The Call of Duty franchise has seen a variety of different titles by multiple development teams, which all contain different styles in terms of gameplay. Many who are familiar with titles such as Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, will know of its much longer time to kill, compared to Modern Warfare (2019) and the current Modern Warfare 2.

Many players have voiced their concerns regarding the game's time to kill, as they feel there is a lack of time to react or identify where gunfire is coming from unless opponents are right in front of them. While these complaints are indeed valid, there are also certain aspects of the game's fast time to kill which improve gameplay.

5 Encourages Tactical Gameplay


Many Call of Duty players will relate the title to a gameplay style more akin to a gung-ho nature, taking an aggressive and fast-paced approach. In this case, while the pacing of gameplay is still fast, the game's fast time to kill gives players more incentive to take a tactical, methodical, and cautious approach.

The chance of gung-ho and an aggressive gameplay style are certainly still possible, with players opting for submachine guns that adhere to faster fire rates and aim down sight times. However, these players will more than likely have to sacrifice distance. Despite its controversy, the implementation of the shorter time to kill aligns with the campaign mode.

4 Realistic Gunplay


Many previous installments of Call of Duty, particularly Modern Warfare (2019), got a lot of praise that stemmed from how realistic the animations were within all of its gunplay. From the reloading, to the weapon sounds, to the mounting of weapons, the overall lifelike gun mechanics were held to high praise and also involved a fast time to kill.

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While it may be frustrating for players who are in search of a more fair and balanced experience, Modern Warfare 2 manages to maintain a brutal and unforgiving time to kill which in turn leads to more strategy when picking off opponents. One, two, or three bullets can often be all it takes to finish enemies off even at long distances. While this can be incredibly frustrating, it adheres to Infinity Ward's intent of ensuring this title remains within its path of realism.

3 Engaging Maneuvers Into Cover

Prisoner Rescue

Considering the fast time to kill, the importance of players getting into cover and safe spots amid gun battles is vital to victory in each lobby. This is the best-case scenario players have when it comes to analyzing their surroundings, regaining health, and quickly re-engaging in combat.

With the way some of the walls and doors are designed in multiple Call of Duty titles (including this game), players are not invulnerable to gunfire, as bullets can pass through. Additionally, the use of the 'drill charge' can eliminate those who attempt to stay in one spot. This adheres to the idea of keeping combat and gameplay in a fast-paced motion.

2 Highlights Importance Of Dolphin Dive

Dolphin Dive

Similar to the idea of transitioning into cover quickly is the return of the 'dolphin dive' ability, which gives players the ability to leap into a prone position. This appears to be particularly useful when overwhelmed with gunfire from multiple enemies, and as shown in the multiplayer trailer and multiple instances of gameplay, this can be vital given how fast the time to kill is.

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Aside from sliding into cover or using the basic crouch, Infinity Ward has given fans a quicker, more efficient way of attempting to evade getting killed by opponents. This feature may not always work and can still lead to death more often than not, but it synergizes with the fast time to kill. Players will need as many tools as possible at their disposal to get into appropriate positions for combat.

1 Keeping Players On Alert


In conjunction with perks such as 'High Alert' and 'Spotter,' players will need to keep an eye on all of their surroundings due to the time to kill. Those who tend to situate themselves in one spot to snipe enemies, or wait for them to cross by, will have a harder time doing so. While the fast time to kill will be a benefit for them, it will also lead to a higher amount of deaths, especially on much bigger maps with open spaces.

Platerswill know that there will be a heavy reliance on the need for a faster aim down sight and fire rate speed, as this will align with staying on their toes and monitoring each corner turned cautiously as featured for the most part in the game's campaign. It appears as though Infinity Ward wants players to test their skills much more in combat, as the time to kill they have implemented certainly requires better execution in aim, caution, and spotting targets efficiently. Regardless, it will be difficult for developers to follow all players' wishes. Some players favor the current time to kill, whilst others wish for a fair and more balanced one.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is out now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

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