
  • Rare's Perfect Dark stands out as a masterpiece with advanced AI, top-notch graphics, and innovative controls for a 2000s shooter.
  • Jetpac Refuelled, a remake after 17 years, offers addictive gameplay with simple controls and fun multiplayer mode for Xbox 360.
  • Battletoads, known for its unforgiving difficulty, could make a nostalgic comeback with precise timing-based challenges in a potential remake.

Rare, especially under the Rareware name, was renowned for its creative use of limited technology. Perfect Dark was their crowning glory, built on the then-innovative features they introduced through GoldenEye 007. Three years of development produced an FPS with advanced AI, amazing graphics for the Nintendo 64, and controls plus weapon functions advanced for a 2000s shooter.

10 Best Games From Rare (According to Metacritic)

From Banjo-Kazooie to Goldeneye 007, these are the cream of the crop of Rare-developed games.

With its reboot on the way, gamers are looking at other Rare games that need revivals like Perfect Dark. Obviously, unless Microsoft can convince Nintendo to form a partnership, Rare can’t re-launch the Donkey Kong series. GoldenEye remasters are also out unless the Wilson/Broccoli family is interested in backing another James Bond game. But even without those bangers, Rare has enough games in its archive to reboot to the next decade.

10 Jetpac Refuelled

Arcade Shooter With Competitive Online Multiplayer Mode

Jetpac Refuelled rare replay version competitive multiplayer arcade shoot em up


Xbox 360


Shoot 'Em Up


Online Multiplayer

Release Date

March 28, 2007

Jetpac Refuelled is a remake itself, but after 17 years, the single-screen shooter is worth another look at. Controls and the primary objective of collecting fuel amid a screen full of enemies are as simple as can be. Special gun effects, easy flying mechanics, and a fun multiplayer mode contributed to the game’s addictive game cycle.

Because of Jetpac Refuelled’s simple concept of jumping around a single screen and blasting aliens, it’s not hard to see Jetpac Refuelled making it off consoles.

9 Kameo

An Elf Girl's Mystical Coming-of-Age Story

Kameo elements of power rare replay version use monster powers adventure game xbox 360


Xbox 360




Local co-op

Release Date

November 22, 2005

Kameo: Elements of Power follows the titular protagonist in her quest to free her family from a conflict started by her jealous sister. Kameo fights trolls and other creatures and solves puzzles by transforming into fire, ice, plant, rock, and water sprites.

Kameo’ was an Xbox 360 launch title and gave players a ton of features to play around with. Although most of these features passed into vogue, Kameo’s implementation of a creature-based evolution skill tree is fun enough to warrant a revisit.

8 Battletoads

Nintendo Hard Arcade Beat 'Em Up With Slimy Buff Toads

Battletoads turbo tunnel the revolution terra tubes hard creature platformer
Battletoads (1991)

Nintendo Entertainment System , Genesis , Nintendo Game Boy , Game Gear , Amiga CD32
June 1, 1991
Rare , Arc System Works , Mindscape
Beat 'Em Up , Platformer

Even before it hit consoles, Battletoads was an infamously difficult arcade game. NES and Sega Genesis players found out why when they had to time their combos and movements precisely to avoid losing HP. The Revolution and Terra Tubes in particular were infuriating for their quick pace and high stakes.

8 Extremely Hard NES Platformers, Ranked

The legendary Nintendo Entertainment System featured some pretty tough platformers, even by today's standards.

Elden Ring and other Dark Souls-like hard games filled the spot Battletoads and other difficult games once filled. But a Battletoads remake would hit that nostalgic spot and timing-based, precision-reliant challenge that the beat ‘em up presented.

7 Blast Corps

Rack Up Millions In Damage To Make Way For Nuke

Blast Corps destruction arcade game earn points by destroying buildings


Nintendo 64


  • Action
  • Puzzle



Release Date

March 24, 1997

The premise for Blast Corps is as silly as can be: players must clear the path of a Speed-like runaway nuclear missile carrier or else risk nuclear annihilation. Players solve puzzles built around these paths using eight vehicles with specific destructive capabilities.

There’s something charming about Blast Corps' over-the-top premise and gameplay. All the wanton destruction seems pointless at first, but once players see the puzzles, it’s more fun finding ways to clear the stage in time. Reviving this in systems that can show off destruction better and create more elaborate puzzles seems like a win.

6 Jet Force Gemini

Galactic Law Officers VS Giant Bugs in Space

Jet Force Gemini action adventure game sci fi setting dog companion rare 3d game


Nintendo 64


  • Action-adventure
  • Third-person shooter
  • Platformer


  • Local versus
  • 2 to 4 players

Release Date

October 11, 1999

Deeply 90s-coded despite its 80s influences, Jet Force Gemini was re-released in 2023 on the Nintendo Switch. The re-release allowed gamers to remember the 3D shoot ‘em up’s active combat, dynamic platforming options, and free exploration of its 15 worlds.

