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The best way to deal with the many monsters and creatures in the Resident Evil 4 remake is a barrage of bullets or explosives to reduce them to nothing. However, the evil masterminds over at Capcom have often surprised players with enemies that are harder to deal with than normal, requiring players to find alternative solutions in order to overcome them.

One such enemy is the scary Regenerador, a creation that does not seem to want to stay down and will pursue Leon relentlessly like a certain Mr. X. Players can try to shoot it or even remove some of its limbs, but it will always live up to its name and regenerate to continue the hunt. This guide will help players to understand just how to kill Regeneradors in Resident Evil 4.

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How to Kill Regeneradors in Resident Evil 4 Remake

How to Kill Regeneradors in Resident Evil 4 Remake

First appearing in Chapter 13, this enemy is relentless and loves to corner good old Leon. The only way to escape their attention for a short time is either to parry their attacks and chop off their limits or shoot off their legs to buy some time. However, it will soon grow the limbs back and become a problem again.

To take down a Regenerador permanently, the solution is to obtain the Biosensor Scope, which is found in the Incubation Lab. For those who have played the original, this is an updated version of the original Infrared Scope. Armed with the Biosensor Scope, players will then be able to spot the parasites within the creatures, and destroying them will end the Regenerador for good.

Where to Find the Biosensor Scope in Resident Evil 4 Remake

How to Kill Regeneradors Biosensor Scope Resident Evil 4 Remake

To obtain the all-important Biosensor Scope in the game, players must have obtained the Level 2 Key Card from the Freezer. Head on down to the Incubation Lab at the bottom of the stairs after using the Level 2 Key Card, and run to the room at the back. Inside a case next to the Key Card machine lies the prize.

Equipping the Biosensor Scope on a rifle like the Stingray will enable Leon to look through the bodies of these unholy creations. The parasites are then highlighted with a glow, and blowing them all up will kill the Regenerador for good. Considering that players will continue to encounter such enemies, remembering this trick will definitely save some time and the precious life of Leon for the rest of Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4 (2023) is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.