isn't, his influence could still be felt.

After giving yet another one of his self-important speeches in the style of a Roman statesman, Dutch then plummets to his death in act of suicide, which seems appropriate for a man entirely obsessed with controlling his own fate.

5 Micah Bell

The Treacherous Villain Goes Down In A Blaze Of Mountain-High Glory

4 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Micah Bell

Though Micah Bell is arguably the most loathsome and evil character Rockstar have ever created, he certainly doesn't go down without a fight. A desperate man by all accounts, Micah flees to Mount Hagen and fortifies himself in a small camp there.

When John finally tracks him down in the epilogue of Red Dead Redemption 2, Micah truly earns his status as a legendary outlaw. In a one on one duel, Micah is bested by John, and simply shruggs at the defeat before collapsing, face first, into the snow.

3 Arthur Morgan

Whether Good Or Evil, Arthur Ultimately Gets Whatever He Deserves

2 Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked Arthur Morgan

As the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan's death is perhaps the saddest in the entire series. While there are several ways in which he can die, depending on the player's choices, each one is suitably appropriate for him.

Red Dead Redemption 2: 17 Things Arthur Morgan Can Do That John Marston Can't

Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 is an upgrade over John Marston from the original. Here are a few things Morgan can do that Marston can't.

In high honor endings, Arthur will meet a much more peaceful end, staring into the sunset as the breath slowly leaves his lungs for good. The more violent low honor ending, in which he is shot in the head by Micah, is equally deserved if players have chosen to make him evil.

1 John Marston

A Fighter To The Very End, John's Death Is The Stuff Of Legend

Red Dead Redemption 2 All Gang Member Deaths Ranked John Marston

John Marston features heavily in Red Dead Redemption 2, and is the main protagonist of the original Red Dead Redemption. While is not as charismatic as Arthur, he can be considered a relatively noble and well-meaning man, placing the security of his family above all else.

Having done everything in his power to free his wife and son from the grip of the Pinkertons, John is ultimately betrayed by them, leading to the last stand at Beecher's Hope. In a tribute to the legendary film Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid, John exits the barn faced with an impossible number of enemies pointing their gun at him. While his death may be inevitable in this scenario, he faces it with the courage of a legendary Wild West outlaw.

red dead redemption 2 poster
Red Dead Redemption 2

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
October 26, 2018
Rockstar Games
Action , Adventure