Following the success of Capcom's Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - a game that reignited the long-running Resident Evil series - several DLC packs were released. In the Not a Hero DLC, players take on the role of Chris Redfield, tracking down Jack Baker's surviving psychotic son, Lucas. Before players can begin their final hunt for Lucas, they will have to make their way through Lucas's final trap, the shield machine.

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Shield Machine Walkthrough

After players successfully remove the bomb from Chris's arm, it's time to track down Lucas, who escaped during the main campaign of Resident Evil 7. Head back to the main tunnel and use the clown key at the main console to gain access to the shield machine. If players have collected enough ancient coins by this point, they can unlock the rewards at the top of the stairs to the left, past the main console.

Similar to the main story, players can unlock a steroid shot for 3 coins, increasing maximum health, or a stabilizer for 5 coins, increasing reload dexterity. If players only have enough coins for one reward, they should pick the upgrade that best suits their play style; however, the health boost from the steroid shot is incredibly useful as players will shortly be forced to fight off several enemies simultaneously while trapped in incredibly close quarters.

RE7 - shield machine - clown key

When ready, players will take the stairs up to the entrance of the shield machine. Grab the loot crate and shotgun shells at the back of the room, and take one last second to reload and organize equipment. Once players descend into the main chamber the doors will lock and enemies will begin spawning from the mold piles in the room. Quickly grab the RAMROD ammo on the crate to the left and get ready to fight.

The first round of molded will spawn predominantly in front of the player consisting of a mix of white and standard molded, be sure to save RAMROD ammo for use on white molded and use Chris' punch attack on staggered enemies as much as possible. Once the first batch of roughly 10 molded are defeated, Lucas will make some quick comments to Chris as a four-legged molded breaks through the crates where the RAMROD ammo was found. Players will face another wave of about 10 molded, this time with four-legged molded in the mix.

RE7 - shield machine - big molded

After the first two rounds of enemies are down, two big white molded will break through the crates in the back of the room. If players can slip past them to the back part of the shield machine and head upstairs, two crates and a box of RAMROD ammo can be grabbed for a mid-fight resupply. Similar to the big white molded boss fight, players can deal significant damage quickly by shooting the white molded once with RAMROD ammo, followed by a quick succession of shotgun blasts from the Thor's Hammer.

RE7 - shield machine - ramrods

Once the two white molded are defeated, Lucas will again contact Chris, pleading for an end to the game and revealing that the entire complex is rigged with explosives. When the conversation ends, players will want to quickly locate a vent entrance on the floor and interact with it to create a way out. Crawl through the air vents and drop through the next grate to escape the shield machine.

Resident Evil 7 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch

MORE: Resident Evil 7: How to Find the Red and Blue Key Cards