A Red Dead Online player has shown off their creative solution to help deal with annoying players in the game. While Red Dead Online can be unforgiving for newer players, this clip shows the game can be brutal toward anyone.

Over the years, there have been plenty of hilarious Red Dead Online clips that showcase a wide variety of shenanigans that players are able to engage in. Unfortunately, there will always be players looking to ruin it for other gamers, but finding ways to deal with these gamers is a huge part of the fun. One Red Dead Online player managed to exact revenge on griefers who killed their horse with an explosive display. It's great that Rockstar's sandbox offers an incredible amount of ways for players to be able to deal with situations like this, and it's exciting to see what sort of things the community will come up with next.

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The solution was posted by Redditor incompl3te_667, who posted the video of them being attacked by another player. The user has no intention to fight back with force, instead simply hogtying the player using a lasso. While one player hogtied an entire town in Red Dead Redemption 2, there's something satisfying about seeing an annoying player being given a taste of their own medicine. In the video, this player goes another step further, and throws the player through the broken window of a locked door. Because of this, the player is completely locked in, unable to bother anyone any further. For good measure, incompl3te_667 finished the video by dancing in front of the other player.

Others in the thread loved the video, with one user describing the player as an "inspiration." Red Dead Online is filled with heartwarming interactions between its players on a daily basis, but this clip shows that to survive in the harsh world, sometimes gamers have to be willing to do the dirty work in order to remove the more annoying players from the equation.

With substantial content for Red Dead Online seemingly finished, it remains to be seen what the future holds for the title. There will always be a community of gamers looking for an immersive Western experience, and Red Dead Online certainly remains the best in that category, so it's likely that it will retain a solid player base for some time yet. Despite this, it will be hard for it to thrive without brand-new content to continue to bring in new players, even if the base game, Red Dead Redemption 2, remains extremely popular. With Red Dead Redemption 3 nowhere near release, players will be hoping the current offering is enough to keep gamers engaged.

Red Dead Online is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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