The PlayStation 5 is only a few months old, but has already racked up an impressive list of first-party exclusives. The most notable is Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, the latest in the long-running action platformer series from Insomniac. The title boasts some of the most gorgeous graphics yet on the console, showing off the capabilities of the PS5's SSD architecture, while also delivering on the same thrills and sense of humor that fans have come to expect.

While the weapons are flashy and graphics pretty, there is an extra layer of fun tucked into Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart that eagle-eyed players should be able to spot. There are a number of clever Easter eggs hidden throughout the game for players to discover. Winks to older games, gags, and a general sense of whimsy is found in these hidden Easter eggs, clearly indicating that Insomniac had a ton of fun while developing the game.

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The RYNO 8 Gun


The RYNO gun in Ratchet and Clank (an acronym for "Rip you a new one") is a long-standing weapon in the series that makes a welcome return in Rift Apart. While the gun making a comeback is exciting enough, it features a brand-new ability that goes beyond the franchise itself and is sure to make PlayStation fans happy. Upon firing a portal from the RYNO 8, dimensional rifts will open and characters from other PlayStation franchises will appear such as Sly Cooper or Jak and Daxter.

Keyblade Reference

Ratchet wields a Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Kingdom Hearts is another long-running franchise, first gaining popularity on the PlayStation 2 like Ratchet and Clank did. Perhaps recognizing this, Insomniac paid tribute to the beloved RPG franchise with an obvious reference to the Keyblade weapon in Kingdom Hearts. Players can swap out Ratchet's trusty Omniwrench for a giant key that looks similar to the Keyblades used by characters such as Sora, Riku, and Kairi. The Keyblade is a heavy, blunt piece of gear, so it will work just as well for Ratchet to bonk bad guys on the head.

Rupees Instead of Bolts

Rupees from The Legend of Zelda appear in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

As gamers blast and bomb throughout the many levels in the game, dozens of bolts will coat the screen. Bolts are the main currency in the Ratchet and Clank games, used to buy weapons and upgrades from vendors across the universe. However, if fans are tired of seeing bolts, Insomniac tossed in some fun alternatives in a cheats menu. In these options is the choice to swap out the bolts for Rupees, an obvious nod to The Legend of Zelda franchise. Rupees are the currency Link collects in those games, so it's fun for Insomniac to reference a series beloved across the globe.

Pirates of the Caribbean

ratchet clank jack sparrow in one image

For a franchise set in far-off galaxies with futuristic technologies, the more fantasy-based Pirates of the Caribbean may seem like an odd inclusion for an Easter egg. However, the minds at Insomniac found a witty way to feature a nod to Disney's hugely successful film series. During the Sardallow Caves segment on the Planet Ardolis, Ratchet comes face to face with legions of nasty robotic Space Pirates. While exploring, Ratchet passes a prison cell with a few chained up prisoners inside. These captive robots are seen attempting to persuade a Robomutt to bring them a set of keys, a reference to a similar scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - and the Disneyland ride, of course.

Lombax Lorbs

ratchet and clank rift apart lorb

Hidden throughout the adventure are a series of Lombax Lorbs, trinkets left behind by a Lombax explorer named Mags. While collecting all of them unlocks new armor, the secret voice messages inside contain even more intriguing information. Mags chronicles his journeys to other exotic settings in various dimensions. Among these audio logs are descriptions for places that sound just like locations from games like Sly Cooper, Knack, and even the LittleBigPlanet franchise.

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is available now on PS5.

MORE: Jak and Daxter Should Get the Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Treatment