Any online game that allows for PVP is bound to see its players griefed from time to time. Unfortunately, this is often the case even when the targeted player makes it clear that they're not interested in combat.

Such was the case with one Red Dead Online player who was minding their own business when they were targeted by another group. The group of Red Dead Online players may have gotten a good laugh out of it, but vengeance came quickly for them.

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Reddit user and Red Dead Online player CMDRAaron went to the game's subreddit to share their story. According to CMDRAaron, they were playing the game in defensive mode, yet were targeted anyway by a group of strangers. The group targeted the Red Dead Online horse first, killing it and sending the player crashing to the ground, where they then took advantage of the vulnerability and killed the player, too.

CMDRAaron wasn't going to let that stand, and quickly went after the group in pursuit of revenge. The video they shared demonstrates them pulling out a bow and TNT arrows and destroying their enemies one by one. The other players attempted to fight back, but in the end, they couldn't compete with an angry player equipped with a weapon capable of dealing heavy direct damage and splash damage. CMDRAaron successfully fells the entire group, hopefully leaving them with a memory that will make them think twice before griefing others.

Other players in the comments were quick to praise the player and complain about their own griefing incidents. Some remarked that defensive mode seems to make them more of a target, rather than less of one, even though it reduces PVP damage dealt to anyone using it. Unfortunately, while defensive mode does make it easier to survive random attacks by other players, it's not a form of invulnerability like GTA Online's Passive Mode. However, on the other hand, a player can fight back when they're in defensive mode, though it does have some disadvantages.

Thankfully, this was a run-in with a regular group of Red Dead Online griefers, and it doesn't seem like anyone on the aggressor's side were using cheats. Red Dead Online has had a big problem with cheaters running rampant and using their abilities to do things like blow up legitimate players from a distance, or toggling God mode, which would have prevented someone like this player from getting revenge. Unfortunately, with Rockstar Games calling it quits with major updates to Red Dead Online, it's unlikely that the situation is going to get much better.

Red Dead Online is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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