A Red Dead Online player has discovered a great combat detail that makes fighting large animals much easier in the game. Red Dead Online has plenty of animals for players to hunt down and profit from, but it isn't always easy, so it's best to know exactly how to deal with them when the going gets tough.

Red Dead Online remains popular in the online community, despite the lack of updates for the game. Some players have even gone as far as to host a funeral for Red Dead Online. Even still, its dedicated player base continues to keep it alive, with Rockstar's incredible Western sandbox a big reason that many choose it over other newer titles.

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The great tip was posted by Redditor Prodigy772k, accompanied by footage of the player about to be mauled by a Legendary Golden Spirit Bear. They discovered that when the bear gets close, they're able to simply avoid it by dodging out of the way. It's definitely somewhat of a cheese, but it can be necessary to fight dirty when facing the game's hardest enemies. While Red Dead Online's combat might not be the deepest mechanically, it's interesting that gamers are still finding new ways to manipulate it to their advantage almost five years after release.

Players in the thread took to sharing their own tips for dealing with Red Dead Online's Legendary animals. One player suggested that they can just stare the animal down, a method which in the game can be more effective than it sounds. Others compared the method to Dark Souls' combat, where rolling around is an essential component of the combat system. The similarities are definitely there to be seen, even if Red Dead Online's combat might not have the depth of FromSoftware's title.

The controversy about Red Dead Online's abandonment from Rockstar, while GTA Online continues to receive updates, remains a hot talking point for the community. Some feel that Red Dead Redemption 3 should avoid the controversy around Red Dead Online's updates, by maintaining a consistent schedule. Right now it's a tough conversation to have, because the game seems to be so far away right now. GTA 6 still seems to be years off, and the online portion of that game will likely be heavily supported by Rockstar too. Even if the next Red Dead Redemption is many years away, hopefully Rockstar treats the online section with more love than it has with Red Dead Online.

Red Dead Online is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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