This year PlayStation 5 owners will be able to get themselves a copy of the anticipated new Ratchet & Clank game, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is the highly anticipated sequel that series fans have hoped for many years now, and it looks to be taking full advantage of the PS5 hardware. The game revolves around Ratchet and Clank's journey through rifts and several different dimensions, all as part of another plan from Dr. Nefarious.

When the trailer for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart first dropped, Insomniac Games smoothly introduced a brand-new playable character that took fans by the storm. This is a new female Lombax character never seen before in the series, and it is the third Lombax to be introduced apart from Ratchet himself, with Alister Azimuth and Angela Cross being the other two. She is the first new playable character ever, at least for the mainline games, because in Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One players could also play as Dr. Nefarious and Captain Qwark. Ever since the announcement, fans have been concocting theories about the female Lombax's identity, her name, and how she is connected to the series in the first place.

RELATED: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart's Female Lombax Name Revealed

The New Female Lombax's Name In Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart

As a fan correctly guessed when the hint dropped by Insomniac Games on how players would have felt "rosy" soon, the new female Lombax is called Rivet. The connection, according to this player, is Rosie the Riveter. However, the name is likely to come from a much simpler element, as rivets are regular bolts or screws, which fit the whole mechanic aspect of Ratchet and Clank games.

Another very popular theory was (and still is) that Rivet is actually the female counterpart of Ratchet from another dimension. The new gameplay footage shows just how well she moves on the battlefield, in a much similar fashion to Ratchet. Also, her iconic tool is the hammer she wields, whereas Ratchet's preferred tool is his beloved wrench. Rivet meets Clank after he gets separated from Ratchet, flying through a rift as the consequence of an explosion on a pirate ship. She could really be Ratchet from another dimension, one where Dr. Nefarious always wins and even managed to be crowned emperor, with Rivet clearly fearing the version of Nefarious from her dimension. This would also explain why she seems to know something more about Ratchet.

RELATED: Will Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart's Female Lombax Be Playable

More About The Game, Ratchet, And Rivet

ratchet and clank rift apart photo mode scenery ps5 insomniac

The game is set to be as chaotic as any other previous installment in the series, and it looks like gameplay for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart will see some back and forth action between Ratchet and Rivet. Some players are even comparing this to The Last of Us2, where gamers are able to control two different characters and their playtime is equally split into two separate sections. Whether Rivet will be playable for that long is yet to be disclosed, but she is one of the main characters indeed. Maybe her introduction will shed new light on what happened to the Lombax race.

Among the other things, Insomniac Games revealed the content of RiftApart's Digital Deluxe Edition, which contains five armor sets that can be worn by both Ratchet and Rivet, as well as other goodies like in-game upgrade materials, a Photo Mode Sticker Pack, the Digital Soundtrack for the game, and Digital Art Book. The gameplay looks crispy, and with the incredibly fast loading times from the PS5's SSD system players are in for a treat. Jumping through rifts and hopping to other dimensions is going to be a smooth experience, and who knows, maybe Ratchet and Rivet do end up meeting.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart arrives exclusively on PS5 on June 11, 2021.

MORE: Every Rumor and Theory About Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart's Female Lombax