The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Dead By Daylight. The two biggest asymmetrical horror games around are both currently in their prime. The issue is, both of these games have totally different gameplay styles. Dead By Daylight is a slow-paced, highly strategic, meta-orientated 1v4. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, on the other hand, is a much faster and more tense 3v4, where the survivors have more in their favor to the balance of three times the risk due to the increased number of killers.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game: 8 Best Victim Abilities

The Family are on the rampage in the new Texas Chain Saw Massacre game, and the victims abilities are more important than ever if they are to survive.

So, which asymmetrical game is better? Both are very much unique in the way they tackle the problem of the asymmetrical balancing act. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference, with each game outshining the other in some departments. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is superior (or just different) than Dead By Daylight in some areas.

10 Faster Pacing

Leatherface chasing a survivor

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre may have more factors leaning towards the survivors, such as better hiding spots, more escape routes, and superior stealth, but the increased pressure from there being three killers means this game feels much, much faster compared to Dead By Daylight.

Leatherface starting in the basement increases this factor tenfold, with the tension instantly ramping up from the moment the game starts. It's a struggle from start to finish, so even with the extra leg up, every survivor has to fight to escape the hell of the Sawyer ranch.

9 More Possibilities For A Chase

Victims fixing a generator

In Dead By Daylight, when a killer spots a survivor, there's really only one way the situation can go, for both the killer and the survivor. For the survivor, they can loop the killer and escape, or the killer can break that loop and end the chase early.

Dead By Daylight: 6 Anti-Tunneling Perks For Survivors

Survivors shouldn't ignore these anti-tunneling perks in a Dead by Daylight match.

In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, the killers can create a pincer for the victim, the victim can outsmart them by using cleverly opened shortcuts and vaults, or the killer can be really clever and tactically close certain escape routes, trapping the victim. There are more ways a chase can play out in TCM.

8 Teamwork Among Killers

Leatherface entering a building

Being a killer in Dead By Daylight can be a lonely experience, with long periods of time when players are doing nothing but looking for potential hints of a nearby survivor. This just isn't the case in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, with a coordinated team of killers constantly communicating.

The near-constant warnings of a nearby survivor from fellow killers mean that players will never feel truly lost while playing as a killer in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. In fact, it's actually a huge bonus, because the last few minutes of every match is always a mad scramble that feels chaotic but fantastic fun.

7 Less Task Repetition

A Series Of Killers From Dead By Daylight

There's only one way to escape in Dead By Daylight, and those who have played will know it well. Generators. There's a hatch as well, but that only opens when there's a sole survivor remaining, and the killer can easily close it.

There are multiple escape routes in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, all requiring slightly different items to activate. That means players will always be doing something different to escape, depending on the exit route they choose. This adds some sorely needed gameplay variety, as constantly restarting generators can be tiresome after a while.

6 The Ability To Survive Solo

A Survivor creeping around a Family member

When one player is the only remaining survivor in Dead by Daylight, it's essentially game over. There's very little chance the survivor will make it out alive, with so many odds stacked against them. In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, however, it can actually be easier to make it out alone.

8 Games To Play If You Like Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Some players' bloodlust might not have ended after playing The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game, and these titles may scratch that itch.

As family members in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre kill victims, they'll harvest blood for Grandpa. This means the more victims they're able to corner, the faster they'll be able to sniff out the remaining survivors. This being the case, it's actually a lot easier to split up, making it harder for the family to increase their already far greater power.

5 Individual Perk Leveling

A survivor exiting a locker

Perks in Dead By Daylight are leveled up not by playing, but by unlocking the more advanced version in the blood web. Perks in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, on the other hand, are leveled up by playing with them.

This leads to a much more organic progression arc for each character and also offers players more incentive to use each option more often. While it would be nice for XP to be earned quicker, this method allows players full control over how each character plays, with far less randomness such as the blood web at play, especially with abilities.

4 Graphics

The Sawyer Ranch

This one isn't quite a fair comparison, as The Texas Chain Saw Massacre came out 7 years after Dead By Daylight, but the latter has had several huge graphical overhauls since its release.

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If you're looking for the best visuals on the Xbox Series X, these are the games you want to check out.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre shines in the graphical department. Its use of realistic graphics, murky colors, and realistic foliage means that it provides a perfect recreation of the Sawyer homestead. It absolutely adds to the creepy atmosphere and helps the tension rack up.

3 Less Meta Importance

A survivor hiding from an advancing killer

Players who've experienced much of Dead By Daylight all know one thing - the meta is king. The Dead By Daylightperk meta game rules the roost in terms of how matches play out, with certain perk combinations proving just as deadly a weapon as any knife or chainsaw.

In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, there's definitely a meta to be experienced, but the game is far more dependent on how skillful the victim or family member is. This lowers the bar for entry to make TCM the far more accessible game out of the two.

2 An Organic Match Timer

Leatherface chasing a victim

This one only makes sense after experiencing how The Texas Chain Saw Massacre works. In Dead By Daylight, the match timer only begins ticking down after the killer closes the hatch or the exit doors are opened.

In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, the powering up of Grandpa and the bleeding out of victims is what makes the match begin to wrap up. This absolutely piles on the tension in the last few minutes of each round, as the victims scramble to escape as they bleed out and the family members hunt them down.

1 Less Killer Idling

A Xenomorph chasing a survivor

During a match of Dead By Daylight, players will spend a lot of their time searching for the survivors. While this is happening, it can actually be fairly dull and repetitive to play as the killer.

During a match of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, however, the killers can set up the map, lay traps, feed Grandpa, or block shortcuts. It means that killers are typically far less idle, and players will consistently feel like they're achieving their goals. It's a notable change since players with lesser aim can contribute significantly to matches.

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