For some time now, there have been several rumors circulating online about Sony and Konami. These rumors suggest that the two companies' working relationships could be restored on some level. In 2020, it was rumored that Sony was planning on buying Konami, though this has yet to come to fruition and there hasn't been any official news on a possible acquisition. Since the rumors started about Sony's possible purchase, subsequent rumors about new games and exclusivity have cropped up.

Konami and Sony used to have a close working relationship. Some Konami games launched exclusively on PlayStation consoles, even though Sony didn't own Konami. The Metal Gear Solid series, in particular, has seen multiple exclusive launches on PlayStation consoles. Other games, like Silent Hill 2, were launched first on a PlayStation console before being ported to other platforms sometime after. While none of the recent rumors have yet to be proven accurate, if there is any truth to them, Sony and Konami could be working closely together once again.

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Silent Hill is Rumored For a PS5 Reboot

silent hill ps5 exclusive

One of the most prevalent rumors has been that Silent Hill could be rebooted exclusively on PlayStation 5. The bulk of these rumors suggest that Silent Hill will be rebooted for PS5 and that an official announcement has been delayed for the time being. Throughout 2020, there were frequent unverified claims about formal reveals of the new Silent Hill game. Ultimately, none of these turned out to be true, and there is currently no official word on the new game.

Fans have several questions about the purported Silent Hill reboot. There are reportedly two new Silent Hill titles in development, according to an unverified leak. This leak suggested that one game would act as a soft reboot for the series, while the other title would be RPG-influenced, and would be considered a spin-off game. The developer of The Medium, Bloober Team, has added fuel to the fire with its CEO stating that the company is working on another game in conjunction with a big-name publisher. Many fans believe this to be Konami and Silent Hill due to Bloober Team's experience with horror games.

The most recent rumors indicate that the PS5 Silent Hill game has changed developer, but like the other alleged information, there has been no official word on it. The status of the rumored new Silent Hill game on PS5 continues to be a mystery to fans, with many hoping that an official reveal will come sooner rather than later.

The Rumored Metal Gear Solid Remake

Similar to the Silent Hill reboot rumors, the first Metal Gear Solid game has been rumored for a remake on PlayStation 5. It's been rumored that Konami has been looking into licensing out its properties, including Metal Gear Solid. Once the unverified claims of a remake came to light, some fans immediately thought of Bluepoint Games as the developer to remake Metal Gear Solid. The developer has a track record of working on remakes which have proven to be critically successful. With Bluepoint Games' long association with Sony, this rumor could be considered more credible than others.

Recently, the Metal Gear rumors have expanded. Further unverified information says there's a series of remakes in the works, and it's not just the first Metal Gear Solid game. With Hideo Kojima's departure from Konami in 2015, many fans would be displeased with a brand new Metal Gear project without him. A Metal Gear Solid remake collection might be a safe move for Konami. The new leaks suggest that the series of remakes are part of a deal between Sony and Konami, and if this turns out to be true, the two companies may have restored their previous working relationship.

While nothing has been formally revealed about the purported Silent Hill games or the Metal Gear Solid remake, fans are hoping news will come soon. The Silent Hill reveal has allegedly been postponed several times now, which has made fans of the dormant franchise hungry for news. Equally, some gamers are excited to see if any Metal Gear Solid news will come soon. The Metal Gear Solid Twitter profile has teased something in recent days, and many are hoping it's related to a potential remake(s). All these rumors should be taken with a grain of salt unless they're verified, but the sheer quantity of rumors could indicate something between Sony and Konami.

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