
  • Trevor and Micah are the most morally depraved characters in Rockstar's games, yet they have a strange charm that captivates players.
  • Both characters share a love for violence and impulsivity, using these traits to achieve their goals with unapologetic brutality.
  • While Trevor values loyalty and intelligence, Micah's selfish nature makes him dangerous and unpredictable, impacting the stories they help tell.

Both the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption franchises have featured their fair share of great characters. However, when it comes to characters with practically no morals, Trevor Philips and Micah Bell are at the top of the list. GTA 5's Trevor and Red Dead Redemption 2's Micah have become some of the most notorious characters in Rockstar's long history of games, and they are just as similar as they are different.

These two are some of the most morally inept characters to be featured in their respective franchises, but they are also incredibly compelling in different ways. Micah is the definition of a character many love to hate, while Trevor is a complex psychopath who also has a strange level of charm that is difficult not to be amused by. Characters in Rockstar games help bring the studio's worlds to life, and Trevor and Micah both help ground their games' worlds by reminding players that this is a cutthroat reality where morality is easily pushed to the side.

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Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto: Micah and Trevor's Similarities

A Knack for Violence

Trevor and Micah are violent to a shocking degree. Neither character has an aversion to doing what they feel is necessary in order to survive or get the job done, which leads to them committing some shocking crimes against humanity. The biggest similarity between the two characters in this regard is that they are both completely unapologetic about their violent tendencies. The two men see violence as an important tool.

Micah's top priority is survival, while Trevor's main goal is more of the rush he gets from living by his own rules. Despite the different goals, both see violence as the most efficient way to achieve the desired outcome.

Dangerously Impulsive Personalities

Impulsivity is a defining trait that Micah and Trevor possess, and it only makes them that much more dangerous.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur is appalled at Micah Bell's willingness to go on a shooting spree in the town of Strawberry just to get his prized revolver back. Trevor takes an impulsive personality even further, as he seemingly gets thrown into a rage over the smallest instances, like when Michael or other characters remark on or mock the fact that he's Canadian. It doesn't take much at all for Trevor to flip his lid, and it can lead to some bloody consequences.

Red Dead Redemption and Grand Theft Auto: Micah and Trevor's Differences

One Character is Fiercely Loyal, While the Other is a Lone Wolf

Trevor is a raging psychopath, but he is also ridiculously loyal and seems to genuinely care about and respect the people he allows into his life. GTA 5 showcases Trevor as the franchise's biggest creep, but there is also a strange contrast in the character that makes him so compelling. He holds a shocking level of intelligence and can care, as shown by his decision to get a memorial tattoo for Michael when he once thought he was dead.

Micah, on the other hand, thinks only about himself and his own survival. Arthur quickly notices this about Micah, which comes to a climax when Arthur discovers that Micah has been acting as an informant for the Pinkertons. Loyalty is simply a trait that Micah doesn't care about, as he thinks it is ultimately a quality that can be detrimental to one's survival in a world as harsh as America's practically lawless landscape.

GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 harbor two of the most fascinating characters to grace Rockstar's impressive roster. While both characters boast violent and unpredictable personalities, they differ in ways that greatly affect the people they align themselves with, which eventually have significant impacts on the stories they help tell.