Ever since players have "entered the survival horror" in 1996 with Capcom's Resident Evil, the series has become a conglomerate of the horror genre. Despite countless sequels and remakes, the original entries in the series maintain a strong replay value in their PS1-graphic glory. Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 were revolutionary not only in the horror genre but in the video game industry as a whole, effectively placing players directly into a horror movie.

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Whether you're circling through the Spencer Mansion as Jill Valentine or running through the streets of Raccoon City as Leon S. Kennedy, both remain at the top of PS1 era games. The question is: which of the two is superior?

10 Resident Evil: Iconic Setting

Resident Evil Spencer Mansion

The setting may be a bit generic: an abandoned, decrepit mansion in the middle of nowhere that our cast of characters find themselves trapped in. However, it's the way that Resident Evil employs the mansion as a setting that makes it so iconic.

The narrow hallways have zombies awaiting every corner, with windows ready to be busted through by bloodthirsty hounds, all sitting on top of an Umbrella laboratory responsible for the nightmare. It screams survival horror and commands the interest of the player.

9 Resident Evil 2: Multiple Scenarios

Resident Evil 2 Opening Claire

Resident Evil 2 offers so much content that it needed to be split into two separate discs for players when it was released. This is largely due to the existence of two new campaigns that are unlocked at the conclusion of each playthrough of Leon and Claire's campaigns.

These new "B" scenarios offer the unique perspectives of Leon and Claire if events in the game had panned out differently, effectively doubling the play time of Resident Evil 2. The "B" Scenarios not only expand upon the events that take place in Raccoon City but add an extra challenge. In addition, there is also the "Hunk" and "Tofu" scenarios, unlocked by finishing the other scenarios.

8 Resident Evil: Iconic Characters

Resident Evil 1 Opening Chris

The original Resident Evil introduces us to the most iconic characters in the entire Resident Evil series: Chris, Jill, Barry, and Rebecca each reappear as playable main characters in future entries, and Wesker remains the most well-known antagonist of the Umbrella Corporation.

Each of these characters is memorable (albeit, due to the over-the-top script and voice-acting), from Chris's desire to be a hero and "play nice guy," to Wesker's hints at something more sinister occurring until his reveal as a traitor.

7 Resident Evil 2: Graphics And Cutscenes

Resident Evil 2 Claire and Leon Ending

From the beginning Resident Evil 2, players are immediately sucked in with the iconic opening cutscene that splits Leon and Claire up on their own routes. The graphics in these cutscenes still hold up today, and when you consider the fact that the game was released in 1998, it becomes clear why the cutscenes throughout Resident Evil 2 are so iconic.

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With the additional upgrade in voice acting from its predecessor, Resident Evil 2 is more successful in creating a horror movie-like atmosphere.

6 Resident Evil: Orchestrated Soundtrack

Resident Evil Soundtrack Art

This is accounting for the soundtrack of the original game, and not the Director's Cut. Resident Evil went completely over-the-top when it incorporated a full orchestra into its soundtrack.

The dichotomy between an eerily realistic violin and clunky PS1 graphics actually works, creating an unsettling atmosphere perfect for the tone of the game. The soundtrack has an impressive range, interloping between ominous ambiance throughout the mansion and loud cacophony when danger strikes.

5 Resident Evil 2: Memorable Monsters

RE 2 mosnters

The pacing of difficulty in Resident Evil 2 is masterfully done in the progression of monsters that the player faces throughout the game. Not only do the enemies get stronger, but the design of the monsters is genuinely chilling.

The cutscene that introduces lickers to the player remains one of the most memorable moments in the Resident Evil series. Additionally, the introduction of Mr. X in the B scenarios, and the concept of a monster that stalks players throughout the entire game that later became a staple of the series, establishes Resident Evil 2 as having some of the most iconic monsters in any game at that time.

4 Resident Evil: Multiple Endings

Resident evil 1 ending

While Resident Evil 2 does offer different scenarios with unique endings, Resident Evil offers players an additional challenge of achieving the different endings, which is dictated by who is rescued at the end of the game.

The choices that the player makes at key points throughout Chris and Jill's campaigns are the deciding factors of which main characters live or die and appear in the ending cutscene.

3 Resident Evil 2: Weapon Variety

Resident Evil 2 Bow Gun

Resident Evil 2 expanded on the combat features of the original with the inclusion of a variety of new weapons to add to the player's arsenal.

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With weapons unique to Leon and Claire, and certain weapons being more effective against different enemies, it adds much more depth to the combat system than the original, not to mention the additional unlockable weapons like the machine gun and gatling gun.

2 Resident Evil: Meme Quality

Resident Evil Jill Sandwich

Resident Evil is iconic for many reasons; included in those reasons are the whacky moments, script, and voice acting throughout the game that have cemented themselves as some of the most well-known memes in the video game industry.

For better or worse, the cheesiness of the game is one of the main reasons it stands out from almost every other game at the time.

1 Resident Evil 2: Boss Encounters

RE 2 boss

Between giant crocodiles, various encounters with a mutated William Birkin, and Mr. X in the B scenarios, Resident Evil 2 takes the cake with boss fights.

The increased encounter with bosses from the original adds more pressure on the player to be strategic with ammo and resources, preventing players from simply stocking up for a couple of bosses that pop up far and few between throughout the game.

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