Another good reason for a remake is its ending. Players may not have known at the time, but it was necessary to save all Tribals to see the true ending. A remake can make this requirement better known, or change it in a way to make the true ending more intuitive to obtain.

5 Killer Instinct

Violent Fighting Game That Is Still Fun With Unique Combos

Killer Instinct 1994 violent 3d fighting game unique combo system before 2013 killer instinct
Killer Instinct

Arcade , Nintendo Game Boy , SNES , Xbox One
October 28, 1994

Killer Instinct was a good fighting game buried in 1994’s glut of mind-blowing games. Impressive graphics aside, it featured a life bar system that made rounds feel a bit more tactical. Killer Instinct’s auto combos or “auto-doubles” plus combo breakers started and broke flows that were unmatched for arcade fighters at the time.

But it should be noted that when Killer Instinct is mentioned, people are likely talking about the 2013 version developed by Double Helix Games and Iron Galaxy. The Xbox One debut title still has a hardcore playing base that mulls over its unique combo system, enough so that tournaments are still held for it.

4 Star Fox (Series)

Stoic Fox Pilot Embarks On Cool Space Adventures

Star Fox 1993 star fox 64 star fox assault rail shooter space flight simulator
Star Fox

Shoot 'em Up
February 21, 1993

Star Fox was beloved for its straightforward combination of rail shooting and space flight simulation. It also looked cool with its simple but stylish graphics on the SNES, even more so when it hit the Nintendo 64. Star Fox: Assault was a departure from the formula, but Star Fox Zero course corrected to mixed results.

All the Rare-Developed Nintendo 64 Games That Could Come to Switch Online

Rare released 11 games for the N64 and many are now icons for the industry, so it would be cool to see more added to Nintendo Switch Online.

Modernizing Star Fox’s controls seems like the way to go for a series remake. There’s also an open market for space flight simulators with focused rail shooting and dedicated wingmen that provide neat abilities.

3 Banjo-Kazooie (Series)

Iconic Mascot Platformer That Deserves A Proper Remake

banjo kazooie banjo tooie nuts & bolts 3d mascot platformer needs proper sequel

N64 , Xbox 360
3D Platformer
June 28, 1998

Banjo-Kazooie is available in its original form on the Switch, though it’s not quite the remake long-time fans want. Fans want to see how Rare can translate the whimsy of the title in modern terms. Refreshing Grant Kirkhope’s soundtrack is also big, as Banjo-Kazooie’s sound triggers memories for older players.

First-time players would also have a lot to look forward to if Banjo-Kazooie and its sequels get remakes. Kazooie’s attitude and aesthetics, Tooie’s puzzles and size, and even Nuts & Bolts’ fresh building mechanics offer retro charm codified by the series.

2 Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Simple But Fun Multiplayer Hiding Under Adult Humor

Conkers Bad Fur Day original and live & reloaded 3d platformer with adult humor
Conker's Bad Fur Day

March 5, 2001

Conker’s Bad Fur Day was a rare foray into adult content on a Nintendo console. Conker’s South Park-style juvenile and crass humor was targeted towards young adults who feel like they’ve grown out of Mario but still craved platformer action. Toilet humor and flowers with breasts aside, controlling Conker was actually fun and the story was solid with its gimmick.

Multiplayer also played a big factor in Conker’s debut success. Replacing the need for an expansion pack with simple online play would be enough to show off its seven multiplayer modes. Remaking Live & Reloaded would be a neat extra as its shooting controls are a little better than the original.

1 Viva Pinata

Grand Circle Of Life, Including Death, In Cute Package

Viva Pinata Choclodocus Dragonache Fourheads Tigermisu cute monster breeder
Viva Piñata

PC , Xbox 360 , Xbox One
November 9, 2006
Rare, Climax Group

Viva Pinata offered unique gameplay that hasn’t been completely translated in a modern title since its last game. Gardening, monster cultivation, and food chain management all formed a synergistic game that was fun to play and simply look at.

Unlocking new pinatas required legwork that was made enjoyable through gardening. Managing pinata mating and encouraging the appearance of pinatas to feed prospective residents also had a quirky charm to it. All of it is quite cozy, even with invaders and weeds occasionally wreaking havoc in the player’s garden.

6 Hardest Games By Rare, Ranked

These titles listed below aren't only the hardest games by Rare, some are even considered to be among the most challenging games ever made.