Many players have been enjoying the critically acclaimed Red Dead Redemption 2 this week, which was released only a week ago. The game has received great reviews, and offers a lot for players to do in the game, to say the least. As it the case with any new game though, Red Dead Redemption 2 has its glitches, and recently players have discovered a particularly strange glitch on one of the roads in the game.

As some people have indicated on social media, there is a glitch in Red Dead Redemption 2 that makes horses combust spontaneously. When players walk on the road with the glitch, their horses seem to throw them off and then catch fire. The road is just outside the town of Rhodes, and to make it worse, the fire is invisible. Once any object or creature (including horses and humans) come into contact with the invisible fire, they begin burning. Because of this, multiple NPCs wander onto the road unwittingly, ultimately resulting in horrifying piles of burned horses.

The tweet below shows a video of the glitch:

In addition, apparently odd black spots can also suddenly pop up around the burning characters, and objects can regularly clip through the ground as a side-effect of the glitch. Another tweet below shows the strange black spots that are also caused by this glitch:

Rockstar has not announced a fix for this glitch yet, or whether it is aware of the glitch, so for now, players are advised to avoid this "cursed road" if they do not want to find themselves and their horses on fire. Rockstar is sure to roll out more patches for the game soon though, which will hopefully fix this glitch. The day one patch was already a huge 3GB patch, and with such a big game, players can expect to download more substantial patches in the near future. Despite its minor glitches, players are having a great time so far in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: The Verge