
  • Hogwarts Legacy features an intriguing mix of professors, showcasing the teaching experience in the magical world.
  • A real teacher gave a performance review to the Hogwarts Legacy professors.
  • While some professors, such as Mudiwa Onai and Chiyo Kogawa, received high honors, others were found lacking.

A real-life teacher from the United Kingdom has seen to the duty of issuing a performance review for all the professors featured in Hogwarts Legacy, and most of them aren't exactly exceeding expectations. Hogwarts Legacy has players interact with nearly a dozen teachers at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, but they're not all great at their jobs.

Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the late 19th century, about a hundred years before the Harry Potter books and movies. This place in the timeline allowed the developers to provide an almost entirely new staff for the wizarding school.

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This real-life teacher posted their performance review to Reddit, where they judged the teaching skills of 11 different Hogwarts professors, although Professor Fig avoids receiving an actual rating, as the player never formally attends one of his classes. At the top of the charts are Divination Professor Mudiwa Onai, who the player praised for milling about the room to check on students during independent study, and flying teacher Madam Chiyo Kogawa, for putting together a broom-handling lesson that increases in difficulty. Receiving Satisfactory reviews are Herbology Professor Mirabel Garlick, who is great at building rapport with students but could have warned them about the mandrakes' screams in advance, and Transfiguration Professor Mirabel Weasley, who uses humor to engage students but could offer more time for them to ask questions.

Not Every Hogwarts Legacy Professor Should be Teaching

Unfortunately, the majority of Hogwarts Legacy professors come up short in their assessments. This unfortunately applies to fan-favorite Charms Professor Abraham Ronen, who makes great use of games to get students excited about learning but needs to stop trying to be the "fun" teacher and find something for his other students to do when they're not playing. The same rating applies to Care of Magical Creatures Professor Bai Howin, who is not aware enough to notice her students' abuse of animals, and to Astronomy Professor Satyavati Shah, who forces her students into the freezing cold for outdoor winter lessons.

At the bottom of the heap are Potions Professor Aesop Sharp, History of Magic Professor Cuthbert Binns, and surprisingly, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Dinah Hecat, all for a lack of presence and self-awareness. Binns needs to learn that lecturing is not the same as teaching, while Sharp needs to pay more attention to his students instead of letting them steal from his office and make unauthorized exploding potions. While Hecat structures her lessons well and holds her students' interest, she also stays in her office on the first day of school while students duel in her classroom, nearly allowing Sebastian Sallow to be crushed by a falling dragon skull. At the very least, Binns is able to keep his job, as the ghostly professor is still teaching at Hogwarts during the events of the Harry Potter books and movies.