A Red Dead Online player has posted a scary clip in which their friend appears to get possessed by demons while in the middle of a melee fight. Red Dead Online is a playground where anything can happen, but this would surprise even the most experienced of players.

Red Dead Online is unique due to the versatility of the game's sandbox, which allows for some crazy moments to happen. There was one recent Red Dead Online clip that showed a horse trying to do a backflip, and even that doesn't seem too out of the ordinary for what is possible in the game. This is par for the course with Rockstar's games. There are plenty of people that are even still playing GTA 4, because its 2008 physics engine is more advanced than many games being released in 2023. It's an impressive level of future-proofing, and hopefully Red Dead Online can have a similar level of longevity even without regular content updates.

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The clip by Redditor Riven_Hourglass is a scary watch. It begins with the player in a fight with their friend, but as they pull away, they're pulled to the floor and dragged out of view by a supernatural force. There are plenty of glitches in Red Dead Online, but this doesn't seem to be one of them, as there's nothing that could have caused the problem. It's not even down to lag either, and there isn't anything delayed to suggest that it could be, so it seems this peculiar situation will remain one of the game's unsolved mysteries.

Strangely, there have been plenty of supernatural occurrences in the game lately. One Red Dead Online player was even turned into a UFO by a hacker, but at least that particular situation actually has a defined answer. In this clip, there are so few options that make sense that possession by demons almost seems to be one of the more plausible options available.

Gamers that continue to play Red Dead Online continue to hope for a new content update from Rockstar. Support for the game is officially finished, but that hasn't stopped players from a healthy dose of wishful thinking. Whether it ever comes to fruition remains to be seen, especially with the ongoing work on GTA 6 being the focus for the studio at the moment. In the absence of actual content, it's been interesting to see how the player base has responded. One of the main moves has been for many to switch to Red Dead Online roleplay through services like RedM. Sure, these aren't official servers from Rockstar, but they're more actively moderated, with more frequent updates and a passionate community behind them. If Red Dead Online is to survive, the likes of RedM can consider itself crucial to that.

Red Dead Online is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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